
If the Syrian Government is Bumped Out, Where Would the Survivors Go?

What would happen to Syria and the region if the Assad government were to be put down by international force is evidently a current events topic.

Some on thinking along the lines of chemical and explosives weapons proliferation. Others wonder if the Alawite might retire to Iran and become a new minority in greater numbers. Yet it is reasonable to consider that the Alawite might seek to upgrade their living status with waterfront property and the Lebanese highlands perhaps with hegemony over adjoining areas of Syria.

I believe one possibility is that Syrian government personnel might flee to Lebanon and expand the Hezballah presence perhaps converting that state into a new, armed and radicalized synthetic Shia-Alawwite state while Syria would be taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood and those farther to the right. Prince Bandar bin Sultan-former ambassador to the U.S. and a member of the global plutocracy has ideas about it. As a Sunni state affiliate under the influence of the Wahhabi and Saudi royals it is uncertain that it would be more stable that it was before the civil war started.

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/02/us/02aspen.html?_r=0 Bandar's home sold to John Paulson for $49 million

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-08-27/meet-saudi-arabias-bandar-bin-sultan-puppetmaster-behind-syrian-war Bandar bin Sultan offers to buy billions of Russian arms, Putin demurred

Global fracking may have altered the timing of the Hilbert Curve on world peak oil production and combined with a transition to ecospherically less harmful electro-magnetic transport Saudi oil wealth power may stabilize rather than increase proportionally. Some of course wondered if U.S. interest in Persian Gulf oil in the era before fracking led to mid-east policy that favored regime change in Iraq.

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