
Egyptian Strife in Post-Democratic Synthetic Evolution

Egyptian strife with hundreds of deaths in the post-democracy phase of the Egyptian Evolution presents a significant challenge to the intellectual batteries of the Obama administration regarding maintaining a consistent foreign policy. If the evolution against President Hosni Mubarak was a political intafadah that received tacit military support the evolution removing President Morsi was an overt act of General Sisi and the Army to stop the evolution of the elected Morsi Government toward a non-democratic theocratic state of the fundamentalist kind. Plainly the efforts by Muslim Brotherhood Morsi sympathizers to demonstrate for restoration of the Morsi government that have been met with the hard edge of military control for civil order lack an element of understanding that democracy is more than an opportunity to take political office and install a politically proprietary regime.

In the United State of America the Democrat Party since John F. Kennedy's assassination have taken a turn toward the decay of nepotism and election of relatives to the highest office in addition to the egregious error of selecting lawyers to be chief executive officer.

One would not elect a lawyer to be the captain of a ship or the President of a Health Corporation and government also requires the imagination and drive for creativity not known to be common attributes of those practicing the legal profession. The Justice Department has need of lawyers with a sprinkling of a few in the legislature to assure that laws are made with legal coherence, beyond that an overabundance of lawyers tends to bring legal wrangling and political gridlock as litigation becomes the essential attribute of leadership. Democrats have evolved from the best of ordinary citizens to royal succession.

The American Republican Party since Ronald Reagan has forgotten what populism is. Populism joined with intellect and vision are political skills of the highest order. Perhaps a Condi Rice Presidency in 2016 could bring an element of creative leadership to the Republican Party-who can say? Egyptian political evolutions still need to find a balance near the democracy compass point of true north. The swings of the pendulum of evolutionary change from left to conservative, fundamentalist right is commonly driven by a failure to comprehend what populism is and how to use it to lead the people willingly to the just and best state of affairs of the general social good.

The Muslim Brotherhood ought to take a page from the playbook of Mahatma Gandhi on non-violent resistance and work toward the next election as probationaries proving they too support democracy without violence and without suspension of the legislature or judiciary in order to evolve a fundamentalist theocracy if they win again. The military perhaps without covert U.S. political encouragement from the Obama Administration perhaps believes they nipped in the bud the establishment of an extreme right Muslim Government that would run roughshod over the political civil rights of Egyptian citizens. While one may sympathize with the proscriptions against homosexuality of Mohammedanism, the repression of free expression and rights of women to fully engage in economic and social liberty make it difficult for advocates of democracy-in-itself to acquiescence in the elevation of the power of the Muslim Brotherhood to non-Democratic levels of state power as developed during the Morsi administration.

The right to evolve against a corrupt government that inimically destroys the civil rights of democracy that are implicit elements of a democratic society is recognized in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, and one would think that Egypt too will have it's own right-to-evolve against a corrupt government item in it's own declaration of Independence from non-democratic rule.

Jesus Christ was the fundamental liberator of mankind from the oppression of corrupt secular political and social power yet today even secularist supporters of democracy confuse the relationship between faith, sectarianism and secular political power tending to classify such into absolute Platonic forms or categories for-themselves and in so doing acting without comprehension of the transcending values of all. The struggle to be free from corrupt and oppressive power exists in sectarianism as well as in secular society. Authoritarianism can exist in secular and in sectarian society and hence there is no fundamental label or kind of political behavior that when implemented guarantees a natural peaceful balance with liberty and justice for all. The Muslim Brotherhood can well serve to strengthen democratic evolution in Egypt by taking up the way of non-violence led by the Lord Jesus Christ and applied in more recent time by Gandhi in the Indian evolution against British Imperial rule.

The Muslim Brotherhood should evolve against not only itself and it's tendency toward pointless violence-for it is a natural majority political power in Egypt and puts itself out of power through radical undemocratic developments, it should evolve toward peace and non-violent resistance to undemocratic state and social traits that disturb the individual pursuit of conscience, happiness, contemplation of God and effort to implement a moral, descent and just society without the inhuman extremes of concentrated wealth and power than oppress individual and social creativity, free enterprise, spiritual and ecospheric development.

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