
Soviet Biological Weapons Research Continued After 1972 Treaty

In the aftermath of the end of the cold war much information has been found about hidden Soviet weapons programs especially in the development of biological weapons of war. It really is rather remarkable that work continued on weaponizing anthrax, tuleremia, plague, smallpox and a number of additional bacteria and viruses. Evidently the Communist Party leadership and the military developed complimentary weaponization programs for biological war after signing off on a treaty with Richard Nixon in 1972 banning development of offensive biological weapons. There is a book named 'The Dead Hand' that recounts some of the Soviet biowar development history with quotations from principals in some instances.
One of the reasons biowar is especially of concern today after the conclusion of the cold war is the potential use of biological war by randomized terror cells even of one. With the vast quantities of biological information development and broadly disseminated in a variety of venues it is not improbably that covert and even overt research continues on how to weaponize viruses, toxins and bacteria.
Bacteria can be re-engineered to be immune to antibiotics and viruses have been investigated such that they would make the immune system attack the host if they were to survive a viral attack. The possibilities for recombinant genetic engineering of viruses is unlimited, and of course nano-viruses of inorganic inventions have unlimited potential for altering human biological structure deleteriously.
During the cold war era the Soviets tested a number of virus and bacteria delivery systems. The fact that weaponized viruses and bacteria can be so easily and broadly spread about is what might be most concerning to those observing the human social phenomena of producing dangerous technology in the 21st century.


Team Obama's Head Shots at Romney's Dual Presidential Hats/Safer Swiss/Bermudan Banks?

Team Obama's mud slingin at Mitt Romney-a lot of allegations and maybe ifs with no legal support are an alarming way to run a political campaign. If Mitt Romney is indictable for something then the administration should put up or shut up and not just toss mud all day. If it illegal to have overseas bank accounts does that include J.P. Morgan Chase? Are smaller foreign banks safer places to stash retirement savings than too big to fail U.S. banks and minion subsidiaries? If tax liability extends only 7 years then why should Romney provide data for 1999, 2000 or 2001?  Is the Obama administration planning to set the I.R.S. records to audit everyone the past decade or two?

No one assumes that there isn't corruption or bias in politics. The containment of corruption is an effort of those opposed to corruption. Bill Clinton was the President of the United States during 1999 and 2000-the years the Obama administration seems to focus upon as possible years where Mitt Romney may have  defrauded the public by wearing two Presidential hats at once as if he were Bo Jackson while claiming more than a decade later to have been president of just one Olympic games without any corporate leading at that time.. For all I know the Clinton Justice Department could have investigated if there was anything that needed looking in to. Some did believe the Clinton administration was corrupt in some respects though. It seems improbable that the Clintonistas would have been biased toward the future Republican Governor of Massachusetts.

The concept of a political 'system' is in itself interesting. The constitution 'system' of the United States was designed to enable freedom in social and civic relations for individuals, and that system needed to evolve to explicitly recognize the corrupting effects of slavery and non-enfranchisement, yet it fundamentally achieved that.

  The civic sector today in-itself may be implicitly corrupted by over-networking and /or economic totalization of opportunity within the control of elites such as the former communist party of the Soviet Union, or by aristocrats on the right advancing through various means such as oligarchy to plutocracy and monarchy, war and juntas with military dictators and so forth. Dissidents to the regime regard the system as corrupt implicitly while the powerful regard that as correct. The Obama administration has consistently added accelerant onto the civil conflict of Syria-helping to get it started in some respects, and the death total is now over 15,000. Evidently the end justifies the means to the President, with the end being the removal of the Alawite Regime and establishment of a Sunni sectarian government with a nominal democracy.

I ought to clarify that a little because some might willingly disinterpret the reference objects and time literals for political advantage rhetorically speaking.

The abstract consideration of political 'systems' differs from any particular political circumstance in space and time as logic pro forma differs from a particular application of logic.

The basic civil liberty is freedom from the encroaching, exploiting power of others for-themselves. The Soviet system of state absolutism totally subjects individuals to the power of others-a vary repressive social phenomenalism. The Obamacare tracking of poor individual citizens is about as bad as the Yuk Point N.P.R. show today on data mining and tracking of people with smart phones for financial transactions. State authoritarian creates a dumbed down populace with human creativity and inventiveness stifled substantially. It is a bad direction to go in that is as silly as the relief of corporations from meaningful legal accountability via the legal fiction that they are individuals.

That argument is itself an example of what the disputants regard as corruption on the opposition side when it is simply a political situation within the constitutional context enabling it. Some regard social reality as transcendently more real than existential, natural concerns for environmental conservation. There is of course a substantial disingenuity in the left tactic of attacking corporate social reality as legal individuals in that they seek not a reform of capitalism to fit with the times that would maximize free enterprise and social welfare but instead want to move in the aforementioned direction of statism even of a global scale.

Alaska Bear Drops Heavy Load in Forest

 In the news cycle before the party political conventions there isn't too much of compelling interest, so I turned to local sources for something to write about. Recently I observed an exceptionally large deposit of bear scat in the woods, and that seemed newsworthy since a bear had recently broke into my tent.

 If one closely observes the bear scat one discerns the textured content from eating branches, leaves and such in order to get to the blueberries without picking them individually-a difficult task when one has large nails (aka claws) on their four paws. I think that bear digestive systems without a fish diet may process more slowly, conservatively, and so after it ate half of a container of fine Danish Orchard jelly and two pieces of bread there was an immediate purgative effect. The bear left the tent relatively soon and with so much sugar probably jogged along the rest of its usual circuit.
 Black bear developed from a different species than brown bear. Black bear periodically 'borrow' food items from a tent yet make themselves scarce as soon as possible. While the bear was getting its summer snack I was looking at an Internet photo of a brown bear attack on a tent site outside Yellowstone several years ago when a few campers were injured and the partially eaten corpse of a camper formerly asleep in a tent was found some distance away. The black bear that raided my tent went in through the partially open front door and left only about 70 stitches worth of sewing repairs to the tent that it made as it scrapped out the remainder of a block of mild cheddar cheese from near the side of the tent under clothing.
 The bear basically took items that were inessential. The jelly was an extra one in fact that I would have had difficulty doing anything with this year before moving to the next location. I have wondered about interspecies communication now and then, having experienced a few unusual coincidences in the appearance of whales.


Mitt Romney Gold at Bain Capital & Salt Lake City Olympics Simultaneously?

An Obama election clave claim that Mitt Romney excelled as President of the Salt Lake City Olympics being organizer of that concurrently with making millions and millions for shareholders of Bain capital seems absurd. How can anyone be expected to believe that Romney is that sharp at organizing profitable private and public enterprise?
 If Romney had moved on to the Olympic games management before formally quitting his day job can anyone blame him? In the real world quitting one job before starting another can result in no work at all.
 If an interim or transitional management team at Bain capital actually exploited government rules and law to turn a profit sending some jobs abroad it is difficult to fault those players rather than the U.S. Congress for setting the rules of the game. We run right into the parable of N.B.A. rules.
 Can the Obama team expect the Miami Heat to not stuff the basketball in the hoop even if it regarded as an unfair advantage over the shorter players? N.B.A. rule makers would need to ban stuffs and egregious jams if they wanted to stop the advantage that the taller players have over the smaller. If the Miami Heat as honorable and nationalistic players refused to stuff the ball because it did harm to American players (they are the shorter domestic players) then they would lose to the teams that were willing to exploit the jamming/stuffing outsourcing opportunities.
 Plainly it is the role of the Congress to pass laws that advantage American economic players in the 50 states. They cannot rely on corrupt global officiating or an honor system on Wall Street. There is no substitute for plain, simple and well-designed rules that promote the interests of U.S. economic players on then home court.
The advantaged, taller players want to stuff the economic balls globally while the shorter U.S. team wants to create a rule infrastructure that encourages national economic development and full employment. Easy economic treasons are the global convenience of the era of instant global communications and it would require and intellectual brain-trust to reform U.S. nationalism sufficiently to conserve and recover economic and ecospheric development.
Without federal legal reform of economic philosophy that advantages national free enterprise in smaller corporate units and delimits the opportunities for intercorporate shareholding and networking a new global class of taller players without borders will become a politically unaccountable ruling class. That unofficial aristocracy will make a joke of local, national politics fundamentally subverting U.S. nationalism in the political paradigm of the founders of being independent and democratic.
 One hates to think that young players at Bain capital took advantage of the absence of Mitt Romney gone too organize the Salt Lake City World Olympic Games to make quick, cheap profits by outsourcing jobs to China or wherever. In the absence of Mitt's supervision there might have been a breakdown of patriotism in Massachusetts's windows on Wall Street.


An Informal Comment On Free Enterprise vs.Corporatism Historically

I believe that over the history of the United State individualism has been gradually replaced by collectivism in corporations, education, government and so forth. I believe that is circumstantial rather than necessary, and that the concentration of social power is an evolved fact that tends to harm human society as well as help if. I read Sartre's 'Critique of Dialectical Reason' long ago and have since viewed human social organization rather more phenomenally and existentially. One might find a pre-determinism element in Christian Church history however I think even the ecclesiatic organizations are largely gone off course without much of the right priesthood of believers aspect they should have.

 These uncorrected social formations occasional are terminated by revolt or war yet I think the phenomena of social scale remains even following major disasters such as World War Two. The Zaibatsu were taken under the wing of the McArthur administration and corrected with the feudal power ended as well as the religious power of the Emperor yet the size of Japanese corporations grew even so as did the government numbers with democracy. It is a paradox that U.S. democracy has grown so large with concentrated power for-itself tied into granting contracts to preferred corporate bidders or non-bidding contractors as on occasion happened with Haliburton during the Iraq nation rebuilding regime.

American history was fundamentally different from that of many other nations because it started later and with more enlightened leadership. Unfortunately that advantage of individual enterprise and leadership is being subsumed in the corporate greed expansion uncorrected.

One is aware of the European and Chinese history of imperialism of one sort or another, or that of Ghengis Khan and the Mongol hordes ranging across Eurasia. The history of the Middle East and of Mesopotamia from Sargon of Assyria to Nebuchadrezzar of Babylon and of ancient Egypt are examples of countries without a foundation of free enterprise. The imperial characteristic of human society is perennial and re-emerges in uncorrected democratic dynamics with problems of scal and failures of enlightened government public leadership.

In the first century of the existence of the United States land and work for-oneself was more liberally available than today. In 1988 I briefly held a 20-acre federal homestead tract on the Kantishna River north of Mt. McKinley. I could afford remote survey costs and let it go. The program closed down for good shortly thereafter.

Earlier in U.S. history land for homesteading was rather plentiful, and because works wasn't concentrated in corporate control, and because corporations if they existed at all were of far smaller scale individual free enterprises were the norm. Sure large projects and companies came to exist from Salt Works in New York to the construction of the Erie Canal, yet the preponderance of individual enterprises and smallholdings was more of a common fact than today.

One might consider the history of U.S. Grant after he quit the Army in Eureka California because he wanted to go home to Illinois to be with his wife whom he'd seen little enough during the prior years in which he was passed over for promotion. Although he was finally made Captain he'd already sent in his resignation.

Grant worked in Missouri on his own ranch-farm/wooded property cutting wood for-himself to try and survive for a couple years. There was much unemployment back then in the countryside and people found work and life style with their own free effort without waiting to be hired by the large global corporations.

Grant struggled to feed himself and his family and finally had to go to work for his father-in-law as a hardware store clerk in Illinois I seem to remember. It was the outbreak of the Civil War and his advancement as a West Point Grad and history as a quartermaster that led the Governor to appoint Grant leader of the Illinois National Guard and he made the most of his opportunities before taking a commission in the regular Army.

Sure we know about Andrew Jackson's desire to get a fair trading status on the commodities of the Tennessee River with 'globalists' of New York, or of the effort of Ben Ficklin to build a southern route for a trans-continental railroad before the Civil War through Texas to replace the Butterfield Stage line, yet the concentration of wealth in global corporations and it's volatility as in Diamond's Chase 6 billion dollar gamble and loss was not anywhere near as common.

The phenomenality of large corporate networking has increased far from the days when the British Hudson's Bay Company and the East India Company were the closest things to large corporations that existed. Its simply a matter of scale and domination of the geography and marketplace by the corporate globalist world that displaces the free enterprise of the majority reducing it to a vassilized, dependent status upon corporate patronage.

The word 'ret' in the earliest Egyptian language use meant 'red'. Rhett Butler as a symbol for the old south and of the 'greed is good' nature of the slave trade was a character is a liberal tract on the evils of human nature. 'Ret' appeared during the lead up to the complex social allegiance choices between fascism and socialism. Free enterprise was always the right choice-a free enterprise at a human scale within a governed context-yet politically people tended to select the most extreme dysjunctive examples because it is simpler to be rhetorically dogmatic rather than philosophical for most.

Not only did Eisenhower warn of the danger of the military industrial complex even during an era of cold war arms escalations that would eventually lead to one million times the blast power of the Hiroshima device being jointly held between the Soviet Union and The United States, the Vietnam War and of L.B.J. and Secretary of Defense McNam(era) became a kind of corporate McDonald's trillions and trillions of burgers sold in defense procurements to Americans for a series of wars that helped concentrate wealth.

In some of the grand scale of corporate globalism today there are vast planetary empires of networked businesses interfaced with special government projects and politicians kickbacking wealth as a phenomenon displacing alternative free enterprise by the majority of Americans. As wealth and power are concentrated free enterprise inventiveness commensurately declines amidst the polity. There are very few goods or services produced today that could not perhaps be duplicated or developed better with smaller corporations in a more competitive setting.

Corporate franchise feudalism with the Earth spaces controlled by powerful with a variegated yet syncopated concentration of wealth and power in an out of government means renting the right to exist to a degraded humanity seems to be the most likely course of development today. I believe its good to advocate for the taming of the corporate monstrosities to reinforce a more competitive and inventive milieu of free enterprise.

Quantum Teleportation of Information Making Progress

Quantum teleportation experimentalists in China and Vienna have recently made enhanced distance and quantity of photons entangled records. Chinese scientists set a distance record recently of about 100 kilometers. In 2007 a Vienna Group sent entangled photon data in between a pair of Canary Islands 143 kilometers. New efforts may target satellites as receivers for entangled quantum photons.
These experiments aren't like those of Star Trek's transporter room. The information from entangled photons is sent rather than the photons themselves. Science News has a good article on the progress of Zellinger's Vienna team and of the Chinese.
image credit GNU Public License via Wikipedia

President Obama is Not Serious About Eliminating Bush-Obama Tax Cuts

President Obama has suggested that Bush II tax cuts he signed off on in December  2010 be extended again for all except the rich. That seems a campaign ploy. Like the 2010 renewal the President is unlikely to do more than sign off on them again before leaving office.
If the President was serious he would let the tax cuts expire for all and let Democrats in Congress have that leverage for getting concessions on important ecospheric and economic reform legislation in return for a 1% tax cut for the middle class here, and a 2% tax cut on the poor and working class there. Its the only realistic way to go. Gradual reform by a thousand budget cuts and reforms are more practical than the big bureaucratic package compromised to death.

Romey's Bermuda Retirement Account, Obama's Foreign Origin and the Problem of Globalism

The poor at least (who are U.S. citizens) would like America to be for Americans and the rich to invest in creating good jobs in the U.S.A. Many of them don't prefer to have a president raised offshore in Indonesia eating dogs with or without barbeque sauce who won't reinforce Arizona border security or U.S. immigration laws, neither are they thrilled about numbered Swiss accounts, no-tax havens for the prosperous in Bermuda (e.g. Mitt Romney) or Rhodes scholars running for political office in the U.S.A. Bermuda is also a British possession and no right-thinking Republican candidate should touch that empire's financial assets and institutions with a ten-foot pole.

Some of the poor deplore Bill Clinton's Oxford academic treason as well as Tom Harkins Bermuda vacation home. They may hate Charlie Wrangell's Santo Domingan condo properties and wonder why they aren't in Puerto Rico. How can President Obama advocate for illegal aliens as he recently has and let Samoan Americans languish without citizenship-everyone should be a citizen of one country and no more-American Samoans living in a U.S. territory have none.

Americans today are plundered by globalism and existential economics of unaccountability and global irresponsibility. From a Diamond President of Barclay's Bank to a Diamond President of Chase losing 6 billion on the roll of dice the climate of global existentialist self-interest prevails in U.S. politics. Deregulation has made a diner's dilemma macro-social gradual decline into a pit of unprofitability for the national interest. 

Democrats have made the Romney tax-free retirement account holding in Bermuda a campaign issue. It indicates the need for pervasive reform of capitalism such that U.S. free enterprise is featured and the prosperity of all Americans is a concern preponderantly in politics. Americans are global investors in mutual funds and a plethora of other financial instruments yet when everyone pursues their narrow self interest the systems tends to fail just as if everyone at a football game with a 100,000 people sought to pursue their best self interest using the restrooms at half-time making the process inefficient.

Adam Smith and David Hume were friends and philosophically minded. They advocated for capitalism with values in their day adapted to the prevailing empirical conditions of trade, commerce and allocation of personal and public resource. Hayek and Von Mises inquired into the nature of capital and what it is-plants, cash, gold, social structure and so forth. Smith and Hume realized that the pursuit of the good might be construed as capital, for capital is a good that secures the well-being of the individual as well as of the many. The concept of common wealth and ordinary capital build up is a function of the description of the literal, variable meaning of capital at any given time.

In one era water may be the most valuable capital good, in another it might be an oar or a sail. Tradable commodities such as gold may represent capital, or seashells or good social structure such as in a well-trained mercenary army for hire. Capital is an abstract expression of concentrated point phenomena of good states of affairs. It is a failure in modern social and economic theory to recognize ordinarily the concept of capital as a variable representing the epiphenomenal object of goodness to the experience of human life that brings automatic and mal-adapted economic iterations and ideas such as existential deregulation of social commerce to dominate the present mal-adaptive global economic system.

The nature of capital and of ecological economic philosophy is too broad of topic to pursue far in this essay. Yet it should be possible to reform American capitalism such that free enterprise is again accentuated over concentrated wealth through collective corporate structures. The number of individuals employed in any corporation should be limited to 5000 and the number of corporations anyone could invest in would be limited to three. A new age of qualitative economic competition and free enterprise should develop. Yet it needs to develop with the criterion of ecospheric renewal through the necessary vehicle of government regulation, zoning and incentives.

Condolizza Rice Moves Up in V.P. Ranking Competition

Former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser and current President of Stanford University has received recent media attention as a top-ranking potential V.P. choice of Mitt Romney. We hope he does bring the Republican into the 21st century beating the Democrat Party to the punch in placing the first woman inn the Vice Presidential post. The Republican Party ought to recognize that when a quality female candidate-especially a black woman-with the best qualifications to serve the nation is eligible yet passed over it diminishes the trust minorities would place in the party that their personal effort would receive commensurate reward.
The late President Ronald Reagan modernized the White House doomsday communication system informally when Soviet subs off the East Coast launching a pre-emptive nuclear strike would only give the President six minutes to determine if he ought to launch America's missiles at the Soviet targets before Washington D.C. was incinerated. The President decided that instead of evacuating the Oval Office at first early warning to fly to a safe location he would remain right there managing until the last the world's fate. Yet three teams of successors would leave earlier to go to different, safe and undisclosed locations; the Vice President, the Speaker of the House and the Secretary of State. One believes that if some disaster affected American and world destiny one day that Condolizza Rice would be capable of filling the role more than adequately in the emergency.
If a President Romney selects Florida Senator Marco Rubio to be his Secretary of State he will have a capable third team member with valuable experience in world affairs and running a large organization.


Political Mechanics Interview of Administration Economic Guru Tim Gagner

Political Mechanics obtained a priority interview with Administration economic guru Tim Gagner recently. In the fabulously well-appointed hall of curvaceous mirrors we were served neat mint juleps and tiny ornate cookies to munch on though less filling than we deserved.
P.M.- Thank you for consenting to this interview today, we know you are a busy man. Tell us, and truthfully mind you for we know that the truth would agree with the answers I have written here to my questions how you rate the President's first term performance in advancing gay power?
Gagner: He sucks.
P.M.-Well then, that might have been enough for first term supporters, what does he have planned for a second term if re-elected?
Gagner- The President will add enough public debt each year to raise the public debt total to 22 trillion dollars enabling future generations to pay a trillion dollars in annual interest from a five trillion dollar annual federal budget without reducing the debt at all. That plan may not be enough to win over hard-core red state voters, yet I have more leverage that isn't disclosed.
P.M.-What is it?
Gagner- It is our plan to cut taxes and the federal budget from five trillion to three trillion with one trillion set aside to pay down the national debt annually eliminating it entirely in 22 years starting with the next administration following us. The public would have three trillion to spend on frills such as infrastructure development and environmental protection and pay another two trillion for debt reduction and interest on the debt-a trillion apiece.
P.M.- That seems to add up to a five trillion dollar budget to us. How will the public accept the extra two trillion dollars in taxation?
Gagner- It's not a tax. We will require Americans to buy existential insurance from government-approved retailers on a window shelf exchange for a piece of the American dream. It will be a penalty made upon all Americans for breathing.
P.M.-Interesting. What else have you got if that doesn't sell?
Gagner- We have a special on home-built cold molded cruise missiles for fewer than $299. These babies have a range of 100 miles and can deliver a hundred pounds of dissent with off the shelf prop and motor, g.p.s. and optical guidance.
P.M.- That's sure to win a few more votes.
Gagner- You ain't seen nothin. We plan to halt the funding of the communist military and entirely privatize soldiering and the art of war. That will also save trillions of military entitlement programs. Several different private armies and navies in competion for rich contracts will relieve taxpayer of the burden of self-defense. 
P.M.- Anything to increase the single female vote harvest?
Gagner- The President believes that the undermench can be liberated further by placing a penalty upon smiling. Smiling is a way that the undermench show sexual submission to the taller mench.
P.M. -So that's it? Will the President be at the Olympics ?
Gagner- Of course. He would never miss a celebrity happening. He may announce the end of nuclear national competition and outsource ballistic missile leases. We believe that long-range ballistic missiles can lease for a billion dollars per year with full MIRV and MIRV capability, and shorter-range missiles at a discount rate.
P.M.- That is a brilliant plan. Why would Iran develop a nuclear weapons program if they could rent one of our big bangers for just a billion bucks?
Gagner- We will also replace Secretary of State Clinton with the more likable diplomat Sir Don Rickles. The innovations will flow like a million glaciers melting.
P.M. What could be a bigger fulfillment of change than that?
Gagner-Electing Mitt Romney.


Wisdom could be said to be understanding social behavior and development of an ability to understand human behavioral characteristics. It is...