
Bored Youth Makes Bones for Crip Membership-Shoot Australian Chris Lane

The killing of an Australian college student in Oklahoma while jogging on scholarship was evidently a hate crime by two black Oklahomans and a Hispanic driver. All were under the age of 18. The reasons why the crime occurred are superficially interesting.

The Crips is a large racist street gang from Los Angeles originally. It expanded into Duncan Oklahoma a few years ago. There is a history in the Crips for apprentice or aspiring members to 'make their bones' for full membership by murdering someone. Going to jail for a few years for homicide is an accepted Crips career path. They may have their shoelaces out in readiness.

A former Australian Reich minister criticized America for having liberal gun ownership that let the would-be Crips kill the globetrotting baseball star Chris Lane because 'they were bored'. The Reich minister forgot to mention that of the former British colonies that have strict gun control as well as Britain itself have far fewer descendants of slaves and illegal aliens as citizens or residents. The U.S.A. and India were not insular possessions easily controlled by elites. Continental powers revolted successfully against imperial power (for a while at least until contemporary globalism developed) and further in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Complex free social environments require more individual gun ownership to remain free.

 In those insular comfort zones for white people like Australia, New Zealand and Canada, and in Oriental countries like Japan and China that are largely racially separate from other major races gun ownership is not necessary for self defense under state authority. Like Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union gun owning is actively discourage because minorities might have the opportunity to express civil dissent through direct kinetic projectile action on the ostensible foe class. It is the imperial powers that brought slavery to the world and that would further increase contemporary concentration of wealth and global unification of elite rule within ad hoc  Plutonomy.

Plainly the Crips, the Hoovah gang and other hate organizations have members that perpetrate hate crimes. Chris Lane was given a baseball scholarship because Oklahoma is saturated with intelligent college student applications and has few athletes so they needed to overlook Americans in granting scholarships. Why develop quality education when one has free advice from Reich ministers abroad on American affairs and the fraternal and malevolent Crips are available to induct youth into their training programs supported by the prison industry?

One wonders if the Hispanic youth involved in the sociopathic murder would be eligible for Crips memberships since it is probably a racially discriminatory organization. It is odd when race hate amidst haters expresses political dissent together through hate. The Middle East is that way too much of the time. As the late John Lennon might have sang 'Food stamps is the answer, you gotta let it grow'.

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