
On the Past & Future of the U.S. Economy (with video)

The Economic Future of the U.S.A. Isn’t Cinched

None can see the future with certainty except God for whom all time is present. However the economy of the United States like that of all geographic regions of Earth has tended to increase output over time. With few exceptions productivity increases and environmental health decreases over the course of human history. nations and civilizations rise and fall yet geographic regions tend to be more fruitful as people and technology multiplies. That historical trend is itself not guaranteed.

If globalists one day decide that some other nation would be a better place to centralize, as Constantine once shifted the Roman Empire capital east to a new city, the majority of Americans that would be rather politically ineffective could have little to say about it if they cared to.

The United States has a blessed past in being sparsely populated with rich natural resources. Like a fire given a dry forest the economy inevitably grew over time as did the population. The conditions were natural enough yet the conditions have changed significantly since the end of the cold war in January 1989.

The civil war was an effort of the oligarchic southern states to break free from the United States. Continuing southern inclusion was forced through war. In the future new reasons to end the U.S.A. may arise from actual morally acceptable causes. Likely causes are vast public debt debt and the concentration of wealth and power negating democracy though there are other reasons for political bankruptcy and dissolution etc.

The historian Arnold Toynbee (author of A Study of History) noted that all prior civilizations except for two or three no longer existed. The factors that make the United States what it was may no longer exist in the years ahead. The U.S.A. like an old soldier may fade away to be replaced by an immoral majority loyal to post-national, post-rational ideals.

Maybe a future majority of Hispanics may decide to annex it to old Mexico perhaps as a state of global plutocrats. Maybe oligarchs may change its name to honor a future civil rights control dictator and the nation will fade away. States as a term of pluralism may seem subversive to a one-nation Earth civilization leadership cadre and be replaced with some harmless term like Opsland or Section 3000.

Already cellphones and Internet have subverted national boundaries as the rich do what they can to avoid taxes in business with trans-national gimmicks. Things that held the U.S.A. together before pcs and end of taxes sufficient to stop automatic reinforcing concentration of wealth are fading away.

The United States after the revolution was spared kings and dictators. Democracy has been the fact in the past. Generals that fought in wars such as Washington and Jackson became Presidents. Rather ordinary men like Lincoln and Grant responded to the call of the age and rose to greatness. Homesteading allowed a man to work with his hands and build a place he could call his own without much financial trouble. manufacturing could be done in the nation itself. It soon became a world leader at manufacturing and transportation. Opportunity existed in the U.S.A. in a variety of ways. The United States was a do-it-yourself nation with a democracy that would find that in the Spanish American war recruiting offices were swamped the first day volunteers were called to serve in the Army.

Today little of the heritage remains. Production of new inventions and innovations requires a convoluted and costly patent process that may cost millions annual to defend just one patent. manufacturing at a competitive price must be done in China or Mexico-overseas generally adding to cost and difficulty. Homesteading is long dead. It perished in Alaska by the 1990s were some land in the late 80s was still available. banking and business is global and great advantages go to concentrated wealth and power. While the tax rate was at 90% on the top class Americans prospered in the 20th century right through the 1960s. As the tax rate was cut the difference between rich and poor increased.

I believe it was recently reported today the middle class is no longer a statistical majority. Like Mexico wealth is being concentrated at the top. The richest 10% take 90% of the annual income of the nation each year. That is runaway wealth and power. With such extreme imbalance the U.S.A. may evolve into being a democracy in name only. The media is a bought and paid for tool of the 1%.

The U.S.A. has no guarantee that it will continue to exist as a somewhat egalitarian society with the differences in earnings between the most wealthy, the middle class and the poor not being very great. Environmental reports indicate that the low latitudes are desiccating and food production will shift north without great desalinization canals and new fresh water production in deserts. The inventor of the Gaia Hypothesis James Lovelock said that the American midwest may be a desert in 200 years.

The U.S.A., like the ancient Roman Empire, has no guarantee that it will continue to exist or prosper. Even until the invasion of the Goths some Romans probably believed the good life would never end. With right environmental and social reason the U.S. could improve its prospects. As things stand it doesn’t look terribly sound.

The next global derivatives and mortgage banking swindle scheme invented at M.I.T. (where the Monte Carlo algorithm was hatched) or academia elsewhere transferred to Wall Street may bring the dollar crashing down too. There has been so many hundreds of billions and even trillions of loose dollars made up by the Federal Reserve in recent times to keep the rich economy going and wealth concentrating that one views the value of honest physical labor as dubious. Dope dealers and bankers might regard physical labor as cheap units to exploit working for chump change.

When the poor and middle class lost homes during the 2008-2009 economic crisis, the rich corporate world would eventually buy up those homes with free Federal Reserve zero interest loans transferring wealth upward again.

When ordinary nations like Argentina and Mexico cannot pay their foreign and public debts they cannot just run the electronic currency presses and make more cash without hyper-inflation. Euro-nations no longer even have the option. The U.S.A. as the world’s leading financial power has been able to get away with increasing money supply in recent years from thin air. The dollar value is tied to nothing except American power, prestige and the impractical choice of crashing a currency where so many abroad are invested in it. No guarantee exists that the dollar will always be regarded as sound by investors.

If the U.S. were to collapse and be phased out by Americans to liquidate their debt, the continent itself probably would continue to prosper. Race is no longer a reason for war domestically. Foreign nations however may view the U.S.A. as a target for racial takeover. Mexico has a President who views the U.S.A. as a chicken dinner without a right to be free from foreign demographic illegal President Fox has a your house is my house disposition even after NAFTA created a huge number of new economic opportunities for Mexico. Maybe the wealth in Mexico is being networked to trickle up as it has in the U.S.A. Mexican poverty drives workers into the arms of predatory American cheap labor exploiters undermining domestic labor value.

Obviously the thousands new technologies for democide through covert bio-war design and so forth that have been added to the post-industrial world could end the U.S.A. overnight. It is environmental and finance reasons that are the clearest present dangers followed closely by low taxes on the rich and the great gap between poor, middle class and the rich that makes freedom practically a patronized fact until the powers decide to finesse censorship, or ruin on citizens deemed less than ideal to the security of the 10%.

If the U.S. were to lead Lunar development in an environmentally conservative way, support private enterprise moon manufacturing of structures and true space-ships it might enjoy some kind of financial benefit within a half century that might also be of value to a humanity troubled by global warming. High tech solutions to new problems may arise from new fields and technologies presently unknown.

The inner solar system might be developed for human habitation on planets, moons and new forms of zero-G structures with the Earth's moon being a primary base for the effort to invent new living and working spaces in a variety of decentralized approaches. The Earth too should experience U.S. leadership beginning in the U.S.A. with sustainable transportation and living infrastructure that works inexorably to conserve biota and sustain natural habitat health for the wild and humanity.

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...