
Most Warm Spring in U.S. History; Will the Arctic Ice-pack Set a Record for Melt This Year?

U.S.A. Today reported that the spring weather for the United States ran a little more than five degrees above normal. Interesting.
That brings the anticipation that this may be a record year for Arctic Sea ice melt, yet it is not necessarily so. While the 48 states were warm, Alaska is cooler than usual-thats just the way the cookie crumbles.
It is possible to see3 open water near Parry Strait I think (the eastern entrance to the high Northwest Passage and also near the Canada-Alaska border region in the photo below from 'The Crysophere Today of the Icepack June 6, 2012
image credit; N.O.A.A., National Snow and Ice Data Center et al.

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Sartre, Determinism, Experience/Existence and Essents

 I wrote this in replying to a point someone made about Sartre's opinion on determinism... I read the works of Sartre I mentioned exhaus...