
N.A.S.A. is Locating Ice for Future Moon Explorers

N.A.S.A. scientists believe the Shackleton crater could have 22% ice content in the surface dirt. That's good news for Chinese plans to land communauts on the moon and make Mai Tai's some day; moon explorers may work up a thirst that can't be quenched with bottled water in Washington D.C.
One of the disadvantages of the space station is that since women are unlikely to be able to gestate healthy babies in zero gravity, its somewhat a waste of money unless one plans to have amoeba inhabit the other planets of the solar system. Even growing plants on the moon in one-sixth gravity should require construction of an experimental farm as many colleges have that would recycle water and use solar power in caves dug into crater walls to determine how sustainable recycling life could develop.

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