
British Guardian Reports Rubio is Best in Model for V..P.

Evidently an associate professor of something-possible in the United States of America-has determined that according to his criteria the best choice would be Florida Senator Marco Rubio for the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate in 2012. It is comforting to know that the Guardian is concerned with political currents in the former colonies.

One must wonder if Rubio would be sympathetic to expanding ubiquitous British surveillance plans into the Hispanic world and even to Equador where Julian Assange is reported to be applying for refuge.
One media narrative is that U.S. Hispanics would vote for another Obama term because the President isn't white, and the Indonesian-Keynyan-Irish skin color is more sympatico to Hispanic voters than the plain vanilla of Romney. Hispanic voters out of work the past four years may find change to a Republican administration is more likely to bring jobs their way than four years more of the same old, same old. Black voters may opt for change in 2012 as well reducing their 99% skin color voting history numbers a little.
President Obama's decree of partial illegal alien amnesty via Janet Napolatano's Department of Mexican Homeland Security may not bring as many votes this fall as the committee to re-elect the President calculated versus dissatisfaction of jobless in the U.S.A.
Marco Rubio may be glib, yet if he hasn't any ecological economic education and a dedication to reform capitalism moving him into the political future of the U.S.A. the next 16 years would be a significant error for the well being of the people of the nation and the world.
Mitt Romney should pick an ecological economics professor for his Vice President who could slow down the creeping end of life on Earth gathering power through the insensitive sprawl of resource displacement and species eradication. The voters already have confidence in Mitt Romney to lead the conventional business cycle-its the unconventional and troubling 'hidden' world currents that the regular media disregards when they are manipulating public opinion. The U.S.A. needs to become and ecological economic reformer, leader in a new nationalism in order to show the rest of the developing world how a reformed capitalism down-sized for local control, full-employment and ecological best-case natural selection can be followed by emerging economies challenged by the limit on physical resources and of their control by concentrated wealth and power.

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Sartre, Determinism, Experience/Existence and Essents

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