
The Strange Growth of Orthodox Atheism

Orthodox atheism supports content that was for prior generations of Americans and reproves content that does not acknowledge the orthodox line. It’s quite a change. Maybe Bill Clinton was a strong early element in its national development and president Obama was something of a tool for heresy and blasphemy in high political office with his homosexual marriage agenda that he said ‘evolved’. That is a blast from the past now though of course, and have been programmed toward heresy as a laughable, regressive turtlish sort of excrescence of dogmatism in video games such as HALO. Evolution theory and physical cosmology are ends-in-themselves for the orthodox without even philosophical thought.

Thomas Brooks in 'Precious Remedies to Satan's Devices' examines one particular satanic device to snare the soul that has wide-spread use today. One use of the device occurs in the attack upon Genesis in order to make just-worldly cosmology opulent and desirable in comparison to parchment of Genesis.

DEVICE 1: By presenting the WORLD in such a dress, and in such a garb to the soul, as to ensnare the soul, and to win upon the affection of the soul.”

Satan seems to use confusion about the construction of the Universe today as a way to draw people to faithlessness and frustration with the Bible. Those that wouldn’t know a proton from a quark leap to faith in electrons and football to disdain Genesis. The media love that. There is no need for frustration.

The orthodox atheism line doesn’t want to think that anything is true besides its own point of view on creation and the Universe as well as the social relativism of morality. It also tends to assume they are well-informed and have exhaustive understanding of the worthlessness of non-orthodox viewpoints and would even censor them in the corporatist way of they could.

I have thought that there are two basic forms of government; those that are voluntary and those that are coercive. Coercive governments require minority rule, and that is why communism breaks down into the sort of oligarchic-party-elite tyranny that corporatism has too with each form also having a dictator form if required to continue coercive social governance. The orthodox atheist way of thinking and acting leads toward the government by coercion direction even if it from the left.


U.S. Senate Bungles Alaska Wildlife Conservation

The U.S. Senators that voted to end hunting limits on wolves and grizzly bear on Federal Lands in Alaska may be frightened of encountering such creatures in the wild if they were ever to visit the state in the middle of summer when they might not experience frost. The vote is completely profligate and will cost the public a fortune in the future to recover the lost populations much less the damage to the genomes that will end up in-breeding if they can survive at all.

Human beings have extirminated so many large mammals. It is unfortunate to have such low-information and reasoning content politicians spend the common heritage of mankind as if they were just loetting Daniel Boone off his leash.


Alaska should be the natural state featuring its better-than-communist-polluted-Russia northern ecosystem that's a good example for others to emulate. Instead it has people like Don Young gut the guts out of the wild ecosphere for the benefit of people that like fur coats and silk.


Will Sect. Tillerson Dance for Chancellor Merkel to Defuse Euro-Tension?

Plainly German-American relations are reaching a serious enough stage of decay that President Trump may need to send Sect. of State Tillerson over to Germany top dance-down the escalating crisis. When President Clinton needed to end North Korea's nuclear weapons development program he sent Sect. Albright to dance before Dictator Kim and that was the end of that.

Chancellor Merkel of course isn't yet a dictator. Getting Germany to relinquish their designs on wherever such that crisis can be averted and the media that can focus on important things like president trumps unwillingness to shake hands or high five foreign rulers with complete trust that they have washed their hands after going to the bathroom or kept nano-particles from laboratories form interfering with any potential toxic substance invented by chemical experts that might have accidentally been introduced by subversives to the Chancellor's person unintentionally or otherwise.

Formerly the important bumper sticker of Envision World Dance evolved the OPEC oil crisis into peace at the end of the tunnel that blossomed with a great leap forward into a spring of limitless fracking so the world had lots and lots of oil to help global warming, avert communism in Germany and create a holiday statue of Crown Prince Ruprecht.

Media focus on the important things gives ordinary people confidence that they can be forced into early retirement even without adequate savings, that the environment will continue its decay and that public debt will increase while the majority political intellect is largely dispersed.


Obama Admin Doubled Debt from 10 to 20 Trillion $ (Appx.)

So the salient question is should President Trump continue the Obama method and double public debt for-himself from 20 trillion dollars to 40 trillion over the next eight years? Maybe Congress would save a dime here and there of course with austerity as a cruel yet necessary concept held out there with as asceticism at a distance.

Of course the poor and shoulder the burden of austerity for the rich as the middle class fades away into retirement. The poorest are most used to hardships and are believed by insiders probably to deserve it.  Insiders and the most rich need tax cuts perennially in order to make free enterprise work and allow trickle down to properly function; goes without thinking even if the environment is another nagging concern of mal-contents. What if that's not enough though?

U.S. public debt is nearing 20 trillion dollars while U.S. gross domestic product is somewhat more than 18 trillion dollars. The public debt is apparently increasing faster than U.S. economic growth-and most of that is going to the richest. Because the Clintons and Obamas did not address the structural issues for the benefit of the poor and middle class first, and as the discretionary part of the federal budget comprises just 7%, I wonder how the economic picture of the nation can be reformed.


Actually I think that real economic reform that actually benefits the poor and middle class isn’t likely. Human greed and original sin saturate government, the media and Wall Street to the point that even the environment suffers so champagne and fine booze drinking elites can have cashmere shag carpets or whatever and cars that pollute the atmosphere with tons of carbon emissions each year.

Actually socialism, communism and corporatism end up with the same oligarchy-like monopolistic bureaucracies running the world because of the nature of human social organization. Free enterprise actual dies within advanced bureaucratic-wall Street stock owning wealth concentration though good product continues to be produced for some time. Individualism and free enterprise as well as real democracy are actually the endangered political forms now.

Government with the consent of intelligent masses could actually make vast practical reforms toward sustainable ecological economic infrastructure limiting the percent of capital anyone may have in order to keep democracy rather than plutonomy ruling. With guaranteed minimum income and pragmatic social support services it would be possible for inventions and clever, efficient free enterprises to be developed theoretically first and those meeting environmental low impact and synergy goals best allowed to go ahead. That is desperation for jobs wouldn’t be the only political moderator on the electorate. Capitalism itself selects naturally for more capital rather than for a better environment or equitable distribution of wealth to all people equally within basic criteria even while allowing people to profit and save from their labor and inventions above the baseline.

Plainly the United States and most world political systems today are maladaptive to the present environmental and demographic facts of life. Political theory tends to be at least a century behind along with governing environmental theory. The natural default to thoughtless minions supporting concentrated wealth and saluting the dollar sign fuhrers that are money rather than reason will continue even being reinforced by waves of senseless commercial brainwashing. A financial philosopher today developing political epistemology might write “I think, therefor I am broke”.

It will be amazing to see what President-elect Trump can do with a fundamentally crummy national economic outlook that has found it to easy to develop overseas, exploit cheap foreign labor, run up public debt and avoid any sort of national leadership responsibility since the end of the cold war. Capitalism itself is in need of reform as well as the nation’s infrastructure. Infrastructure could be transformed into a new ecological economic form rather than wasting resources in old style, existing establishment, yet of course the establishment resists that.

President elect Trump should prioritize green transportation with electric cars, buses and rail drawing power from green sources. African development should be influenced toward green electro-magnetic power too, rather than fossil fuel cars-and that means new mass transportation.

Wherever possible developed land should be returned to a natural condition replacing existing buildings with smaller, cheaper better monolithic domes occupying less space. Border security could have a trans-continental salt-water canals and solar evaporation-condensation for desalinization infrastructure to make water for the parched Southwest. Many things are possible. A return to making patents affordable would help. Inventors should be given exclusive patents for just 7 years and after that a small royalty percent from anyone using the patent for production (for 50 years) before its public domain. Its rather difficult materially to manufacture things in the U.S.A. after getting an idea that is patentable making it doubly difficult for poor yet intelligent and inventive people to cash in on thought-as it is presently-ideas have to be given away to trickle up to the rich or well-placed, so why be inventive at all?


Should Trump Apologize for March Madness Losers?

Some celebrities have compared the Trump administration to 1930s Germany, yet a better comparison would be to 1920s America with the financial bubble being government debt. it might be possible that President Trump will authorize invasion of Canada after he builds the wall on the Mexican border, in order to get lebensraum for Molson beer drinkers; one can never be too certain of high level historical tendencies.

Those of the Democrat persuasion have also said the President owes apologies for statements made that Obamacrats bugged him. Realistically Mr. Obama's policies bugged a lot of people, wired, and tapped or not.

Apologizing for any losses in the first round of the NCAA basketball tournament might pre-empt and satisfy Democrat desires for Trump apologies. Maybe he should consider that?



A Philosophical Approach - Volume 1 (published)

I have published volume one of my philosophically inclined essays written primarily since 2013. This one is of about 178,000 words that have some sort of theological relevance



On Roger Penrose's Chess/Consciousness Paradigm

Roger Penrose wrote a book with the premise that human minds are grounded in the quantum realm. Hence human thought has an element of quantum computing to it implicitly. Thus one gets to what Roderick Chisholm might have called the problem of the criterion. As the quantum realm and quantum effects such as super-positioning transcend the material, steady state entanglement of atoms in the Universe at a deeper level, that is as in some ways it can be regarded as more 'real' or better as noumenal realm of being in-itself, one must just accept things on faith that this contingent reality is good.

Probably it isn't presently possible to design a computer or even a quantum computer entirely in the quantum realm as if it evolved and had an essential, primary function from-the-ground-up. Instead quantum computers will be designed from the contingent reality of this Universe (top down) to interact or compute a little in the instantaneous quantum realm. That is an essential difference between human consciousness if it has a quantum, innate element and quantum computers.

I watched a video of the physicist Roger Penrose named: 'The Emperor's New Mind, Quantum Mind, Quantum Consciousness, The Laws of Physics' at Youtube. In the video he relates the reasons why he thinks a computer cannot be given an actual mind with lines of programmatic logic. Essentially he thinks that the cyto-skeleton, or the infrastructure that make up the brain neurons and synapses functions at the quantum level (with all of the issues of quantum super-positioning, quantum uncertainty and so forth) and thus cannot be modeled in programmatic logic.

Of course it might be possible to design an automatic operating quantum computer one day with its own brand of artificial intelligence with real-world integration able to randomly reconfigure material reality according to its own inscrutable will without any sort of moral reservations-yet I think that wouldn't be a very good idea. That would be something like designing an robotic arsonist with its own will to set as a security guard in a fireworks factory. At any rate it would take quite a long time for the clever writers of computer code and physical designers of quantum computers to evolve that sort of technology... a century or two at least. So it isn't much of a clear and present danger.

Dumbing Down Mankind with CO2

During the pre-Cambrian era 550 million years ago (that's when it ended) atmospheric CO2 was as high as 7000 ppm. There wasn't much complex life on Earth then, and that ended with the Cambrian era explosion of life with most all of the planet's major phyla developing then for a few decades. That life growing scrubbed much of the CO2 from the atmosphere because plants take in CO2 and release oxygen. CO2 was present from many natural inorganic sources in a low-life environment.

So mankind in reducing plant ecosphere health along with destruction of major elements of phyla so far as they can work toward a pre-Cambrian, carboniferous way of being. Like those breathing auto and diesel exhaust occupationally the effects of deoptimalizing creative intelligence may be less noticed by the victims. As CO2 increases ,deniers that it is harmful become less able to comprehend the reduction in their own potential.


During the quaternary glaciation 2 million years ago atmospheric CO2 was as low as 280 ppm. Mankind developed into a modern form with large functioning brains in that low CO2 era. Increasing Co2 to 400ppm as as present with all of the pollution probably tends to dumb people down as would putting a plastic bag over your head and rebreathing CO2.



Obama-Ryancare Light on Healthcare for Poor

Republican congressional efforts to transform the massive Obamacare health policy into one made to financially benefiot the well to do and scuttle anything resembling easy free health care for the poor and lower middle class seems like phase two of Republicrat efforts to saddle Americans with another structure to bind themselves into servitude to the 1%. President Obama and his Democrat sycophants installed phase one with p[romises of sugary things for everyone except the rich and then phase two arrived; Republican renormalization efforts for the bill to transform it into advantage for insiders.

It is amusing that CNN and others have noted the tax breaks for the rich; democrats voted 100% to make Bush II tax cuts permanent with only Bernie Sanders dissenting so the pretense that democrats are anything besides one side of a two-part government to enrich the rich is not very credible.


Probably the entire Obamacare nonsense should be scrapped and a material free public health care system for the poor built up from V.A. and community clinics. Then everyone would be free of the Obamacare tax-bill. Government non-profit hospitals for direct provisioning of the poor is the cheapest, simplest way to provide medical service. Those that can afford private treatment could still buy insurance. Government generally should not be buying insurance for citizens since thats a real haywiring interference in market economics in ways political philosophers probably havent even researched to logical exhaustion.


Doesn't Obama-Ryancare Work Against Free Enterprise?

When people are required by government to a product by the millions isn't motivation for free enterprise competition to drop the cost of the product undermined? Obamacare just-charge-it and live for the day economic attitudes along with collective bargaining theorists felt a price decrease of product insurance could be attained with all Americans compelled to buy health insurance. The theory was probably wrong over the long haul for several reasons foremost of which is the fact that mandatory product purchase kills the need for suppliers to compete to drop the cost to consumers and instead goads them to increase cost and to not invest in inventing better product in order to decrease cost.

Healthcare inventions and improvements of technology are stimulated by competition to a certain extent. Instead of health care costs for the top 100 insults to health reduced to Walt-mart prices, with Nixon-Bamako-Ryancare they may remain quite high for a long time adversely effecting global public health.


The U.S. Government should just expand and coordinate V.A. and public community treatment to provide for the poor and anyone that really can't afford health care. In a free enterprise self-help democracy that is probably as far as it is reasonable to go. Lung Work-Around Paradigm

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...