
The Affirmative Action Sonata and the Ultra-rich

The affirmative action movement in the United States had the unintended consequence of forcing middle class white males to let go of their end of the rope in the economic tug of war with the white male 1% that owned the corporate world. The affirmative action class didn't take up the middle class end of the rope, but were content to just bump out the white male middle class or viewed another way, to surge into its ranks diluting the wage values of the middle class with new surplus labor supply. Still optimistic about the future, the affirmative action middle class is still looking forward to rising into the elite rank of the 1% themselves having failed to realize that they have served the interests of the 1% in keeping no tension on the rope.

The rich are concentrating wealth; taking 3/4s of the earnings in the economic recovery since 2009. The more the corporate economy grows, the more the affirmative action middle class working for corporations and government downsize the portion of national income 230 million citizens take. Presently 230 million Americans take just 15% of the national income. The majority needs at least 50% of the national income to have extra cash to spend to make the economy work for the U6 people underemployed, unemployed or defeated and dispirited in job hunting. The 230 million pay taxes to help their own numbers that government or the corporate world won't hire stay alive with food, phones and disability payment. Who really expects the long term unemployed to hitchhike around America broke to compete with illegal aliens for agriculture jobs in West Texas or California?

The government and corporations are increasingly the only two income sources in America. The middle class gets paychecks and credit from the 1%. The company store in effect owns America's affirmative action soul and is exploiting that to the hilt. Instead of trickle down prosperity from the rich middle class America gets the minimum necessary class wage and trillions of public debt so the rich can network up the world investing abroad. Illegal aliens by the tens of millions arrive from the south to cut down wage values of the poor and anyone that might think of working in agriculture or even corporate farms.

Consider the situation if no illegal aliens were available and no migrant farm workers were allowed in to the U.S.A. The cost of vegetables and fruit would increase with labor shortages and wages would rise for Americans willing to work in the hot sunshine all day. Fewer people would be unemployed. With the higher cost of food more Americans would plant their own gardens. One can grow enough food on half acre to feed a family of four all year. Because the affirmative action class wants two jobs per family and more money, they like to hire illegal alien maids for work around the house and cheap laborers. Without illegal aliens or foreign servants more Americans would be hired to tend a productive home garden, paint a house or clean up the kitchen, living room and bath. Better mechanization would develop of corporate farms and more mechanics would be hired in addition to operators.

The affirmative action middle class somehow needs to focus on the relationship to the rich that they have and not be spineless jellyfish yes-men signing off on politics that outsource jobs, kill labor unions, destroy the world's ecospheric health, undermine U.S. citizenship's value, U.S. legal meaning and supports a global mercenary policy of intervention without meaningfully developing alternative energy infrastructure at home and abroad.

Liberals of the former era put the affirmative action class into mainstream economic America. That Main Street economy was transformed after the end of the cold war, and after the white male middle class was bumped out of its single-minded rope pull balance with the rich by the affirmative action class. The rich buying politicians and deregulation made corporate capitalism a global religion that all are permitted to worship at franchise stores in every town, village and point in between. President Obama twice extended Bush II era tax cuts making them permanent and exemplified the slave mentality useful for keeping the majority in bondage to an extreme minority.

Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to raise the tax rate on the most rich to 100% but had to settle for just 90%. Until the Reagan administration the rate was still 70% and the economy was balanced even with the vast cost of the cold war and a policy of perennial government infrastructure and social spending. TO rectify the present American economic doldrums would require redistributing the broadcast media airwaves to citizens so the people have an equal voice on political development opinions with the rich. It would require an accentuation of limited size corporations with fewer than 5000 employees over vast global ones in order to stimulate local hire. It would benefit from an ecological sustainability ethic practically applied to any government business loans or support. It would require a higher tax progressive tax rate and a determination to let the wealth flee abroad as a negotiating tactic the 1% would lever to prevent a tax increase.

The public debt is increasingly a problem for the middle class and poor because of the chicanery of international corporate financing. Wall Street is a different economy than that of Main Street and the global franchise store is a fifth column extracting American dollars the corporate economy issues to its ensnared middle class. Yet nothing is likely to change as the world moves to ecospheric decay. The President certainly hasn't the will to do anything more than advance homosexuality transforming the middle class into the Lewinsky class for the 1%.


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