
Wouldn't Hillary Be Another Corrupt Sheriff in the Village?

Would voters really think Hillary would be an honest sheriff in the global village owned by people that pay her $250,000 for a half hour talk on Wall Street?

John Wayne's best film may have been the 1966 law and order western El Dorado. Robert Mitchem played the Duke's friend and was the town sheriff. Mitchem was also an occasional drunk. Though a fair gun hand when sober he had a hard time remaining that way because of the women he lost. When the bad guys wanted to take over the village he needed all the help he could get from Wayne and  James Caan among others. Hillary as sheriff might already have been in the payroll of the opposition force bad guys. Bill as sheriff wearing the big yellow star probably thought everyone he encountered was a rural hick of use in getting swinging rendeavous moving on.


Self-Driving Cars Should Eliminate Drunk Driving Fatalities

After the first self-driving car fatality the problem of moving along in a tin box at 70 mph reminds one of the inherent dangers of traveling at speed. Yet if mankind was ever meant to operate a car will drunk, it had to be while asleep in a self-driving car.


About 10,000 people were killed while driving under the influence in 2014, and there were 200 fatalities of children who weren't driving. Tesla, G.M. and others will work out bugs eventually, yet sooner is probably a better way to reduce fatalities on the road than later overall.Making a car that doesn't allow tobacco smoking would also reduce deaths-though in an unrelated field (lung cancer etc.).


Tesla blamed the car's inability to distinguish the white color background a truck the car crashed into as the reason for the accident. Human drivers fall asleep, have heart attacks, strokes and seizures while driving, and making innumerable driving judgment errors leading to accidents-especially in passing. If self-driving cars can be proven to be statistically safer than human drivers that may be good enough.

Yet it may be the cognitive psychologists will need to test the cognitive abilities of the automotive AI systems of self driving cars-an interdisciplinary project to see where their blind spots are. I personally would not want to ride in a self-driving car on the Alaska highway in January anytime soon.

On Six Days of Creation (Video)

Making Best Moves for Democracy

American politicians have shown recalcitrance to act for U.S. national interests rather than global interests in recent decades. The nation was founded as a democracy, or a democratic republic as it were. It is worth remembering that British and Roman Catholic papists didn't support democracy. Sadly the Catholic Church history is one of opposition to democracy and support of Habsburgs until comparatively recent times.When U.S. political leadership works for foreign and globalists rather than U.S. interests it also works sedulously against democracy in the U.S.A. Support for illegal immigration is one example of a preference for globalist imperialism against democratic self-determination of by and for the people of the United States.

In foreign policy choices have been made primarily  to benefit concentrated wealth rather than the people of the U.S.A.Those interests are not always in harmony or close to be one.In order to present a little philosophical detachment and reflection about foreign policy criteria that benefit Americans rather than the globalist agenda I will post a brief article on the logic of aggregating winning moves.

In chess tactics trainers at least there does seem to be a 'best move'. One's agenda might always be to choose the best move, although there may be numerous equally valid best moves at various points in a game. Evaluating best moves options ought to be reflexive, rather than possibilities within an agenda doomed to win because it has a winning agenda ideal. If one opts for the end justifies the means agenda then the means must have a sequence of best movies. If one justifies the means are the end-in-themselves, the aggregation of best moves must lead to a winning agenda lest the moves with retrocausality be proven to be less-than-the-best and politically losing.


Recalcitrant Republican Globalists Fear Trump

Donald Trump seems to be the anti-dote to globalist destruction of the United States. Therefore many Republican elites entirely sold out to globalism fear the Donald and won't support his Presidential candidacy. Trump needs to find unconventional Americans to fill in the convention speaking slots usually given to ass kissing sycophants of the 1% working on making a global plutocracy.


Trump may be the remedy to the it takes a village paradigm with the Clintons as the Chief faces of the village where everyone is a loser and the United States just a memory. Even the Pope seems to like the village as is against keeping Mexican Latinos from illegally entering the United States. The Clintons and apparently Pope Francis believe only be enforced if and only if they benefit your race, the British imperial financial project, personal financial interest or organization, and otherwise... they don't count and should be ignored for moral and compassionate reasons. 

Even without the support of people like Lindsey Graham, Trump may be able to keep the U.S.A. a little intact, strong and secure for a while longer before its completely overrun by anyone that can take a profit from skimming it in the new age of globalism.

Building up NATO Troops for W.W. Three With Russia (satire)

Finally NATO has begun the troop build up required to have a decent World War Three. Secret plans were obtained detailing Vladimir Putin's Von Shufflin Plan to invade Poland before cutting and slashing for a quick blitzkreig to Berlin, over the Alps via the Von Hannibal route and down to the beach at Palermo

The reason for the impending war is simple enough. The exit of Britain from the EC has created a tremendous gap in the defensive line that needs to be filled with free agents from Canada (that is sending 4000 soldiers including trans-genders and homosexual special forces). The next war to end all wars will be the most democratic in history with medals for all the winners and beautiful sad songs, pompoms and circumstances for the losers (the dead).

Actually though the Von Putin plan is missing quality free-thinking drones required for success in any trendy battlefield ecosystem. It is also well known that the excellent Russian tanks are rather gauche in appearance and present good targets for military haters programmed to like stealthy and sleek fashions in armored vehicles. Putin as a lawyers is aware that their is a treaty making it illegal for NATO to station troops on the Russian border, and that violation could be a legal context to commence battle. If that occurs one hopes that Anderson Cooper will be on the front line with camera team to beam it all to American spectators.

With luck though the tremendous NATO build up will de frappe the conflict before it starts. The crunch time should be before Oct. 1st when it gets a little more cool and war is less attractive to the troops. If there is no war by then it may wait until summer 2017.

NATO Masses Troops on Russian Border (satire)

Finally NATO has begun the troop build up required to have a decent World War Three. Secret plans were obtained detailing Vladimir Putin's Von Shufflin Plan to invade Poland before cutting and slashing for a quick blitzkreig to Berlin, over the Alps via the Von Hannibal route and down to the beach at Palermo

The reason for the impending war is simple enough. The exit of Britain from the EC has created a tremendous gap in the defensive line that needs to be filled with free agents from Canada (that is sending 4000 soldiers including trans-genders and homosexual special forces). The next war to end all wars will be the most democratic in history with medals for all the winners and beautiful sad songs, pompoms and circumstances for the losers (the dead).

Actually though the Von Putin plan is missing quality free-thinking drones required for success in any trendy battlefield ecosystem. It is also well known that the excellent Russian tanks are rather gauche in appearance and present good targets for military haters programmed to like stealthy and sleek fashions in armored vehicles. Putin as a lawyers is aware that their is a treaty making it illegal for NATO to station troops on the Russian border, and that violation could be a legal context to commence battle. If that occurs one hopes that Anderson Cooper will be on the front line with camera team to beam it all to American spectators.

With luck though the tremendous NATO build up will de frappe the conflict before it starts. The crunch time should be before Oct. 1st when it gets a little more cool and war is less attractive to the troops. If there is no war by then it may wait until summer 2017.

Democrat Convention Fight to Dump Hillary?

With Hillary's sordid history of denial of ever doing anything wrong while in political circumstances going back to her husband's Presidential years it would be reasonable for Democrats at the convention to try to dump her nomination and select a wild card such as a good economist for the job-one with clean hands and no barges of political baggage following.


Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham-even the Speaker of the House and of course the Bushes, have proven that Donald Trump is not a bureaucratic corporate flunkie and corrupted Republican insiders still seek to replace Trump with someone else with better communist, socialist or Wall Street elite credentials who will suck up to the inertia of the day that all hands want to partake of as if sharing REM on black sabbath. So it is not unreasonable to consider the possibility that Democrats with actual valid reasons may seek to go where no convention has gone before the past 30 years and find someone people don't hate to run for the Presidential job. Even the hate crimes laws won't stop many Americans from hating on Hillary.

The Clinton's have made themselves a privileged clan seeming to be a little above the law. Some believe that Bill gave Attorney General Lynch the eye to let her know that if Hillary is trashed for repeatedly concealing official State Department business on her private email server and then losing some of them, she just might find her future downwardly mobile. Nothing like burning the Koresh ranch or anything, just a friendly reminder about her kids, grand-kids or whatever the future could hold for them.


What's Isis, Hamas, Al Qaeda Think of 2-State Solution?

The quartet is working a two-state Middle East solution for Israel again begging the question; what do ISIS, AL Qaeda, Hamas and the Saudis think about that?


The Obama administration is pushing Russia to help settle down the Syrian conflict by getting Assad to ground his Air Force so rebels can attack without so much resistance. It seems important to get rid of Assad and Vietnamize the conflict with rebels that can present a fair and balanced anarchic state to ISIS. A two state solution instead of just dumb and dumber.


Whale Snoring,Big-Box Store Moving Sidewalks etc

Just a few thoughts... has anyone recorded a whale snoring? I was camping by the Inside passage a couple nights and heard the deepest audio sound, and  most strong, from what I believed was a snoring whale. Whales had been feeding and jumping out of the water at the location, and it seemed a good place for them to sleep too. I hadn't any audio equipment.

Why aren't there moving center people 'sidewalks' inside very large box stores? Any express from front to back?

Why aren't fast food menus divided into three parts, with the left being low calories (< 600 calories), the center being moderate (600 to 900 calories), and the right being fatty >900 calories? It isn't simple enough for people to select foods the way it is-way too much trouble.

What is Meant by 'Atheists Have No Morals'

Divine command moral norms following Moses and Deuteronomy were plain and simple. Alternatively modern godless individuals haven’t anything ...