
Plotinus, Pre-Big Bang Metaphysics and a Multiverse

Plotinus' Enneads put together by Porphyry is a brilliant 3rd century upgrade and fusion of the ideas of Plato and Socrates about the realm of forms expressed in The Republic. The realm of forms is comparable to the physical forms in which matter and energy constantly flow and permutate.The ideas of Plotinus are not at all out of date today as moderns might think. Contemporary quantum cosmology opening up a theoretical vista of a multi-verse and pre-big bang, before-an-inflation or membrane collision cosmology move philosophers toward  consideration of being-for-itself within a logical paradigm of speculative metaphysics as phenomenal as that experienced by the mystic Plotinus. 
Plotinus was moved by the philosophy of his time still with the new Christian movement culminating in the conversion of Constantine and given the heritage of Attic philosophy in its complete form before the fall of the Roman Empire. There are similar paradigms in the Judeo-Christian tradition theology with that of the theoretical metaphysics of Plotinus. One may discern the obvious congruence with Kabalistic thought and the writing of Philo of Alexandria. Moving beyond metaphysical dualism founded on the nature of good and evil in strict opposition such as encountered in Zoroastrianism and referenced in the book of Genesis as an element of a larger theological paradigm Plotinus described in effect a multi-dimensional flow of being and qualities of being from one source that Plotinus called The One. 
The causal evolutions of being and matter from The One are emanations filtered through a variety of stages that one might contrast favorable with evolutionary stages of a given Universe of energy entangled within an order to disorder paradigm with protocols of allocations of power in various constant forms. If all matter is energy in various configurations perceived as matter by sentient beings also existing in a steady state, dimensions may be expressed within the forms of matter and energy exploited throughout the initial and subsequent emanations from The One. 
A void containing a potential infinite number of dimensions may be a region contained by The One. That prime void space may be one of an infinite number of such regions in which energy may be emanated even as virtual particles that are dimensionless spiritual monads (a concept of a primordial atom from the atomists of Democritus or Gottfried Leibnitz's monads) those in sufficient quantity compile with complexity into energy. A finite number of dimensions developed within any particular Universe may be a consequence of the form of spiritual monads and the initial potential they have for assembling into entangled larger wave-particles. 
Plotinus's paradigm of mystical emanations by The One through the Intelligence- a paradigm not dissimilar from Jesus Christ as The Word issuing the Universe 1 in deterministic precursors and forms evolved to where human beings find themselves today is useful foundation for considering the logical philosophical possibilities of the origin of being itself as mass or energy as well as of dimensions in any primary space before the big bang, before the existence of the first Universe and prior to the creation of space-time.

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