
Conscientious Objector to Sin & Military Service; The New Paradigm

Traditionally conscientious objection to military service was in reaction the sin of taking human life. It might also be because a corrupt executive selects an impossibly dumb, uninteresting war to practice. The transcendent basis for conscientious objection is recognition of sin. All sin is sin. Because President Obama has made a new sin government policy- the sin of homosexuality and homosexual marriage- an official element of U.S. military service he has expanded the parameters for conscientious objector status to military conscription beyond homicide.

Biblically speaking one sin is generally equal with other sins in being harmful to human souls. The sin of homosexuality is proscribed equally with taking human life intentionally. Thou shalt not kill, commit adultery, steal, maliciously lie or perpetrate homosexuality and so forth with any kind of a clear conscience. One knows sin is wrong even in the era of an evolving Nietzschic Beyond Good and Evil social morality convenient to global marketing, added to by the commercial mass media and encouraged in schools around the nation to create a class of malleable dupes serving to redistribute wealth and power to global Plutonomy.

If the United States ever again has military conscription those compelled to federal military service probably will need to exclude straight Christians or other potential soldiers of faith whom could not war against God's laws in order to facilitate expansion of an immoral, sinful imperium.

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