
Ranier Weiss for Physics Nobel?

Ranier Weiss of M.I.T is likely to win the Nobel Prize for physics this year for inventing the paradigm for the gravity wave detector named L.I.G.O. that observed gravity waves. That's the good news. The bad news is that Weiss is from Massachusetts and the discovery will swell atheist leftists further against individual free enterprise, sanctity of private property and Christian faith. Someone should invent a swell-wave detector to find the source of heartlessness in science that overcomes political and social justice. Convergent parameters of Christian and scientific cosmology are possible that keep Bible truth intact. Elitists of the ugly sort inevitably find some cause to trim the disadvantaged and the masses to reinforce their own political desires.

Sure it would be wonderful to colonize the moon and develop habitations throughout the solar system, yet it would be good to do so without 95% cyborg amalgam humans designed to conserve fuel and produce work most efficiently that have replaced human beings. in the quest for data some scientists lose moral bearings and perhaps prospects for eternal life in a redeemed mode. As the ancient proverb relates; what profit hath a scientist if he gains all the world's data but loses his/her or its own soul? The scientist might replay; a his/her/it has no soul. Some scientists got no soul.

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...