
Doesn't Obama-Ryancare Work Against Free Enterprise?

When people are required by government to a product by the millions isn't motivation for free enterprise competition to drop the cost of the product undermined? Obamacare just-charge-it and live for the day economic attitudes along with collective bargaining theorists felt a price decrease of product insurance could be attained with all Americans compelled to buy health insurance. The theory was probably wrong over the long haul for several reasons foremost of which is the fact that mandatory product purchase kills the need for suppliers to compete to drop the cost to consumers and instead goads them to increase cost and to not invest in inventing better product in order to decrease cost.

Healthcare inventions and improvements of technology are stimulated by competition to a certain extent. Instead of health care costs for the top 100 insults to health reduced to Walt-mart prices, with Nixon-Bamako-Ryancare they may remain quite high for a long time adversely effecting global public health.


The U.S. Government should just expand and coordinate V.A. and public community treatment to provide for the poor and anyone that really can't afford health care. In a free enterprise self-help democracy that is probably as far as it is reasonable to go. Lung Work-Around Paradigm

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