
No Hay Nurolink-Avocado da recha Por Favour!

No Hay Nurolink-Avocado da recha Por Favour!

Riding an articulated bus a gentleman wearing a king kong suit suddenly jumped up and grabbed the handles to the back exit door shouting to the driver way up front ‘abogado avocado la recha cha pork favort!”. Plainly he had not only missed his stop, additionally his newrot-link battery had malfunctioned.

Brain implanted links to controlling corporate-communist central processing units began early in the 20th century as it freed the people from external devices and thinking. Computers programmed the public with nice voices and pictures moving them about society sometimes just in their imagination and sometimes in the real world. Unfortunately much of the technology became obsolete rather quickly and people such as Kong were left with the equivalent of vacuum tubes implanted within their brains.

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