
Denton Cemetery Oddfellows Body Bigotry Bites Dust

Denton Texas has an ancient cemetery donated by the Oddfellows long ago that racially segregated corpses. News has been aired that the city has done what it can to officially end the discrimination against corpses on the basis of race. Now if it can compensate those victims of discrimination with inclusion amidst Oddfellows they can at last be equals.

One can never really trust government for it does not exist as an entity. People occupy government offices and may be good or evil as their times shape their characters. The federal government seems ready to try to register women for military draft as a first ignoble step for allocation of reproductive age females to undetermined locations for combat and perhaps burial at some undetermined date. When combat casualties kill off male soldiers, female soldiers will advance to the front before new male civilians are trained as soldiers. The U.S.A. doers not have guaranteed military security forever.

War cannot always be scripted nor contained within pre-determined boundaries. Democracy should not readily give up realistic rights of social existence because the media and corrupt government people convey the idea that it brings equality and improvement. Government people tend to view people as products for processing without any rights that should be ready for burial as needed. People often are not sophisticated sufficiently to resist the advance of corruption.

It is good when the dead can rest in peace. So should the living.

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...