One might wonder what is the truth about words
and their meaning? Is truth an abstract thing in-itself or is it just a correct
presentation of language structure? Words are tools for expressing meaning. The
meaning of words exists or occurs within language structure without which the
words are just sounds or scribbling of art. It is probable that in the history
of the development of a language that words acquired meanings in general use
that become part of a vocabulary and lexicon in such a way that the prior use
was an ossification and existed thereafter as a potential meaning that any user
of the language might encounter. Even the potential for inventing new synthetic
words combining existing word-meanings may be latent within a language. The
potential for the development of a language may coincide with the actual
emergence of words.
That existence of a real of forms of language
that exists as scaffolding for making meaningful expressions may be the truth
about a Platonic realist paradigm apropos for a language. Once a word is added
or developed for a language it enters a realm of forms existing for all users
in potential. Words are nominal in themselves and with have realist
characteristic perhaps something like Kripke described simultaneously. There
are great and perhaps even an infinite range of definitions of a word even as
it has a particular bound value. It is something as if a word was like a
quantum particle with limits expressible in Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
A word quanta might be anywhere or have any meaning until used or sampled at
which time its meaning arrives as a waveform collapse into a meaning. Even so there
is a realm of forms that a word might be able to take, and that meaning is
implicit in the Higgs Field slots for it.
We might wonder if the analogy to quantum world
lines and words doesn't differ a lot at that point where a Higgs field and
slots available for the emergence of any quanta is predetermined with the
general scaffolding of a language or of a force field. Word quanta seem to have
more freedom for use than the somewhat natural determinism of a quantum field
in which the allocation of force overall conforms to the boundary condition.
Still, words are just symbols of sound
utterances with meaning in the modern context with similarities to numbers that
may be placed in lists, classified as types or grouped in various ways with
whatever meaning-values a user may give them with whatever distribution of
understanding the users have. Truth theories are many while falsehoods are
simpler to define. Jesus Christ is the Truth in-Himself yet for others truth is
a relational concept, or verificationist of meaning, accuracy and relevance to
a relationship amidst words and propositional logical about it.
Words have an implicit meaning uncertainty that accommodates
the capacity for unlimited expressions of meaning in whatever form is selected
or developed. A word may mean different things to different people, between the
sender and receiver as well as in different social lexicons. Falsehoods made
intentionally within a given social criterion may have a negative or positive
effect contingent upon the circumstance, yet generally dissimulation creates
erosion in the meaning of the language structure something like a continuum of
false accounting practices or dissimulative securities trading may erode the
health of Wall Street besides excess concentration of wealth. Social structures
determine the effect of falsehoods in social exchanges of words. Individuals
have different ideas and expectations about words and concepts expressed by
others. More than a few view language use today a substitute for productive
material and social reform-sophism to grease the skids of corruption,
concentration of wealth, globalism, environmental exploitation and ossification
of an oppressive hierarchical media, government and business infrastructure.
Use-truths promulgated for power by organizations may be just noises made
rather thoughtlessly by the organs of state in the perennial input of
Because Jesus Christ is Truth itself social
structure develop or decline through the vicissitudes of evolving decades of
belief or unbelief with determinative effect upon moral theory and practice. It
is interesting that when Jesus was talking with the women at the well he could
look inside her thought, perhaps discerning her character and describe her
past. On occasion The Lord looked into the deeper thought of an individual
mind-spirit and discerned the relation of an individual to the realm of of
truth. A philosophy of language and logic might have a similar, lesser ability
to discern the relation of the nominal to the real realm of forms in which it