
U.S. Senate Bungles Alaska Wildlife Conservation

The U.S. Senators that voted to end hunting limits on wolves and grizzly bear on Federal Lands in Alaska may be frightened of encountering such creatures in the wild if they were ever to visit the state in the middle of summer when they might not experience frost. The vote is completely profligate and will cost the public a fortune in the future to recover the lost populations much less the damage to the genomes that will end up in-breeding if they can survive at all.

Human beings have extirminated so many large mammals. It is unfortunate to have such low-information and reasoning content politicians spend the common heritage of mankind as if they were just loetting Daniel Boone off his leash.


Alaska should be the natural state featuring its better-than-communist-polluted-Russia northern ecosystem that's a good example for others to emulate. Instead it has people like Don Young gut the guts out of the wild ecosphere for the benefit of people that like fur coats and silk.

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