
Bernie Sanders; Dead Reckoning in the Socialist Mode

It is true that socialism as an economic system isn't self-standing without being repressive on creativity and individualism. It is also a fact that badly regulated predatory capitalism becomes criminally repressive, concentrates capital so far as to resemble aristocracy and is generally loutish in owning the broadcast media and buying ass-kissing politicians. So what is the Democrat party to do with a socialist running against a would be imperial dynasty mouthpiece for global imperialism?

Well, the nation needs a one-party system to get anything done these days. On hopes a self-thinking independent moderate President working with conservatives of the same party lightens up and increases the tax rates while government size is cut and existing programs made more effective. Maybe Trump can do that.

Since the Congress isn't socialist Sanders won't be able to create socialism. When government owns all business it gets really dumb. Widgets begin to grow like potato sprouts in a root cellar infected with fungus, although there is enough food to eat for a while. Sanders is the only Democrat with a backbone though and would be a hard negotiator for party and public interests in increasing taxes to a non-deficit creating size while Republicans cut government size over all.

Obamacare needs to fail. It leaves out the poor that travel to look for a job and aren't really able to qualify for Medicare or subsidies anywhere. The best way to save money and assure all American citizens are covered would be to expanded the V.A. and treat all Americans for free that earn fewer than 15,000 dollars annually networking with community public health clinics and other poor people's service clinics that would let anyone without any money saved get treatment at a rated sliding scale according to their income for all earning up to $20,000 annually. Emergency services for those that are chronic and out of funds should be another program unless they can fit into the V.A.-Public health system. Taxes would be increased to pay for treatment for the poor.

Trump and Sanders seem to be the real live candidates this year. I would have that a Ralph Nadir clone with a degree in ecospheric economics, a M.T.S. degree and experience as an LT in the U.S. Army was running on his own financing, yet will have to wait for another cycle.

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