
Russian-American Free Trade Act and Senator Jeff Sessions

Democrats have discovered a cache of documentation about two meetings by then-Senator Jeff Sessions with the Russian Ambassador in Washington D.C. and have called for the Attorney General to resign-. A reasonable request for a party taking up where Joe McCarthy left off in hating on the Russians (and Donald Trump). In theory the party reasoning goes something like Jeff Sessions met with the Russian ambassador to plot to put Hillary's emails from State on an insecure private server so Russian hackers could buy the stuff from a dark web auction site with laundered C.I.A. money that would only be enfiladed after deeper throat met with a Washington Post reporter behind a closed door secured with plumbers tape and forward the emails to wikileaks that would then release it during Hillary's Presidential campaign thus winning the election for Donald Trump after the public got a look into Hillary's way of doping business and Clinton Foundation tours of the State Department for big foreign contributors .

Senator Sessions decision to possibly discuss political matters with the Russian ambassador is unprecedented; US. politicians strictly stick to a code of silence and never meet with foreign representatives to discuss politics when they have a big stick of nuclear weaponry in their pocket. The fire stick makes savages heal with big wamp-em. Good Senators don't meet with diplomats; they use N.S.A. surveillance to listen in on their dirty little secrets.

It is of coarseness possible that the Senator met to discover what the Russian view of certain political matters were concerning war and peace in regions of mutual concern. Yet until Russia concedes the Myrny diamond pipes to the Democrat national Committee they will be regarded as a rogue nation unlikely to permit homosexual marriage and atheist, godless domination by feminism and BLTs.

Senator Sessions might have simply yearned for peanuts, caviar and vodka that no longer are automatic freebies flying in first class. The Russian ambassador might have provided a decent snack and then suggested some sort of treachery such as a free trade agreement between the two nations. Jeff Sessions as a naive political innocent would not have known the ambassador was capable of persuasive subterfuge and was actually recruiting him to spy on and steal Senator Al Franken's jokes. Free trade agreements are tantamount to treason in the Democrat play book.

Revised freak trade might work with RAFTA though. Athletes, vodka, whiskey and raw materials could be traded freely while manufactured goods and c.p.a.'s would not. Russia could make quick and dirty lunar lab modules and heavy lift them to the moon base. Space X would provide transport for humans and supply. How many billions it would take N.A.S.A. to build a moon base!?

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