
Growth Prospects for Aggressive Biological War

Aggressive nuclear war seemed to make everyone losers with various M.A.D. policy scenarios. First-strike biological attacks on global population with select portions immunized seems to be a winning scenario, and technology advances such as drones that would make aerial delivery of virus to formerly remote areas of the globe practical for world conquerors on a small budget along with the profusion of recombinant D.N.A. research and computer aided design tools present challenges to contain.

Given enough people capable of perpetrating democide per capita the odds are that in time some individual or group will take a first-strike op on everyone else. The dynamics of failing to use the window of opportunity works against those of a morally righteous nature and Christians of course. While assurances that government is competent to secure safety are plentiful (the Bill Clinton administration told the public that U.S. intelligence was so good that they would know way in advance of any actual attack-even while K.S.M. and Osama Bin Ladin were firming up their plans), the broad dispersion of tools for making weapons of mass destruction to reduce world population to 25 million or so seem to becoming saturated. PhDs in biology and drone rentals in the next quarter century appear to be an emergent danger.

The Legacy of Three Doper &/or Alcoholic Presidents

As in appointing a succession of bad CEOs to a corporation the finances tend to suffer. Bad decisions are made. Special interests are curried, depravity advances.

President Has No Right to Decree Supreme Court Members

The President has no right to decree Supreme Court positions. He can only make nominations the Congress will approve. That's how radical imbalances to the left are prevented from destroying the remnants of individualism and free enterprise altogether.

The President could nominate an excellent conservative justice-a clone of the fine late Justice Scalia, and cement his post-office financial prospects better than his tax cuts for the rich.


Bernie Sanders; Dead Reckoning in the Socialist Mode

It is true that socialism as an economic system isn't self-standing without being repressive on creativity and individualism. It is also a fact that badly regulated predatory capitalism becomes criminally repressive, concentrates capital so far as to resemble aristocracy and is generally loutish in owning the broadcast media and buying ass-kissing politicians. So what is the Democrat party to do with a socialist running against a would be imperial dynasty mouthpiece for global imperialism?

Well, the nation needs a one-party system to get anything done these days. On hopes a self-thinking independent moderate President working with conservatives of the same party lightens up and increases the tax rates while government size is cut and existing programs made more effective. Maybe Trump can do that.

Since the Congress isn't socialist Sanders won't be able to create socialism. When government owns all business it gets really dumb. Widgets begin to grow like potato sprouts in a root cellar infected with fungus, although there is enough food to eat for a while. Sanders is the only Democrat with a backbone though and would be a hard negotiator for party and public interests in increasing taxes to a non-deficit creating size while Republicans cut government size over all.

Obamacare needs to fail. It leaves out the poor that travel to look for a job and aren't really able to qualify for Medicare or subsidies anywhere. The best way to save money and assure all American citizens are covered would be to expanded the V.A. and treat all Americans for free that earn fewer than 15,000 dollars annually networking with community public health clinics and other poor people's service clinics that would let anyone without any money saved get treatment at a rated sliding scale according to their income for all earning up to $20,000 annually. Emergency services for those that are chronic and out of funds should be another program unless they can fit into the V.A.-Public health system. Taxes would be increased to pay for treatment for the poor.

Trump and Sanders seem to be the real live candidates this year. I would have that a Ralph Nadir clone with a degree in ecospheric economics, a M.T.S. degree and experience as an LT in the U.S. Army was running on his own financing, yet will have to wait for another cycle.

Declare Total War on Mosquito Pinhead Zika Virus

There is no excuse for letting mosquitoes create a global generation of pinheads greater than or equal to the politicians running the U.S. economy and environmental policies. A generation of pin heads in the southern hemisphere would create vast challenges for humanity in the future, if being pinheaded means that one is dumber rather than smarter. I am not prejudging the conic brain potential, yet it seems to be less than optimal for human development.

Total war to keep humanity free of creeping pinheadedness should be aggressively implemented and the U.S. government should respond better than it did to the Ebola virus though the threat to politicians sex-touring Africa is not as immediate.

There may be 1.5 million cases of Zika virus illnesses on Earth presently. It is preponderantly spread by a daytime-active mosquito; the Aedes mosquito. Probably a search for making a sterility inducing Aedes mosquito hybrid is needed, unless the mosquito has some significant value to some other link in the web of life. Brazil has 1% of newborns infected in some areas, and that would affect future social composition, and should be limited.

Poor Leadership Fiscal Ethics Create Public Debt

The fiscal political ethics of a nation's leaders eventually turn up reflected in the state of the nation's public budget and economy. If leaders play fast and loose with truth and regulations, environment and foreign military investments public debt will increase. Since the Reagan administration ended the cold war the nation's leaders have used bad ethics and ideas to corrupt the public sector and Wall Street. The U.S. public debt is approaching 20 trillion dollars and the President just advanced a 4.1 trillion dollar budget for a single year.

There are numerous reasons why U.S. political leaders are fiscal misanthropes so far as integrity, stability and sustainability of the national economy goes. Even international players such as the Pope visiting communist Cuba before arriving in Texas create apparent conflicts of interest as he advocates on behalf of illegal alien labor from Latin America flooding the U.S. economy, enhancing opportunities for fiscally corrupt policy. America's corrupted political economy affects that of the rest of the world. Bad government ethics endanger planetary environmental security as swell not to mention billions of lives affected by economic dislocation.

Sophomoric economic ideas and political philosophy won't solve the problem. In Saudi Arabia thieves still have a hand cut off for correction. On Wall Street the Federal Reserve gave trillions of dollars of zero interest loans and the government bought up toxic debt following the banking and home mortgage derivatives flam merging into business as usual. With the public debt being the sink that props up defense contractors that require a Russian antagonist and a protracted Middle Eastern conflict presently bad ethics has plenty to hide behind assisted as they are by broadcast media propaganda spin-drift as effective as a virtual Al Qaeda of America supporting of fiscal terrorism. Wealth is being redistributed from the poor and middle class to the rich thanks to the Clintons,  Bushes and Obamas.

With sufficient material resources and personnel skills the United States should have had a balanced budget and virtually no public debt in the years following the end of the cold war. Instead the Clintons, Bushes, Obamas and their cronies took the nation down a road of rampant doofussism dumping unethical finance regs, vast left-right wing public debt and homosexual marriage withholding only from beastiality yet the Supream Court hasn’t ruled on that yet. They may find the founders didn’t intend the constitution to prevent it.

Bad ethics at the top produced the negative bottom line. Yet a nation taught that a quarter of the working adults should be in financial services, skills for production degraded and material fabrication outsourced while inputting cheap foreign migrant labor isn't one that should remain prosperous. The Roman Empire employed so many good German warriors in its own legions from the conquered provinces that eventually Roman defense capabilities withered away. Like many Americans today that don't care much for Washington D.C., the immigrants didn't care about Rome.

The nation's financial leadership is fundamentally crooked. It has sophomoric understanding of political philosophy. Lawyer's want to enrich themselves through politics bringing no direct relevant qualification to apply when elected. The last year the U.S. government had a balanced budget was during the final phase of the second term of Bill Clinton. It occurred through fate rather than planning.

Bill Clinton had raised the tax rates to a reasonable level. Republicans controlled congress though and were free to cut federal spending with the President weakened politically from getting blow jobs from a student intern in the Oval Office and possibly elsewhere. President Bill signed off on the Republican budget and that concurrence of circumstance never happened again. Neither side can produce a balanced budget, assure all Americans a guaranteed minimum income, good health and dental care, full employment, good education, a recovering environment, space exploration, strong defense and secure borders; they are concerned with financial perfidy and sloppiness instead.


Scientists Say they've Discovered Gravity Waves

Detecting gravity waves is a big deal for physicists. Gravity travels at the speed of light and apparently warps space-time. Einstein's General Theory of Relativity had equations that described the way gravity acts to warp space and time that should be regarded as one spacetime thing instead of two different things.

L.I.G.O. is a large gravity-wave searching tool that cost a billion dollars to build. If it could get better at making observations and measurements of gravity waves, or perhaps a future large interferometer observatory could, it might be able to determine if gravity occurs in extra-dimensions beyond the standard four dimensions of normal spacetime of this Universe.

If gravity waves can have their energy accurately observed and quantified it might be possible to determine if all of their energy is accounted for in this Universe or if some of it is going elsewhere. making such accurate observations make take a very long time.

D.I.A., Black Caucus and Hillary; Matters of National Security

A former Chief of the D.I.A. during the Obama administration thinks Hillary should quit her Presidential campaign and let the F.B.I. investigate her using a private email server to send classified material. General Flynn said she should 'stand down'.

Meanwhile the Congressional black caucus endorsed Hillary's run knowing who has kick-backed best buttering their bread in the past. Hillary is the most outspokenly immoral of the candidates with a proven record of denying responsibility for anything from the deaths of Ambassador Stevens to the whereabouts of the missing diary, emails etc. She has supported abortion and homosexual marriage since the invention of sin and blacks overwhelmingly voted for the President that made sin official national policy.

Yet the black caucus may have selected Hillary for the same reason blacks of Kingsland Georgia in 1775 overwhelmingly chose the British side in the revolutionary war; because they hated socialism represented by Bernie Sanders and preferred British imperialism via globalism and the erosion of law and national security in the future United States. They might have supported a Footsie takeover of Wall Street if communications of the time had allowed.. So anything that leaks of national security, increases the Federal budget to 4 or 5 trillion and brings more immoral renormalization must be good and right etc. That is the Hillary factor. Actually though I used some poetic license in that historical configuration for educational purposes.

Blacks of Kingsland supported the Brits because the local rich people were slave and plantation owners and they thought they would get better liberation terms with the Brits. They make that same sort of mistake in the misguided belief that the Clintons are interested in anything more than being rich themselves and will use the public sector in any way possible to accomplish that. Even the Clinton Foundation or Chelsea Clinton have attended and hosted fund raisers with Russian billionaires.

Assuredly it would be cheaper to get along with Russia than make an enemy of them-they were willing at the end of the cold war, yet simplistic retards in government can't do that and need to be foes instead. Only Ronald Reagan could build peace and prosperity with the Russian-certainly not the new age trickster Clinton family.

Would a Vast Flood Drowning Florida Be a Local Flood?

If global warming enabling politicians let the ice of Greenland and Antarctica melt down and raise sea level enough to drown most of Florida, would that be considered a local flood? Some right-wing Biblical literalists, though they read the Bible differently from one another interpreting the text differently, disdain a Mesopotamia-only Biblical flood as a local flood rather than a global flood.

Genesis relates that the Ark came to rest on a high point called Urartu as the high water mark of the flood (Ararat after Jewish transliteration circa 6th century B.C.). That means it was just a regional flood that went as far as the ancient kingdom of Urartu located in ancient times half-way up Iraq toward the Iranian slope.

Readers of Genesis in the old days began naming highest points 'Ararat' and thus Mt. Ararat in Turkey was given its name long after the flood. If there had been many Jews living in Tibet they would have named Mt. Chomolungma not Mt. Everest, it too would have been named Mt. Ararat.

Noah notably did not venture to Australia to gather kangaroo nor Antarctica to collect penguin. Collecting samples of local animals that might have their habitat lost ain Mesopotamia and saving them until it was safe to reintroduce them is one environmental technique that could be used today too in some cases, such as that of white rhino or mountain guerrilla, however it also would have been logical in the case of collecting samples of all domesticated animals and fowl that resulted from generations of breeding from that soon lost first human civilization.


Biblical Flood Theory Reconsidered

I believe Abraham and others of his day were mostly clueless about a round world. Aristarchus developed it much later. Yet the whole world flooding idea would have made sense if it referred to the first civilization of Mesopotamia when everything was destroyed. People probably evolved the round Earth flooding interpretation later. It’s like the Urartu-Ararat confusion with Mt. Ararat named for the Jewish transliteration of Urartu.

It might have been a very large flood that hasn't since recurred. I grew up where the largest known flood occurred in the U.S.A. where Lake Bonneville flooded Eastern Washington 15-20,000- years ago, yet probably few lives were lost compared to much smaller floods. I think evidence of Wisconsin ice age ending floods in Mesopotamia are difficult to find since the sea level has risen more than 200 feet since then and the entire upper Persian Gulf region that formerly was dry is underwater.  The ancient kingdom of Urartu evidently was where the tidal surge reached high water mark and the Ark settled. Probably no sudden rise like that has occurred since, although I think the salient promise was that humanity would not nearly be wiped out except for a few again. One can interpret what group would not be wiped out in various ways too-it might mean the chosen people or the elect would not be wiped out etc. The era is not too distant from that of the protoevangelium-it is challenging to be precise about what everything is contextually.

Regarding 'probably'. In that particular instance I was referring to the Lake Bonneville flood. I believe there is an archaeological site in Eastern Washington that is one of the oldest in North America with Indian bones dating maybe 15,000 years. I suppose they moved there after the Bonneville flood (not the Biblical flood). North America was sparsely populated then and that is why I said probably few lives were comparatively lost in contrast to a flood in a densely populated region such as occurs even in the modern world as in Bangladesh in the past. Late Pre-Columbian America in the area that is today the U.S.A. had a population of fewer than 4 million souls.

As the remnants of Middle-Eastern Eden faded away, that may have been during the end of the Wisconsin ice age when Arabia became a desert and the Mid-east dessicated saving species that would have perished in a vast flood with deserts could be like saving species on one land mass surrounded by water. After the flood one could set them down again where the habitat was before flooding. I don't care much for physical geologist's paradigms that place a unified land mass 300 to 175 million years ago. It is named Pangaea, and I don't know about any of the plate tectonic mountain formations of that hypothetical continent. It probably wasn't flat and easy to flood. Besides, the creatures of that era would need to be of that era-not like today's, and would need to evolve to be like today's. Another theory is that the whole world was covered by water shortly after the formation of the Earth under gravity several billion years ago when space ice was gathered in too, melted and rose to the surface. yet no life is likely to have existed then besides maybe the kind they look for on Mars that is very tiny and doesn't fit the Bible descriptions. Those seem to fit a recent, comparatively, flood. While the world may have been entirely covered with water at some time in its history, I don't like to associate those with the Biblical flood.

Is a Stable Base Required for Confirmation of a Truth Theory?

 If one falls from an aircraft door without a parachute and contemplates actions to take making a supposition that a parachute would evolve ...