
The Writer's Universe is Expanding Too

That's a good thing for individuals that like blogging about. If one has the time to write and put some intention on it the potential for compensation might be getting better.The writer's Universe seems to be expanding too.

This page has 26 sites that seem recent listings...


This is a site list including a $10 per article page


The there are some of the more traditional sites...


image credit: N.A.S.A./J.P.L.-CalTech 
 Climbing the Cosmic Distance Ladder

The $20 Cardboard Bike for the Masses to Help Combat Global Warming

I like this idea quite a bit. Using new or recycled cardboard for the same use as melted metals could reduce global warming heat emissions.

A lightweight (20 lb.) cardboard bicycle invented by the Israeli inventor Izhar Gafni that he plans to sell for $20 when it eventually reaches the market seems like an especially good idea-concept headed in the right direction regarding renewability and eco-friendlyness.
Made from ordinary cardboard and glue the bike stylishly omits use of most metal required for usual bicycles. In production it will have no metal parts at all. Low-cost bikes for the second and third world, disposable bikes for American trans-continental trekkers, and perhaps sit-down three or four wheel bikes with a lightweight electric fuel cell wheel motor and a wind screen might bring cheaper personal transportation to billions.


The energy cost required for a cardboard bike ought to be less than that of a metal allow bike. If only there were a trans-continental network of bike paths the adventurous would have someplace to go more or less safely without concern of being squashed by a semi-truck on the side of the highway.


Michigan Set to Become a 'Right to Work' State

It should be unneccesary to say in the U.S.A. that an individual has a right to work without being a member of any organization. Yet Michigan will pass such a law evidently because some Unions have excluded American citizens from work based upon not paying dues to some organization. Organizational power has run amok in the U.S.A.-more so the large corporations than unions, but every little bit taken to defend the individual from the power of collectives is good.

Labor unions often take political stands and advocate the election of particular candidates or support particular platforms. It is wrong to compel any citizen to belong to a political activism organization with political goals they don't support. Some organizations these days are opposed to individual free speech on the Internet too as some language might be generally offensive to members of a special class.

It would be useful to limit the size of corporations to 3000 employees. A corporation needing more for a special project could find sub-contractors. Competition should increase in the corporate world and government power and size to stay up with large global corporate power would not be as challenged.

Unions cannot compensate for ineffective governance in the modern world. It is helpful to have a cohort of people supporting one in finding economic justice, and the government ought to defend the rights of citizens from experiencing unfair foreign labor competition arriving illegally in the U.S.A. Ironically it is the neo-socialist left Democrat constituency along with some of the wealthy that have supported illegal and cheap foreign migrant labor into the U.S.A. stimulating vicious labor competition and the general decline of labor union vitality. They have made their own unionism ineffective, yet they desire to receive the comfortable benefits of secure good-paying jobs to the last even as tens of millions of Americans are unemployed and can't  find work at all.


Higher Taxes Ahead to Pay for A Decade of Interminable Foreign Conflict?

I read a book by Lester Thurow-the economist in 1999 describing styles of national economic management. The Bush II administration fit the maint. method-largely uncreative and reliant upon military and natural resource extraction business and the war on terror has been profitable to bureaucrats and the extraction industries and military contractors. I think that's likely to continue for a while.




Negative interest rates for government auction of debt allowed the U.S. and U.K. to erase nearly  40% of public debt between the 1940s and 1970s. It's an odd concept for us non-economists, yet perhaps the quantitative easing does that. During the 40s to the 70s U.S. economic growth was more substantial than today however, and the public debt was nearly so large. Negative interest rates on auctioned government bonds purchased by the Fed (who else would do that?) might have long rang effects in other areas one would think.



Plainly not increasing taxes to pay for the Orwellian forever 'war' isn't historically a good idea. The public really hasn't felt the cost yet. I wonder if the female majority in the Democrat Party that are middle class have the slightest interest in having their taxes increase? In the future it may require a triple portion of taxation to pay for that trillion dollar a year in interest, for which the people will get nothing material in exchange by the end of the Obama administration.


If there are political consultants channeling F.D.R. to political leaders contemplating the federal budget it is possible that F.D.R. might whisper to them 'Cut taxes and economic growth will pay for two wars' yet in my opinion it's doubtful.

If a nation hasn't a good sense of direction or purpose it would find it difficult to lead. The New York Jets football time might be an illustrative example-as are the Philadelphia Eagles. Each team could probably do better if they had Tim Tebow and Michael Vick sharing the running quarterback role with an Adrian Peterson in the backfield too. The method of keeping a running Q.B. benched or playing them full time rather than half-time to recover from head butts and gut shots is just ineffective.

The U.S.A. probably needs to be an ecological restoration business leader rather than a global corporate outsourcer of its own national independence accompanied with a left agenda of making the rest of the world comfortable for a butch hegemony under corporate censorship of expression.


2010 Drought Killed a Lot of Amazon Rainforest Trees

New data gathering method found that 4% of the trees in severely drought affected areas of the Amazon rainforest died in a 2010 drought. That rate is 400% higher than normal. Global warming causing northern forests to warm up and let beetles breed year-round to infest and kill Canadian pine trees isn't the only problem that warmer temperatures cause for forests.


Some scientists say this is a problem for forests in the next few decades rather than in the year 2100. Global warming has the potential to cascade ecosphere issues sooner than the U.S. Government might be prepared for.


Reduce Spending, Return to Clinton Tax Rates & Make a New Dept. of Global Warming Remediation

The U.S. Government ought to try to act like grown-ups more in the sense of being efficient, accountable and effective instead of not so much. Because global warming may become a grave national security threat a new Federal Department should be created to coordinate American response on-the-fly as a realistic way to deal with more forest fires, more drought, more dry Mississippi River channels, desertification of farmland, hurricanes, coastal flooding, population immigration emergencies and so forth.

The Department needn't have a large budget initially. It would do well to have a division of direct attack on global warming causality, one on economic innovation and transition as environmental conditions change, and one to modify the environment directly within an increasingly hot world.

http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/12/08/us-usa-stormsandy-aids-idUSBRE8B61AH20121208 President Obama wants $60 billion for storm repairs
That last department would seek to reinforce wild habitat and to create new forms to continue viable agricultural habitat including large scale desalinization of sea water and replanting of areas that have lost their traditional ecospheric compliment of flora and fauna because of climate change.
In the meanwhile balancing the federal budget post-hast with budget cuts where possible and letting the tax schedules return to a responsible level such as existed during the Clinton era in order to run a surplus and pay off the federal debt soon saving a trillion in interest annually in the process should be done. Of course Rush Limbaugh is only for tax cuts and seems to believe that global warming is a hoax. Oh well, he now and then has some fair opinions on other topics.


The Foundational Questions Institute and Points of Cosmology and Philosophy

The December 2012 issue of scientific American has an informative article on the work and essays sponsored by the Foundational Questions Institute. http://www.fqxi.org/

David Tong-a theoretical physicist-wrote an article on the topic of the quanta of the smallest scale as digital or continuous. That's a philosophically interesting topic. Foundational questions have been philosophically pursued since people were able to think. 

Today one wonders not only about mass, but about dimensions and the philosophy of dimensions. Is their are an infinite number. If their is just one source hyper-dimension comparable to a Higgs field is that hyper-dimension infinitely divisible, or how dimensions connect together? How can one dimension be anything besides a dot singularity of infinitely small size? If a dimension fails to expand tied into some field does it remain at a particular one-dimensional size? How would anything with one dimension have direction or size?
Physicists theoretically study mass with math constructs such as appear in 'Calibi-Yau eleven dimensional space' etc.in order to design structures that would account for the mass order and quantum physical structures supporting the observable universe yet that seems an arbitrary and phenomenal selection of dimensions.

A friend of Albert Einstein named Paul Ehrenfrest explained why mass could appear stable and coherent in just three dimensions of space. There seems to be an infinite potential to consider the metaphysics that are possible beyond the physics of the phenomenal Universe (1).

2012 London Chess Classic Moves to Round Six

The 2012 London Chess Classic completed five rounds (there are nine) with many of the best players in the world including the all-time (so far) woman's chess champ Judit Polgar competing for the top prize.
There are several top chess competitions each year including blitz matches of as few as five minutes (or watch good players at chess.com battle in three minute matches) and up. Top-ranked Magnus Carlsen is leading so far with Vladimir Kramnik in second and the American Hikaru Nakamura in third. Nakamura defeated the second ranked player in the world Levon Aronian in the first round with and interesting and stifling defense. He has been said to have worked with former world chess champion Garry Kasparov recently and maybe that improved his game.
Viswanathan Anand of India is also in the running. He won a world chess title this year and is from India where the game was invented. For those that are a little bit far away from playing football yet enjoy following sport standings in the abstract the game of chess is fun to watch. With a little investment of time YouTube chess videos and play at chess.com (free)one can learn chess well enough to understand even simple opening of the Magnus Carlsen variation of the Magnus Smith trap in reply to the Sicilian Defense and the Fisher variation too. 


Fiscal Cliff Zombies Walk the Green Mile

President Obama fresh from a 'We didn't build that' comment on a drone Iran captured (or built themselves) had time to comment on the Republican Existential Greed Party plan to fairly extend and enhance tax cuts for the wealthy in order to help concentrate wealth and let jobs trickle down to China, India and Mexico while accelerating global warming greenhouse gassing in effect  said of the Republoft plan, 'Drop dead'.

Speaker Boehner in the avant guard wing of the Republican Party entertaining ideas of letting millions of Mexican workers flood the nation to help create jobs for Mexicans and votes for Republicans-Republican strategists are sure that poor Mexicans will be grateful to Republicans for letting them in and will vote to concentrate wealth for millionaires and billionaires) said in effect 'Drop Dead' to the President's plan for avoiding the fiscal cliff by letting the rich pay Clinton era tax rates.
The default plan to let the dread Clinton era tax rates return seems nearly unavoidable now as the respective plans appear to be dead men walking. We find this rather interesting. As the only political party in history to have used a nuclear weapon in war, the Democrat Party is not reluctant to go off the deep end.

 image credit White House.gov


China Increases CO2 Pollution to More Than 10 Billion Tons Annually-World Output Up 3.1

An article published Sunday in Nature Climate Change reports planetary CO2 emissions increased 2.6% in 2012 with China being the greatest polluter increasing its emissions to more than 10 billion tons while the U.S.A reduced its emissions yet is still second in rank at 5.9 billion tons. The trend of other countries such as China and Russia to increase their CO2 output along with the developing world presents a gloomy scenario for controlling global climate change and temperature increases. Scientists expect that the higher range of temperature increase scenarios will develop rather than the moderate.
Inn 2011 global carbon dioxide releases increased by 3.1%. Without strident and ecospherically correct U.S. economic leadership toward low-entropy, low carbon production methodical transformation of production infrastructure the Lovelock prophecy of planetary population crash with desertification by emerge one day in the distant future a hundred years or two.

Can a 'True Author' Have Fewer than 10 Million Words in Print?

 I don't use AI to write fiction. I tried editing with it and that didn't work. It would cut out 2/3's of whatever I let it work...