
Relativistic Time Distortion Cohering Discretely in Widget Spacetime (science fiction)

Excerpt from 'The Universal WIdget" 
Worldlines ©2013

It seems that the widget can boot up into reality at whatever scale converting mass energy into little widgets directly. Apparently the widget is more fundamental than the Higgs Field. You notice that gravity has stopped and time has quit. Relativity coheres with mass and energy so with the widget replacing mass and energy time has become relativistic, discrete and stationary as an attribute of the widget field following whatever way the widget sentience or directions-from whatever source that might be, wills.
"So that means that besides no gravity there is no time either?"
Evidently Yvonne. We seem sustained by some personal field developed concurrently with the widget field. The widgets haven't yet consumed our mass energy. The space-time energy for-ourselves coincides with experience of being.
"Your spacetime is one of my memories" the sky replied.
"I think that was the widget Patrick"
Yes of course it is Yvonne.
I asked the widget 'So how's life?'
"Same old, same old" spake the widget.
Though we are a memory widget, I think we are real even so. We exist as real independent beings within your present memory.
"How thoughtful you are Patrick Voevoda. Think about this; as all widgets that exist in widget reality are of my sentient design, and since all things that I made to exist  could be constructed in any time order it follows that everything I think is pre-determined to exist phenomenally."
The widget evidently created its form as a local infinity of discrete widgets without any content from the standard model of quantum physics. It could build its own content and scale up or down with relativistic mass. Its own mass was relativity to its intention with variables of composition forming unique steady-state of fundamental energy. Energy without space-time mass needed to exist in quantum packets that weren't of infinite value themselves. Time could be reassembled into whatever structure the widget configured. 
Yvonne asked "Widget of widgets have you a name?"
 "No one ever asked. Of course I have a name."
Well that settles that Yvonne.

I asked the widget, "No time is passing now for us. You must replacing our standard mass quanta with your own steady state quanta as we speak, continuously."


House Republicans Should Pass a Border Security Bill-Not Amnesty

Democrats have except no interest in defending the American working class. It is a middle-class party of greed chasing after Wall Street and boardroom positions. They can offer depravity and benefits to the upwardly mobile class yet much may be smoke and mirrors as real wages decline for the middle class and families often have two SUV-winners. The ordinary working class is history's lint. Workers need to rely on Republicans to stop illegal migrant worker saturation of the nation and that is like expecting slavers to defend against importation of slaves. With so much cheap labor globally and with Democrat Party leaders levering more and more the future of those without Democrat Party  class qualifications or wealth is decreasingly bright.


Since the end of the cold war the national Democratic Party has thrown in the towel on the defense of working class economic facts. Labor unions were sent to the hospice of economics while Democrat Party bosses moved toward Wall Street, Krug champagne and salmon caviar. 

Democrats signed off on the unnecessary Bush era foreign wars and supported outsourcing of jobs to China and insourcing of illegal alien workers. With the post-cold war environment of billions of new laborers too compete against the only way to defend American workers from drowning in global competition was to enforce border security and keep illegal migrant workers out. In the decline of American industrialism and wages of the working class sober management of national labor supply was vital. Democrats refused to secure the Mexican border against terrorist and illegal worker crossing.

The present Democrat administration has set an agenda of poverty for a new generation of American workers compiling vast public debt with permanent low wages. When inflation returns high unemployment and inflation may make purchases of food difficult. Yet the public is encouraged to live on government food and phone life support anyway, who needs work, and what value are college degrees anyway when cheap labor supply is available and millions of service jobs can be made to steady even the unemployed middle class in minimum wage work?

Republicans should pass a border security bill in the House. If after five years of zero illegal immigration they want to take another look at the separate issue of what to do with the ten to twenty illegal aliens already in the nation that would be reasonable. It is probable though that it would require five years minimum to even construct an effective Mexican boundary control zone across the southern border. A decree by King Canute will not just roll back the tide with a pleasing aesthetic ambiance.

So why should anyone believe the next try would be better? Before the last virtual border fence was built Congress believed it was a sure-fire state-of-the-art go. Selling the Brooklyn Bridge to the Senate might not be as difficult or take weeks to get 68 votes. The Los Angeles Times reported in 2010 that the virtual fence worked on just 53 miles of the 2000-mile border.

The last time D.H.S. did not have adequate over-site of its prime contractor. After reading a quality fiction book by the attorney who impeached Gov. Blogojevich of Illinois about government insider corruption one wonders if Boeing of Chicago- the builder of the last virtual fence- will bet returning to the friendly Obama trough again.

The Secure Border Initiative was virtually a leaky bucket of a sales job. The physical fence was not completed and the virtual fence was non-sense. Since the contract for the last one was cancelled in 2011 the administration and Democrat accomplices of the Senate might feel its time to shovel some more pork.

Operation Igloo White developed by the U.S. Government during the Vietnam Conflict was one of the first large scale efforts at constructing a virtual fence to interdict opposition employment force illegal aliens. Those soldiers were of the communist political theory and infiltrated supplies down the Ho Chi Minh trail in to the Republic of Vietnam. The sewing of sensors along the trail to alert satellites and scramble bombing missions when opposition work-force infiltrators arrived to cut down the average wages of free market workers (well, perhaps this analogy isn't terribly accurate yet the point that the virtual fences are too expensive is the point here) of poor South Vietnamese peasant laborers wasn't entirely ineffective. 

The costs of the virtual fence were said to be a self-inflicted wound to American treasure as it was asymmetric economic war. The military supplies lost by the infiltrators were of far less cost than the virtual fence technology. Personnel costs to the infiltrators were significant.

Physical barriers are sometimes effective against ground-game invaders. Hadrian's Wall built by the Roman Army in the 2nd century along the Scottish border kept those savages out of Roman England for quite some time. Illegal aliens today have more numbers and technology than the Scot savages back in the day yet not the energy and time. If Hadrian's Wall worked against the Scots a new, improved berm with hybrid electric cars driving along the top to patrol should work now.

Building physical boundary defense walls creates jobs. They can also set aside ecological reserve areas for wildlife-perhaps jaguars and other endangered species of the South. The two lines of Walls of Constantinople kept the Byzantine Empire safe enough for nearly one thousand years. And let us not forget Offa's Dyke of the 8th century that protected Mercia from the savages of Powys (Welch) back in the day. The berm was as much as 85 feet wide and 8 feet high and ran along areas between the kingdoms without natural barriers.

Clawdd Offa can be an inspiration to builders of a meaningful new border barrier between the U.S.A. and Mexico. An All-American aqueduct could be built along with a berm to carry saltwater pumped up from the Pacific Ocean to the continental divide that is allowed to flow downhill in each direction. Some of the saltwater would be evaporated and condensed under plastic to make freshwater for agriculture and recreation. Solar power might be used to give a boost to the vast siphon exploiting the difference between Pacific and Gulf of Mexico waters to maintain a constant flow rate to replace water lost to evaporation and other uses.

A border barrier recreation and desalination zone would be a better project than a sterile fence that doesn't grow anything at all and is an experimental area for infiltration, climbing, tunneling and so forth. A fence is a thing that inventors might use large mortars to launch illegal watermelons over, and catapults flinging people with parachutes might be attempted on the silly fence. Probably fence contractors want the work that thereafter is as much an eyesore as any for-profit prison's fences.

Why the U.S. Congress has no imagination or desire to make a profit on large-scale projects these days is uncertain. In former times they has the Columbia Basin project, the Apollo program, The Tennessee Valley Authority and so forth. The Congressional ideas about border security flim flam fencing are irritating. Some of us like neighborhoods without ugly California fencing subdivisions so that wildlife can wander freely. Border control zones need aesthetic earthworks and water filled canals that are useful and park-like yet effective. Building a prison infrastructure to keep unemployed Americans from leaving eventually isn't a good idea. Teach the unemployed to fish in a desert by building a canal filled with piped-in water is to keep illegal workers out too.

 Even two border patrolmen per mile instead of one won't stop careful infiltration of terrorists and shock workers. Without patrol cars driving atop a series of reinforced berms with green space between as well as canals the defense infrastructure is more to keep bureaucrats and lawyers out rather than illegal workers that Democrat politicians like.

Obama Administration Declares Egypt Military Takeover Not-A-Coup

The Coup d'etat in Egypt led by General Al-Sisi seems satisfactory to the Obama administration. President Obama's press mouthpiece has deemed it not-a-coup in order to continue giving billions of dollars to the incipient junta promising free and fair elections down the road. The semantics, or rather dissimulation of executive rule by decree and selective law enforcement is a growing trend in the U.S. Government. Power is sweet I suppose. President Obama should follow the law instead of breaking it whenever he deems it useful.

Paramount leader Al Sisi might better declare Egypt to be a constitutional Pharaohship and bring in British royals as advisers about setting it up. Like British royals the Pharaoh could just step in whenever the Parliament and P.M. mess up and can't balance the budget on very rare occasions. A benevolent military pharaoh could be just the big brother the people of Egypt want and that President Obama appears to support. Whenever politicians go too far it's good to know the military will step in and restore normalcy at least if it's in someone else's country.

Since the Iranian not-a-coup restored a Shah to Iran's Peacock throne driving out P.M. Mosadegh and downsizing the Majlis the United States has trended toward managing autocracy and democracy relations on a sliding scale,sometimes with word labels as noun variables contingent upon circumstance, need and resource extraction interests. We are not certain what the administration position is in either nation (the U.S. or Egypt). Probably what they should do is cut off financial aid to Egypt immediately due to coup and restore it when they have an election with a fair and balanced result soon. Instead of military aid we could give the people Obama phones for the same price. Democrats cannot rely upon twittering except at their peril.


General AL-Sisi Boots President Morsi-Suspends Constitution

Declaring the constitution suspended the friendly and benevolent, populist Egyptian Army gave the boot to President Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. The public grievances with the brief year tenure were evidently insufferable enough to force the drastic step of a populist coup. That is sort of a quid pro quo for President Morsi's giving short shrift to public input to rewriting the constitution of Egypt after the ouster of President Mubarak.


One wonders if Edward Snowden will return home to the U.S.A. for the forth of July and like Socrates just bite-the-bullet for what he believes in. Maybe he believes in wikileaks and Julian Assange more.

I would agree with Mr. Snowden if he had my point of view right off. I think that the U.S. political system is terminally corrupted by the lack of public service as the greatest generation experienced. Generations of spoilt subsequents to the greatest generation are globalists, outsourcers, compilers of public debt, ruled by a corrupt broadcast media owned by powers of concentrated wealth and neither major party is worth a damn at nationalism.

Mr. Snowden might be able to get sanctuary in Egypt while they are between governments and enjoy viewing the pyramids. Its a good time to enlist in the Egyptian army I suppose. Their stock seems to be on the rise.

The Greatest Generation Followed by Generations of Greed Without Public Service

The generation of the second world war brought more than 20 million Americans into military service from a population of perhaps 140 million. After the demobilization social comprehension of government and feelings of equality were pervasive. There was a better social management of  government, taxation, public debt and national development was key. Yet in a declining level of public military service and rising tide of generation-me and globalism the public sector has fallen into decline. It is the public sector that enable private sector prosperity with good government. It is the public sector that should defend the environment rather than give away some of the last stands of old growth in the Tongass National Forest.


With so few elites ever serving in the military and with unlimited capitalism erasing democratic common sense wealth has concentrated, globalism and international develop has surpassed concern for the national well being of environment, infrastructure and employment. Public debt has increase and the border become porous with decline of unionism and real wages. These are logical development of the aloof beneficiaries of generations following the victory of the greatest generation.

In every generation there are those with the fire of nationalism and spirituality such as drove the qualitatively greater generation of the founders. Quantitatively the greatest generation of the second world war era surpassed the populace that followed in the number of individuals that fundamentally understood the relationship of government to society and the environment. That some might arise to lead the present generations to restoration of liberty and economic justice for all is necessary if anyone is to care about the future of the United States or even perhaps life on Earth in decline during the era of mass extinction and global warming stimulated by industrialization and inefficient natural resource use.

Competitive Edge of Secondary Growth on Mature Fir Tree Trunks

In northern coastal old growth forests a canopy develops from tall trees screening out light to the branches below. In the deep quiet forest the underlying branches have died off from reduced sunlight. Perhaps the upward growth of the trees to gain height is a result of natural selection for fastest upward mobility in competition of rival spruce, hemlock and fir. Cedar trees stop growing somewhere south around Kupreanov Island. They are excellent at low dense ground covering starts resembling bushes competing with themselves choking out other species. There may be an exception to the prevalent conifer tree rule that tree trunks become bare of branches in old growth forests.

Some mature northern coastal fir trees develop a dense covering of tiny branches on the trunk. While larger, primary branches have gone through their cycle of growing large to later die off and rot away as new branches grow higher up leaving the large tree trunk bare, there is still a little light reaching through the treetops and the dense branches. That bare trunk is wasted space so far as photon collecting goes. It is a metaphor for human use of urban environment and prevalent downsizing of Earth-ecosphere

An evolutionary adaptation of tall firs in rain forests is to exploit all that dead space devoid of photon collecting needles (conifer equiv of leaves) and grow a covering of tiny branches with needles. Fir trees-maybe in a homonym of fur may have tree trunks covered with a dense growth of small branches growing directly out of the trunk. Many firs don't have that. I don't recall observing that and many locations in S.E. Alaska.

I have no idea if the fur-like covering of very small branches dense with fir needles absorbing light reaching through the trees input their chemical energy from photosynthesis directly into the upward growth of the tree or if they are local, independent tiny trees just growing out of the trunk's bark in the annual wetness.

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/07/130705121051.htm one wonders if some vegetable plants could be made to grow on some tree trunks.

I will post a picture of a fir about 75 years old with a dense trunk cover of tiny branches. I haven't seen that kind of growth on cedar, hemlock or spruce. On the left is the fur-covered fir tree and on the right is a bare trunk of a usual tree and that emerged into more light after logging. In unlogged areas with 75-year old second growth approximately) the phenomena is common. One wonders if the trait is genetically isolated or if cedar, hemlock and spruce trees could be made to develop that trunk covering to increase photon collection for photosynthesis.


Tour de France 2013 Reaches 4th Stage- American Riders Doing O.K.

The United States has three riders seventeen seconds off the lead after the 4th stage of the 2013 Tour de France. One wishes that Fox Radio had hired Lance Armstrong for regular commentary on the race to liven up the posturing a little.

Team Garmin with Van Velde, Talinsky, Danielson and Van Garderen (26 seconds off the lead) looks strong for the U.S.A. Australia also looks strong this year too with Simon Gerrans wearing the yellow (amarillo ) shirt of power given to the first-place guy.


How M.B.A.s, Globalism & Networks Kill Life on Earth

The Wall Street transition of the U.S. economy into foreign investment and globalism with speed of light stock trading, tranching, arbitrage and social networking makes for a smaller planet without many idea-firewalls remaining. M.B.A.s are about managing and manipulating existing business structures rather than inventing new material processes. Bankers and M.B.A.s are not inventors or scientists generally. Even the independent start up inventor seems a little anachronistic or quaint when big bucks are made with fast and clever programs and entertainment. The system clearcuts the wild as if it were a practico-inert object-for-profit.

None of this is good for the prospect of democracy leading national economic change to one of hundreds of alternative synthetic forms of capitalism that would reduce mass-consumption of non-renewable resources, conserve biodiversity, cut back on pollution and reverse global warming. The greed-is-good ethos provides a red herring that environmental is a concern of communists or former communists. Those most invested in a particularly virulent and aggressive form of capitalism have blinders on to economic philosophy and the thousand faces of capitalism that are possible with competent political direction in ecological and economic theory and practice.

The United States has evolved a practice of capitalism as a social absolute in-itself in which the ecosphere is an externality. That is myopia of the worst kind. The world is the nasty, rationalized funhouse the animals live upon. Just making it comfortable without concern about using it up won't work very much longer.

Republican failure to lead is understandable. The default of intelligent voters to the dark side of the moral force (Democrat Party) is the only alternative to walking the plank of ecospheric doom of right wing talk radio and oil-soaked Presidential candidates. The President just uses the environmentalists to get elected yet doesn't walk the walk of the radical ecological economist at all. He flies an entourage on Air Force One to Hawaii or a Golf course with the slightest provocation.

Development at all costs is the economic foundation of a nation where only a minority actually makes anything physically. When so many have so much invested in making money off of foreign manufacture and other people's production none have an interest in changing the way things from a disposable economic model to a renewable sustainable economic foundation within a recovering ecosphere.

President just promised to give three African countries seven billion dollars for electricity production doubling that continent's production. It may also support increased resource consumption. The U.N. millennium project cost far less-why wasn't that funded at all? Training African economies to work on an ecological economic basis of high renewability, sustainability and conservation and recovery of wild habitat are vital for the survival of life on Earth including human life. The United State of America' has so far proven itself incapable of being a leader in the right direction however.

America's own economic transition to a post-industrial society with speed-of-light global stock trading has defeated national prospects for creating a sustainable economy with free enterprise, national self-determination, full-employment and a recovering ecosphere. That is the hard fact. 


Egypt Moves Toward Gay New World Order; General Sisi Gives Morsi 48 hours to Toe the Line

Egyptian evolution of a new political order continues with instructions from Army General Sisi to President Morsi to toe the line and set  new elections or new parliamentary elections (I am not sure which). The Muslim Brotherhood h.q. in Cairo was sacked by a crowd of resisters to rule by the Muslim Brotherhood New National Order that has curtailed frills of political opposition opportunities for dissent. Hence the populist neo-intafadah has turned out in the streets seeking to restore the right of women to wear pants and for homosexual marriage I would guess. Maybe the Obama donation of seven billion dollars for African electrical development helped persuade the crowd that the man with the dollar printing press is the true cue to follow and that is the way of Boston Brahmin (Is that singular and plural simultaneously like deer or bear) toward a Gay New World Order.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23133174 The Sisi Ultimatum




Last Virtual Mexican Border Fence Was a Billion Dollar Flop-Better Ideas

So why should anyone believe the next try would be better? Before the last virtual border fence was built Congress believed it was a sure-fire state-of-the-art go. Selling the Brooklyn Bridge to the Senate might not be as difficult or take weeks to get 68 votes. The Los Angeles Times reported in 2010 that the virtual fence worked on just 53 miles of the 2000 mile border.





The last time D.H.S. did not have adequate over-site of its prime contractor. After reading a quality fiction book by the attorney who impeached Gov. Blogojevich of Illinois about government insider corruption one wonders if Boeing of Chicago- the builder of the last virtual fence- will bet returning to the friendly Obama trough again.



The Secure Border Initiative was virtually a leaky bucket of a sales job. The physical fence was not completed and the virtual fence was non-sense. Since the contract for the last one was cancelled in 2011 the administration and Democrat accomplices of the Senate might feel its time to shovel some more pork.


Operation Igloo White developed by the U.S. Government during the Vietnam Conflict was one of the first large scale efforts at constructing a virtual fence to interdict opposition employment force illegal aliens. Those soldiers were of the communist political theory and infiltrated supplies down the Ho Chi Minh trail in to the Republic of Vietnam. The sewing of sensors along the trail to alert satellites and scramble bombing missions when opposition work-force infiltrators arrived to cut down the average wages of free market workers (well, perhaps this analogy isn't terribly accurate yet the point that the virtual fences are too expensive is the point here) of poor South Vietnamese peasant laborers wasn't entirely ineffective. The costs of the virtual fence were said to be a self-inflicted wound to American treasure as it was asymmetric economic war. The military supplies lost by the infiltrators were of far less cost than the virtual fence technology. Of course personnel costs to the infiltrators were significant.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbO30to1f60  Operation Igloo White Summary

Physical barriers are sometimes effective against ground-game invaders. Hadrian's Wall built by the Roman Army in the 2nd century along the Scottish border kept those savages out of Roman England for quite some time. Illegal aliens today have more numbers and technology  than the Scot savages back in the day yet not the energy and time. If Hadrian's wall worked against the Scots a new, improved berm with hybrid electric cars driving along the top to patrol should work now.


Building physical boundary defense walls creates jobs. They can also set aside ecological reserve areas for wildlife-perhaps jaguars and other endangered species of the South. The two lines of Walls of Constantinople kept the Byzantine Empire safe enough for nearly one-thousand years. And let us not forget Offas Dyke of the 8th century that protected Mercia from the savages of Powys (Welch) back  in the day. The berm was as much as 85 feet wide and 8 feet high and ran along areas between the kingdoms without natural barriers.

Clawdd Offa can be an inspiration to builders of a meaningful new border barrier between the U.S.A. and Mexico. An All-American aqueduct could be built along with a berm to carry saltwater pumped up from the Pacific ocean to the continental divide that is allowed to flow downhill in each direction. Some of the saltwater would be evaporated and condensed under plastic to make freshwater for agriculture and recreation. Solar power might be used to give a boost to the vast siphon exploiting the difference between Pacific and Gulf of Mexico waters to maintain a constant flow rate to replace water lost to evaporation and other uses.

A border barrier recreation and desalination zone would  be a better project than a sterile fence  that doesn't grow anything at all and is an experimental area for infiltration, climbing, tunneling and so forth. A fence is a thing that inventors might use large mortars to launch illegal watermelons over, and catapults flinging people with parachutes might be attempted on the silly fence. Probably fence contractors want the work that thereafter is as much an eyesore as any for-profit prison's fences.

Why the U.S. Congress has no imagination or desire to make a profit on large scale projects these days is uncertain. In former times they has the Columbia Basin project, the Apollo program, The Tennessee Valley Authority and so forth. The Congressional ideas about border security flim flam fencing are irritating. Some of us like neighborhoods without ugly California fencing subdivisions so that wildlife can wander freely. Border control zones need aesthetic earthworks and water filled canals that are useful and park-like yet effective. Building a prison infrastructure to keep unemployed Americans from leaving eventually isn't a good idea. Teach the unemployed to fish in a desert by building a canal filled with piped-in water is to keep illegal workers out too.

 Even two border patrolmen per mile instead of one won't stop careful infiltration of terrorists and shock workers. Without patrol cars driving atop a series of reinforced berms with green space between as well as canals the defense infrastructure is more to keep bureaucrats and lawyers out rather than illegal workers that Democrat politicians like.

Veganism Experienced Inflated Food Prices Too

Apparently there are two major branches of veganism; dietary and ethical. The first is for health and the latter to stop cruelty to animals....