
Presidential Campaign Prospects After Iowa

The results of the Iowa primary showed that Hillary Clinton with a tremendous boost from establishment organs inherited from Bill could not to more than eke out a tie with the late entry independent minded Bernie Sanders. Sanders should win the next few contests.

The Republican primary results showed the material candidacy of the Canadian was sufficient to woo conservative voters with no sense at all about damaging their party's opportunity to get a Republican in the White House. The Canadian used the old Bush ploy of going after evangelical voters with no political sense or sound eschatology (they think the world will end soon through means other than electing bad politicians), and took the election from the American billionaire Donald Trump. That was probably a one-time fluke possible because of the material nature of preparation.

Marco Rube; the future Donald trump Vice Presidential partner I would think because of his ability to deliver Florida, did well too, finishing just a point behind second place Trump.

Probably the Trump presidency is inevitable as the only way to return the nation to an American footing without Indonesian, Canadian, Cuban or British worries associated with the Canadian, Barrack Obama and Clintonistas. The nation perhaps will be happy to see Trump's lifetime of fast-lane connections and his familiarity with money at a functioning level bring the financial glitterati to his parties and staff as malleable allies to make the nation's economy work for more than Goldman Sachs.

I of course would prefer an ecological economist with good Christian morality that supports a priesthood of believers rather than a hierarchical ecclesiastic model to be elected President. Since that can't happy the Trump card for America seems to be to trust the billionaire to return a little of Barrack Obama's tax cuts to the 90% of Americans that share between them just 10% of the nation's wealth.

The Canadian Tom Cruz did finish first in Iowa yet that should fade away as he is transitioned out to the lonely fate of being Trump's Sect of State perhaps with Oprah Winfree as SecDef if she is interested. The plutonomy rules presently. It is the voter's fate to elect an American to get the largest share for them, or to elect a wanna-be-rich who will give more to the plutonomy in exchange for enriching themselves and family. Can't say I didn't write about this trend long ago.

The plutonomy; the top 5% most rich of the 1% most rich, probably want candidates with blurry U.S. citizenship elected to the White House in order to reinforce global plutocratic control. When citizens grow up in Indonesia, are born in Mexico or Canada, attend law school in Britain as Rhodes scholars they blur American political lines of command and control. The Rubes may not realize that's bad for their own chances of avoiding becoming puppets to global corporate plutonomy. The plutonomy regards the masses as little more than consumers that should have neither moral resistance nor reluctance to be downsized.

Trump and Sanders are the only two candidates besides Ben Carson that might be able to change that direction a little.

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