
Trucks & Postal Service Evolution (video)

Natural Robotic Funkbrawl Space X Development League

One wonders if the American addiction to viewing full contact sports won't transition to real-world gaming of full contact robot football able to play old style with crack-back blocking and roughing the kicker. It could be that sometimes kickers need to be roughed to win a game. Perhaps robots will be drones operated by remote controlling players.

Team sports played by remote controlled robot operators would be a difficult intellectual challenge for the operators. It would also create a research and development utility for making improvements to the use of robotic controlled by humans directly in off-world environments. N.A.S.A. should consider becoming involved with a National Robot Football League. How useful would it be to have simple robots to move solar panels into the sunshine in lunar crater dwellings? I would think that knightly jousting might return when killing the opponent doesn't involve a biological fatality and just a mess of circuits and plastic reading a teleprompter's script.

Will the power brokers resist robotic football leagues and planetary exploration? Some people would expand mud-brick building economics for the next 1000 years with an unrealistic notion of expansion regarding environmental limits, many of those people are in the broadcast media, yet like drug addicts given a new drug, if adapted to new technologies and environmental rectification broadcast media bloviators will religiously support the new tech dope. It may be hard to believe the broadcast media would give up the Pharonic ideal of new improved bricks mini-mansions in comfort for-themselves with illicit, stupid broadcast prouder power that dies only when their dessicated corpses drop them off the deep end unto eternal punishment . Yet they shall give up persecuting the poor and homeless campers yearning to be free of the broadcast media's existence so they can live in a free society with equal opportunity when it becomes counter-productive for them to remange as existential threats and domestic ad hoc terrorists/organized crime above-the-law and legal remdies. No problem.

Whenever robot bodies increase their physicall skills, agility, durability and so forth their use in making repairs to the outside of space stations or in digging ditches or rescuing explorers on the moon, Mars, Venus or the undiscovered moons of the undiscovered giant planet X increase. Football is a very challenging and realistic field for making robot bodies that work, and that increase the efficiency, decrease the cost, improve the adaptability of the planetary and space exploration tools.

When grenade launchers putting out tennis balls are adapted to super-sized gold courses and when artificial scuba diving saltwater ecosystems are commercialized in northern locales the business of synthetic gaming will have taken another step forward into the twilight zone of games actualized in v.d.t.'s

Logic, Race & Class Consciousness (video)

Logic, Race & Class Consciousness (video)

Emerging Styles of Trucking and Postal Service Automation

The future of the nation's transportation infrastructure should be a field expected to rapidly evolve. Transportation costs drive up the price of consumer goods and also make the nation a more expensive place to manufacture items for export. A profusion of coders and self-driving truck emergency remote control mediator-operators are compatible with national education trends in support of competitive values in regard to international competition.

It is unfortunate that the advance of technological innovation displaces workers in established fields. If there was an ordinary effort to retrain displaced field workers to construct the new field tech application it would decrease the stress. There should be many construction jobs developing energy and intelligence collection and distribution access points along lanes designed for self-driving trucks.

Self-driving trucks appear to be an inevitable evolution in the nation's trucking fleet. Self-driving trucks can work 24 hours strait without mandatory stops for driver time off, dinner breaks or urination. Truck owners with free drivers 300% more efficient will have a substantial financial advantage over those with human drivers. Self-driving truck AI. systems will also be able to communicate and coordinate with other trucks better over the road to allow seamless, uncomplicated packaging of truck routes.

While it may be five years before half of the nation's highways have self-driving trucks. Even before then some freeway planners may consider constructing dedicated lanes for electric self-driving trucks drawing power from an in-highway line. Why stop for fuel?

It may also be that someone will innovate new ways to change flat tires on-the-move without stopping. Without human operators an increase in tire changing technology will probably arise.

Like trucking the postal delivery system is also likely to experience increased automation in the next several years. Intelligent, reusable postal packaging may replace individually packaged containers for shipping articles. Reusable packages with artificial intelligence will eliminate the need for using tape or glue for closure or written addressing each of which may slow processing. Intelligent package containers will use Bluetooth or other short-range wireless signal to coordinate and direct their shipment itinerary without need for human handling.

Intelligent packaging will have a collateral application of discerning smuggling of illicit goods for-themselves and when included in national and international shipments as discrete units amongst units.

Postal deliveries may involve drone aircraft to increase routes,range and speed of delivery to remote postal processing hubs in addition to self driving trucks full of packages that sorted and loaded themselves.

Regular street postal deliveries by self-driving postal vehicles may use self-driving or artificially intelligent servo-bots to walk mail to the door drop. The postal AI systems may also be used as reliable police auxiliaries on the alert for ad hoc criminal activity through their optic and audio input. The nation's highways may be made safer with self-driving delivery vehicles equipped with radar and observation cameras to help hunt down air polluters and drunk drivers.


V.P. Biden Saber Rattling With Turkey on Syria

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden wishing to sound fair and balanced as an unbiased Democrat observer on the Syrian civil war reportedly said the United States is prepared to accelerate war on Syria with help from Turkey if it can't get what it wants in the negotiated political settlement talks on-going. The close Obama administration partnership with Turkey on intimidating Syria to annex another nation to the new world order appears potential unfair to the Kurdish fighters in the region whom are overwhelmingly more deserving of a synthetic new state than Turkey-the former imperial power in the region.


It would be far better if President Obama in his lame duck year were to focus on getting Texans to innovate constructing artificial mountain range condominiums north of Dallas to create 3x the surface area when making housing instead of just closing off all surface area. Artificial mountain range housing developments can create new ecosphere for wildlife and have far better interior hanging garden/saltwater evaporation and fresh water making condensation values foe mariculture than asphalt beshingled stick frame housing developments.

Plainly the President should be finding ways to extend the Dallas Orange light rail line to Tulsa-yet the jewels of Syria call I suppose.

Race Class Consciousness and the Logic of Black and White

Having learned classical and symbolic logic before continuing on to read analytic philosophy and the philosophy of logic my point of view of social political class consciousness issues tends I hope toward the objective. If the point of democratic politics is to assure equal protection of the law and the social and legal equality of all citizens within secure borders then objective use of linguistic criteria for class social references should be uninhibited by biases of political correctness for or against particular social classes.

It cannot be just the media and government that are free to liberally employ racial class designators in political polls, census demographics, various recruitment quotas and so forth. Ordinary people and academics also need be free to be realistic in addressing political class differentia if democracy is to defend the rights of the citizens and fundamental rights of citizenship. If Muslim terrorists target Germans or fellow Africans in death distribution sprees for political and sectarian purposes for example, the racial class object of wrath is meaningful to recognize for security purposes.

If objective political analysis is to function well to serve social reality and purposes for equal protection of the law then racial class consciousness terminology when used should be nondiscriminatory regarding preferential treatment for any given class. Like Venn diagrams with given set members that might be placed in any valid position the world of political discourse will not be able to find true analysis nor serve all citizens equally well if particular set member terms are banned from use. If black class consciousness in political movements like the 'black lives matter' movement of the Obama administration are valid and socially acceptable then so must 'white history month' or 'news for Chinese people'.

These terms must be regarded as valid class designators employed phenomenally to advance the interests of members on given issues comparable to set membership in a class action lawsuit rather than as bigoted organization that should be repressed. The mildly editorial and somewhat anonymous power of political correctness that suppresses universal fair logical terminology for select social classes works against the existence of an objective and even scientifically rigorous political lexicon that can objectively consider the validity of all social and political claims, assertions and expressions without fear. In such a globally information rich era the failure to be free to employ class designators objectively would create notable gaps in efficient social analysis not to mention liberty.

Philosophy as an objective social science employing logical parameters for political analysis would create a modal Universe wherein all class assertions might be quantified after expression in logical terms. Claims of white class interest or black, brown or red could be placed within nation-class boundaries as well as international boundaries comprising classes for comparative and quantified analysis with a variety of potential sub-class and macro-class elements added. Like various sorts of physics and chemistry formulas that may while remaining consistent with empirical rules creatively express new propositions, social consciousness and socially unconscious class values may be formalized for the purpose of discovering truth regarding political power and the effectiveness of state intervention to promote a fair and just social equilibrium.

The citizens of a democracy in the modern world exist within a social stasis with innumerable interactive 'future shock' factors of communication. The expressions of power in the polity through mass communications and indirectly through surveillance support the usurpation of political power from the people unto concentrated and faceless power. A partial antidote to that would be a return to the strength of democracy in free speech without fear of being labeled a user of hate speech or bigot for considering racial class and directing news to particular targeted audiences objectively when it is useful to do so. White Americans have as much natural right to defend their class interests as blacks, browns and yellow Americans. It is in the obscurantism through repression of class rights that corruption cinches up gains of power and wealth from the masses. It is in the failure to objectively consider real social and political states of affairs that corrupt power redistributes wealth and power toward imperial and global sinkholes.

A healthy democracy defends in own borders more readily and well than it pursues imperial global interests and supports conflicts abroad with military and financial support for regime changes. It balances its budget, has little or no public debt, supports a minimum income for all citizens, health coverage for all without distributing personal information abroad and is cognizant that the economy needs to be adapted to be consistent with existential mass social well being within a recovering ecosphere rich with wildlife and wild regions. Objective political and social class analysis and free expression cannot be restricted from objective use of real social designators and classes when the real interests of the citizens are quantitatively considered. People should not be frightened of the truth, instead they should be informed bite it.


A Universal Widget in the Realm of Forms (in paperback)

I have published a paperback version of my science fiction book. It's a philosophical science fiction consideration of Plato's ideas about forms.

Plato wondered if forms of material things were actualizations of transcendent blueprints from the mind of God perhaps from a realm of forms. Philosophers sought a kind of Rosetta stone for comprehending quanta. In contemporary cosmology a Universal tool for generating forms has gone missing from an extra-terrestrial world. Patrick Voevoda-a philosopher and friend, investigate.


Phenomenality of Mind, Matter & Equilibrium (video)


Ravens and Friends

During the many years I camped in a tent in S.E. Alaska ravens were a usual part of life. Science has shown that ravens are about the smartest bird, with blue jays and magpies being second Ravens make camp life in the northern forest far less bland than it might be with so few creatures living in it besides bear, wolf (if one is lucky) and so forth-it isn't the Amazonian rain forest so rich with wildlife.

Ravens usually woke me up each morning flying over the tent or landing nearby and sounding off with various calls just before light when safe flying was possible. They weren't attracted just by the possibility of food, although they will recognize people that feed them now and them and distinguish them from those that don't, as they also distinguish those that have attacked them from those that haven't.


Ravens will interact simply to have something to do, vocally. One can reply to basic raven caws with a similar caw, yet the vast range of raven sounds changes, and they have a repertoire that English language speakers cannot well imitate. Ravens seem attracted by certain kinds of music from a radio, and seem to like sound quite a lot as it is a tool for communication as well as pleasure. Some of the sounds are quite remarkable. With good sound recording equipment and living in a tent several years a scientist could record quite a raven lexicon, yet its important to have a relationship with the birds rather than to be simply a visitor in order to observe the social communication permutation.

After feeding ravens walking along a road a couple of days with leftovers or crackers attacked by mice and deemed unsafe to eat ravens on subsequent days remember the source of food and will  follow the walking individual and fly as close as a foot or two away to attract attention and stimulate the recall of the walker that the raven wants food. Ravens even remember where a trail is that the walker will take and may approach just at the critical moment as a last chance to get a crust of bread.

Raven life is interesting to observe.

Idealism, Godel and Einstein

There is an epistemic and metaphysical difference of opinion about reality and the extent to which mind interprets and shapes its perception...