
Half of Ocean Phytoplankton Species Might Bite the Dust by 2100

Global warming of the atmosphere to recent record levels may bring many changes to the existing ocean phytoplankton content a recent report informs. Stresses upon the smallest level creatures of the ocean food chain could make them bite the water to be replaced by other species more suitable for a the ghetto ocean environment of low nutrient content and higher acid levels.The new cruel conditions may benefit some and make losers of others. Overall the ocean biomass could decrease I would guess. Half of the species may disappear or be reduced to a tiny, marginalized portion of ocean phytoplankton content.

A tougher, leaner ocean phytoplankton soup may make the menu change difficult for larger predators to adapt to. Scientists are studying the possible effects upon more than a 100 species of phytoplankton of global warming. One hopes they are coordinating with other scientists on how to stimulate the growth of phytoplankton that might maintain the present balance in warmer, more desertified, less healthier, more acidic and warmer ocean water. It may be that a natural balance is most suitable for the health of the future seas instead of phytoplankton species tweaking that would in effect be a transition to ocean farming. Earth land farms while wonderful productive of food tend to desertify the ecosphere's diversity.

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