
Obama-Ryancare Light on Healthcare for Poor

Republican congressional efforts to transform the massive Obamacare health policy into one made to financially benefiot the well to do and scuttle anything resembling easy free health care for the poor and lower middle class seems like phase two of Republicrat efforts to saddle Americans with another structure to bind themselves into servitude to the 1%. President Obama and his Democrat sycophants installed phase one with p[romises of sugary things for everyone except the rich and then phase two arrived; Republican renormalization efforts for the bill to transform it into advantage for insiders.

It is amusing that CNN and others have noted the tax breaks for the rich; democrats voted 100% to make Bush II tax cuts permanent with only Bernie Sanders dissenting so the pretense that democrats are anything besides one side of a two-part government to enrich the rich is not very credible.


Probably the entire Obamacare nonsense should be scrapped and a material free public health care system for the poor built up from V.A. and community clinics. Then everyone would be free of the Obamacare tax-bill. Government non-profit hospitals for direct provisioning of the poor is the cheapest, simplest way to provide medical service. Those that can afford private treatment could still buy insurance. Government generally should not be buying insurance for citizens since thats a real haywiring interference in market economics in ways political philosophers probably havent even researched to logical exhaustion.

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