
D.I.A., Black Caucus and Hillary; Matters of National Security

A former Chief of the D.I.A. during the Obama administration thinks Hillary should quit her Presidential campaign and let the F.B.I. investigate her using a private email server to send classified material. General Flynn said she should 'stand down'.

Meanwhile the Congressional black caucus endorsed Hillary's run knowing who has kick-backed best buttering their bread in the past. Hillary is the most outspokenly immoral of the candidates with a proven record of denying responsibility for anything from the deaths of Ambassador Stevens to the whereabouts of the missing diary, emails etc. She has supported abortion and homosexual marriage since the invention of sin and blacks overwhelmingly voted for the President that made sin official national policy.

Yet the black caucus may have selected Hillary for the same reason blacks of Kingsland Georgia in 1775 overwhelmingly chose the British side in the revolutionary war; because they hated socialism represented by Bernie Sanders and preferred British imperialism via globalism and the erosion of law and national security in the future United States. They might have supported a Footsie takeover of Wall Street if communications of the time had allowed.. So anything that leaks of national security, increases the Federal budget to 4 or 5 trillion and brings more immoral renormalization must be good and right etc. That is the Hillary factor. Actually though I used some poetic license in that historical configuration for educational purposes.

Blacks of Kingsland supported the Brits because the local rich people were slave and plantation owners and they thought they would get better liberation terms with the Brits. They make that same sort of mistake in the misguided belief that the Clintons are interested in anything more than being rich themselves and will use the public sector in any way possible to accomplish that. Even the Clinton Foundation or Chelsea Clinton have attended and hosted fund raisers with Russian billionaires.

Assuredly it would be cheaper to get along with Russia than make an enemy of them-they were willing at the end of the cold war, yet simplistic retards in government can't do that and need to be foes instead. Only Ronald Reagan could build peace and prosperity with the Russian-certainly not the new age trickster Clinton family.

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