
Adolph Hitler; Left, Right or Center

Adolph Hitler wasn’t fundamentally a political ideologue. He wasn’t very well educated. His ideas were the sort that are somewhat populist and street. People develop such ideas with a kind of intellectual feminism that hasn’t the genius of intellectual vigor. Physical rather than intellectual development is the rule, and that can be dangerous in leaders.
Hitler inherited an anti-intellectual tradition that General Hindenberg (later to lead the Weimar Republic until appointing Hitler to lead) established; he bragged that he had never read a book. Hitler’s origin and personal history can’t be ignored; it shaped his mature outlook on life. The First World War affected his opinions. He won an Iron Cross as a messenger on the battlefield. He was gassed and hospitalized and recovering when the armistice happened. The news gave him a relapse into what people regard as hysteria-induced blindness. Hitler and the veterans generally didn’t believe the war was really lost and that they had been betrayed by leftists and communists. Kaiser Wilhelm II was given an ultimatum to abdicate or there would be a popular revolution because he had been regarded by the German public as losing the war. He quit the job and left for Belgium.
There were some prominent Jews in leadership positions in the near-revolution. One had spoken at the Munich beer hall where Hitler would later lead the Beer Hall Putsch. Hitler found it easy to blame the Jews for the armistice and revolution, He was wrong about that though. Hitler also blamed communists for the revolution- they were very active in Germany. When the Russian Revolution happened near the end of World War One the Red visage to the east affected popular opinions.
However it was the German leadership that sent Lenin in a sealed train east to Russia where they knew he would lead the revolution. Probably they had some secret agreement with Lenin to be given the Ukraine in exchange for allowing Lenin to return to Germany and not to invade the new communist state after the revolution. Lenin did sign the treaty of Brest-Litovsk after destroying Russia and creating the Soviet Union. Germany owned most of Ukraine until Hitler lost it to the Soviets himself after invading Russia.
Hitler was sent to take over the National Socialist Workers Party by the Wehrmacht leadership. With the aristocracy deposed the 1% needed to restore their position in some way, and Hitler was the key to creating a corporatist government that would let the former aristocracy unite with government at the top level through business. His desire to be a new Caesar was just following the tradition of the Kaiser. Karl Rohm led S.A. Storm Troopers helped let Hitler take over German society and end the republic. Hitler's Storm Troopers: A History of the SA: The Memoirs of Wilfred von Oven
Hitler was a great, charismatic speaker able to lead the populace with a vision of a restored Aryan Germany purified of all of those that had brought Germany to lose the first world war that they could have won if the armistice had not been signed. Hitler was damaged by the war and not the best and brightest in the first place. A peaceful Germany with it’s scientific and engineering brilliance had all it needed. The uneducated veteran of the great war saw nothing besides expansion materially and killing hypothetical opponents.
Corporatism as a political philosophy co-opts the left socialist movement and grafts it into the Aristocratic/Corporate 1%’s will to power. Benito Mussolini invented it, and Hitler used it.
Communists on the left were the enemy. The right of the day and post-hoc are considered to be the fascists/Nazis, that initially were a leftist party. Neither side were U.S. founder style constitutional liberals that are today thought of as conservatives. In a way people never really know what left and right mean outside of a present context. One should use linguistic philosophy and a paradigm like Kripke’s naming and necessity to understand well that the meaning of words can change yet keep a little lasting meaning in some respects. Left and Right just cannot replace a good historical understanding of the people and events, circumstance and pressures, opportunities and challenges that led particular political situations to exist.

Search Engines May be Unfair to Conservative and Independent Bloggers

President Trump is concerned about the power of Internet search engines over what people see in the political realm. Plainly search engines like Google have the power to gerrymander search results to put up their own political views if they wish. If they don’t choose to do so, or if that never occurred to them, that would be good.

Americans aren't exactly monkey see, monkey do people yet there are a lot of people that follow current trends to go with front runners.  If the left-leaning media is featured, rather than articles from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy or whatever, that will influence what people believe is important. Preferred locations for business such as Wal-mart along freeways bring in customers and so do preferred internet locations; hence people pay Google to get a better search engine result for their web page. Free and fair Internet listings that aren't repressed or disadvantaged by an algorithm are meaningful concepts for those with web pages,

It required a couple of months of using the google filter before I could get rid of CNN articles from the news feed. The top listings were invariably the usual suspects; The Washington Post, CNN, CNBC, Vanity Fare, The Atlantic and so forth; all left leaning Democrat Party supporting entities. Besides Fox, and Fox is weak on conservativism and foreign owned, the conservative point of view was non-existent. The filter out the source button at google news just did not work; eventually I wrote a blog article about the topic and after that it stopped. 

I used to get a thousand views on my blog many days before President Obama took office, then after a few years the views crashed overnight to fewer than 100 where it remains, I tend to support President Trump.


It seems to me that the Internet search engines do hire a lot of Democrats with easy access to programming opportunities to marginalize blogs that post opinions they don’t like,burying them so they are in a dark, distant place. The ability to influence elections that multinational search engines have is substantial. How equal opportunity and political ‘net neutrality’ could be forced upon search engines is beyond my constitutional law knowledge.

The better solution would be if their were conservative, independent, libertarian as well as corrupting Democrat search engines, so anyone could duplicate their posts to a friendly site if need be.

If Lend-Lease to Stalin in WW 2 Hadn't Happened

That is a very good question. it is an interesting fiction scenario to consider. Without lend-lease the Soviet Union would have lost the eastern front of the war, and perhaps the western allied forces too on the west. That would be a result of a quick victory of operation Barbarossa in Russia; the Nazi army wouldn’t have needed the solders and material it did to keep fighting the Red Army reinforced with British and American equipment.
In just part of 1941 the Soviets lost more than 20,000 tanks leaving fewer than 700 to defend Moscow. Britain provided lots of tanks and other supplies then before the U.S.A. got fully ramped up to send material.
For the Battle of Moscow the allies had sent 700 aircraft to the Reds. By the middle of 1942 they had sent appx 2000 tanks. Other stuff like metal cutting equip probably helped.
Soviet General Zhukov said after the war; “"Now they say that the allies never helped us, but it can't be denied that the Americans gave us so many goods without which we wouldn't have been able to form our reserves and continue the war," 
"We didn’t have explosives, gunpowder. We didn’t have anything to charge our rifle cartridges with. The Americans really saved us with their gunpowder and explosives. And how much sheet steel they gave us! How could we have produced our tanks without American steel? But now they make it seem as if we had an abundance of all that. Without American trucks we wouldn’t have had anything to pull our artillery with."
The Soviet Communists dominated Russia, and their power in Eastern Europe lasted a half century; a reasonable amount of time for any nation that has lost 20–30 million dead to foreign invaders to occupy lands invaded by their enemy to assure that the danger is past. If it was the United States they probably would have kept the land for a century before thinking about letting go.
One would have had to realistically consider the Nazis dominating Russia and liquidating more inferior people; not just profiled democrats, but oddball liberals of all kinds. The Soviets absorbed punishment and casualties from the Werhmacht yet caused a lot of German casualties in defense. It is possible that without the Soviets fighting on the Eastern front the Nazi might have won on the western front.
A quote from the webpage above; “More than 14,000 U.S. airplanes, 8,000 of which came from Alaska, were given to the Soviet Union in the course of the war.
The USSR received a total of 44,000 American jeeps, 375,883 cargo trucks, 8,071 tractors and 12,700 tanks. Additionally, 1,541,590 blankets, 331,066 liters of alcohol, 15,417,000 pairs of army boots, 106,893 tons of cotton, 2,670,000 tons of petroleum products and 4,478,000 tons of food supplies made their way into the Soviet Union.”
The better way to prevent communism in Russia was in World War I; if the United States had not fought against the Germans then, or if Germany were doing well in the war, Germany might not have sent Lenin to guide the revolution. Why they did isn’t too mysterious; they didn’t trust the tsar not to repeat a war on Germany (my guess), and Lenin arranged to give the Ukraine to Germany in exchange for German help in getting the revolution (the sealed train) going and peace. If Germany were winners in the first war Hitler wouldn’t have risen to power and the Nazis would not have existed. German hegemony over Russia would have created a different, though not perhaps a better political world.

Vladimir Putin; Philosopher-King

An assignment in progress...

Module Five Essay Assignment;
Inclusive institutions and civic engagement in contemporary Russia: deliberation or imitation?”

1) “What are inclusive institutions in contemporary Russia?”
2) “What are examples of civic engagement?”
3) “In what cases we can see the real deliberation in contemporary Russia? What are the key factors?”
4) “What cases are just the imitation of inclusion and deliberation? Why?”


1) “What are inclusive institutions in contemporary Russia?”

Human social organizations that are open to membership could be regarded as inclusive. I was influenced in defining organizational inclusiveness from Jean Paul Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason. Within Sartre’s organizational paradigm there is a phenomenal or existential element for an organization. Inherently an organization has the capacity for ad hoc change and reform. Therefore the set of organizations that exist in Russia today that are inclusive should not be narrowly defined. I would like to include business organizations as inclusive as well as government and quasi-governmental agencies that interact positively with the general public.

Urban areas have more organizations than rural because there are more people in urban areas. Governing powers coordination centers are located in urban areas generally, as well as the people, financial centers are located in urban areas too so that is where organizations seek access to government monetary resources develop too.

Fortunately this course is structured for beginners in the subject of governance in Russia. I haven’t been to Russia- Helsinki was as close as I have been, so research into the topic of Russian organizations that exist and are inclusive in Russia brought me to several obvious Internet sites providing, indirectly, information about the state of Russia development since the end of the Cold War and in particular since the year 2000.

Humans can organize to help themselves and to improve their living conditions unless it is legally outlawed. Business is one of the more efficient ways to do so. Business models are malleable and adaptive regarding membership and may include ownership co-ops, joint partnerships and incorporation. The may be dedicated to virtually any purpose, and especially as corporations may be for-profit or non-profit. The Council on Foundations appears to be an inclusive venue for forming sundry forms of organizations and interactive deliberative structures including non-profits.

The website above lists five most-common kinds of existing organization in Russia that international grant makers encounter:

Public organizations;
1. Foundations;
2. Institutions;
3. Autonomous non-commercial organizations; and
4. Associations (unions).
seems to be a good point to find numerous services for citizens in Russia. It is “an official Internet portal for government services” and appears to have quite a substantive on-line listing of useful urls. Some of the services, for example, obtaining documents or information regarding water, may require a fee.

Following I will make a list of several Internet indexed sites that are relevant to the topic of inclusive social organizations in Russia including business sites.

http://rusmarket.com/ Russian business websites


https://www.oidp.net/docs/  includes a brief history of initiative budgeting

https://www.forskningsradet. "Local government budgeting reforms in Russia: implications and tensions"

https://www.ned.org/region/  Russian 2017 budget including citizen initiative support

https://truthout.org/articles/  -public votes on how to spend a pot of money

2) “Examples of Civic Engagement”

One may define civic engagement in numerous ways. If one specifically chooses for the term to mean how the government engages with citizens instead of being somewhat insular and aloof, then the range of possible answers might exclude numerous examples of citizen self-organizing. The sovereign governmental power of a nation is what is challenged historically from within and without. Those in a position to run a government as authorities sometimes repress dissent. Russia has opposition parties such as The Other Russia. For observers from afar t may be difficult to identify the actual identity of the players for opposition parties that probably are composed of people with diverse political interests while, alternatively, President Putin is mostly interested in keeping opposition parties within the boundaries of certain general political criteria that would include basic agreement with principles of democracy, private property, and several other traditional western civilization values.

3) “In what cases we can see the real deliberation in contemporary Russia? What are the key factors?”

4) “Just the imitation of inclusion and deliberation? Why?”
Opposition parties today have certain attack methods and social media and traditional organizational means that belie the real goals of the constituency of the parties, in some cases one might infer. If communist comprise a continuing substantial portion of the population of Russia the goals may be fundamentally in conflict with those of the principles of western democracy, as would fascism, and for that matter, corporatism and socialism. Therefore one requires a degree of skepticism about political leaders in opposition parties actually expressing the true opinions of their followers.
Garry Kasparov and Alexei Navalny are two political leaders from opposition parties that would seem prima facie to be moderate reform-minded candidates for the Presidency of Russia that were interfered with by the Putin Administration and its supporters from running for the job. That would be an example of fake deliberation or opportunity to run for the office of President. It may be that President Putin has had to act as a kind of Platonic Philosopher-King for some time to Shepard the developing Russian state and to keep it within certain rational boundaries for development.

The appearance of the philosopher-king in the unexpected person of former President Boris Yeltsin was a remarkable historical occurrence. Apparently the philosopher-king may be a necessary tool for developing a government that involves the redistribution of a broken up government within an already existing society that has transitioned to a degree into chaos. Maybe it is comparable to military governors such as Douglas MacArthur in post-war Japan who provided much input on reform the Japanese government. It is probably at best a temporary role that the successful n of what coincide with the vacating of the special powers subsumed within an emerging stable democratic platform.

Yet the question arises; is President Putin the sole politician capable of serving in the Presidential philosopher-king role, and wouldn’t it at some point be better for public credibility if opposition party candidates that could continue a program of free enterprise and ecologically reasonable economic policies and security concerns be allowed to actually run and get elected, if the people chose to elect one?


Room for Calvin Coolidge On Mt. Rushmore?

Maybe the next President to go on Mt. Rushmore should appear in the form of a vast solar-powered hologram with state-of the art storage batteries visible from three directions, and equal in stature to the existing Presidents. The project should have a Salvador Dalian super-realism aesthetic and of course, just one President could qualify for the honor; Calvin Coolidge.

Important Issues for the USA Now

Ecological economic reform combined with the reform of capitalism are the most important issue. A good, environmentally rational economy may not be the most popular political priority yet it is the most important for the well being of the nation.

Eliminating poverty through ecological economics implemented by intelligent politicians is quite challenging. Motivating Americans to become educated on real issues substantively is requisite.
I would be remiss in not saying that eternal life with Jesus Christ the Son of God is actually the true top priority for all people including Americans, yet for the purpose of political priorities I would say that a salient derivative of the Christian paradigm is getting a true post-millennial eschatology and a priesthood of believers ecclesia reform into general use are top priorities…letting that ‘the apocalypse is coming soon’ stuff fade out of the way. If the apocalypse appears it will be the fault of humans that are supposed to be building the kingdom of God, but aren’t.

A secure nation with strong borders is requisite for meaningful civil rights and equal protection of the law for all citizens. It is challenging to have meaningful, stable urban society with 320 million people and a horde of illegal aliens wandering about. To address particular social situations that cause people suffering in the U.S.A. it is necessary to have some actual social stability and a people solid enough to actually be available to have their challenges corrected by society if that is what they wish.

On PT Standards for the Army

After confirming that your health is good, develop your own running before enlisting. Run for time or distance yet not both to start with. Run for an hour a day and try to go farther each time. Find out what your ideal body weight is and stay with that. Work up to five miles, five days a week. and get the time down to under seven minute miles; not a blistering pace yet better than most young people these days. You should enjoy running…it’s one of the most enjoyable things one can do while the knees are good.
Push-ups are something you need to work on for the two months you are getting your running game together; work up to 50 push ups with a right-angle at the elbow and without touching your stomach on the ground. Get as close to the ground as you can before going back up. Drill sergeants will help you to increase the numbers.
Sit ups, if you are at ideal body weight, are easy. I could get 80 done in two minutes on the exams usually. That’s kind of fast paced. One doesn’t need to do that well, yet get at least 60 in two minutes before enlisting, and you are probably in better shape than your peers.
In theory the military physical fitness standards should be lower than your own. Then when you get up at 4 a.m. to do p.t. it’s the best time of the day…running a mile or two before dawn.

Carlsen-Caruana WC Chess Match 2018; The Nominal Appearance

The WC used to be 24 games, now it’s just twelve. That leaves open stall tactics, or rather, draw tactics like Sergei Karjakin used against MC in 2016. Draws can be used in a match the same way North Carolina basketball players stalled against national champion U.C.L.A. bringing the N.C.A.A. to order a play clock to count down time of possession, limiting the time of possession of a team without taking a shot.

Evidently a GM can plan what games to draw a priori and what games to use dynamic computer prep in to try to win. Try to win one or two and draw the remainder? Possibly there is some optimal computer game theory model that could formulate the best strategy they may use.

Toward the end of an appearance on the Dick Cavett Show, Robert James Fischer was asked a question by Dick; would Spassky draw every game if he could because if the match were drawn after 24 games he would retain the title, Fischer replied;” Yes, if I let him”.

Caruana seem to be playing well enough, yet so many top GMs seem to be underplaying; Wesley So, Levon Aronian etc. It is difficult to know if MC is really not so dominant as when he was 2885, or if he is shamming like a champ might to promote a contest and make it seem close and interesting to fans.

Some people expect MC to be the only human to join the chess engine plus 3000 ranks and Caruana to play as abstractly interesting games as in the 2014 Sinquefeld when he was unbeaten and won seven in a row. Who is shamming and who isn’t can’t be known until after the match. Caruana has a chance and so does the plan to send a cloud of small life seeking satellites to Alpha Centauri that would arrive in 30 or 40 years traveling at a quarter of the speed of light.year.

Undefeated Caruana Wins Sinquefield Cup by Three Points

Ted Cruz May Win Senate Race With Canadian-Mexican Vote

Texas Senator Ted Cruz's re-election race is very tight against the Democrat challenger O'Rourke. The Senator leads his odd party rival by just 1% in dubiously accurate voter survey polls. The race is interesting primarily because it is a test of Cruz's fellow Canadians loyalty to him or the odd party rival.

Ted Cruz may be able to count on Mexican-Texan voters to elect a fellow friend of Cuba rather than one with odd party allegiances. Mexican-Texans may not want to seem like socialists looking for a Democrat to ease their way as second class citizens led by the honorable Irish yet dubiously odd party candidate.

Cruz's Canadian citizen peers may vote his way if they are of the British side rather than the French.

Bloggers everywhere are following the intriguing race for a Senate seat that may swing the Senate this way or that, whipsawing bureaucrats around like ticker-tape in the winds of socialist-communist progression or plain Cuban-Mexican Canadian-American Texan common sense.

Veganism Experienced Inflated Food Prices Too

Apparently there are two major branches of veganism; dietary and ethical. The first is for health and the latter to stop cruelty to animals....