
Is Registration of Women for Draft Rational?

  1. Army and Marine top generals testified in favor of registering women for the draft the Washington Post reported. It doesn't seem reasonable considering the biological differences between men and women.
  2. One wonders if the Generals are closet communists, mafia planners or butches with no respect for women. Could they be court-martialed?.It is unimaginable that a quality guy like George Washington would have considered sending Martha off to war.
  3. Perhaps the plutonomy want a way to trim non-white women demographically by sending them off for cannon and drone fodder. Maybe it wants to in doctrinate all women as well as men better with globalist denationalization and godless atheism.
  4. There are large biological differences structural amidst women.
  5. Some women that are thinish, flat-chested and athletic would make good enough soldiers while innumerable of the more feminine, large hipped, large breasted, slower and shorter ones would be entirely unsuitable. In fact it is rather outrageously cruel to suggest it. Those women have the excellent biological adaptation of being suitable for childbearing and rearing-important to humanity at least when it isn't so politically challenged as to fail at ecospheric conservation and races like fossil fueled dinosaurs toward planetary overpopulation in a mal-adapted economic structure.
  6. All people inclusive of women need to have the opportunity and actuality of living a good, productive, dignified, intellectually challenging and healthy life. People aren't all interchangeable robot units in the same roles as perverse political leadership seems to think.
  7. I recall when the Navy Chief and Secdef were eyeballing each other testifying pro-homosexualizing the military. Perhaps the next evolution is to have those guys up testifying in support of the fertility statues as reservists for Hamburger Hill.

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