
U.S. Vigilante Justice or War Crimes Tribunal for Syria Chemical Attack?

President Barrack Hussein Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have made it clear that the U.S. will not let Syria go unpunished for the chemical attack on a Damascus suburb that Sect. Kerry says killed more than 1400 souls. The U.S. Government seems set upon a course of cruise missile attacks of what some would regard as vigilante justice outside of the context of International War Crimes courts. Evidently the administration logic goes that Courts of Criminal Law are no justice at all and only vigilante justice by the strong can be swift and certain.


Most AMericans oppose military intervention in SYria. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/30/us-syria-crisis-usa-poll-idUSBRE97T0UO20130830 yet President Obama sems determined to pursue limited military vengenance in order that Syrian leader Assad 'can't get away with it'. One infers that the attorney-President regards judgement by an Internal War Crimes court as no justice at all so Assad would get away with it without a cruise missile attack upon his interests.

http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/30/us-syria-crisis-idUSBRE97K0EL20130830  Obama-Syria can't get away with it

While President Obama has just ordered the U..S. Government to no longer prosecute recreational use of ganja across the 50 states and has supported homosexual marriage recognition in federal law he has little confidence in international war crimes courts evidently. Perhaps he should seek to reinforce that institution, except of course U.S. Presidents seem to prefer to be outside the law themselves or at least not subject to its judgement on possible war crimes for-themselves.

Secret. of State Kerry said in effect that the 'who we are' point does not allow American leaders to tolerate war crimes on the innocent such that we cannot help but intervene. Starting with F.D.R. doing little to help the Jews in Germany during the Second World War through using agent orange in Vietnam and with plenty of civilian casualties from a number of causes through to modern times with hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan as the U.S. government pursued dubious policy goals and while the U.S. sat on its hands in the genocides of Cambodia, Rwanda and Darfur the ability of U.S. administrations to turn a blind eye to genocide and democide when convenient-as when 50,000 Iraqi civilians were dying annually during the Clinton era sanctions is demonstrably untroublesome. What is different about the 1400 deaths in Syria that is evident is the vast financial value of regime change with the hostile takeover value immediate.

In pursuing vigilante justice as a partisan power-for the U.S. has egged on the rebels to increase effort for two years, the U.S. administration needs to be careful not to appear to perpetrate aggressive war through proxies for-themselves. Why is it that legal means cannot be used to prosecute war criminals and vigilante remedies for war crimes are better?

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