
Gov Closure May Remain Until People Remember Anti-Security Democrat Posich

Democrats would rather let the U.S. Government be closed than to fund national security. The point is plain yet in the cascading news cycle people tend to forget that. 


If the U.S. Government remains partly closed for a month or two people will remember that later. They will recall that Democrats would not fund $5 billion to be spent in the United States even though the U.S. Government has pledged $10 billion dollars for Central America to help alleviate the economic motivation to illegally migrate to the U.S.A.



Blitz Chess- (3M)-D5 Mason Attack

                                                                                                                      I played white in this game.

What Does James Mean- Faith Without Works is Dead?

James 2:14-26 King James Version (KJV)
"14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?"

Jesus saves the elect. One can become very technical perhaps in soteriological details. Yet the saved, have a different spirit than the worldly. They care about others; to love thy neighbor as oneself, and have a spirit of service so far as they can. Christians will at least be aware of the way others are with concern. Their works differ from those that haven't faith and grace over time They will work to relieve others from suffering, provide saving knowledge sharing the gospel, and feel the calling to be more of a servant unto the will of the Lord God.

It isn't the quantity or quality of works that matter. It is being indwelt with the Holy Spirit. The Lord is good and nothing that occurs does so without a purpose as it fulfills His will for mankind. God is good and mankind has original thermodynamic sin outside the garden. Christians try to help others if possible in the fallen world. The Benefits for others the saved may provide flow from the grace of God. Christians may imperfectly act to work good for-others, yet they have a spirit of caring to work for what is right. That is different than the material spirit of much of mankind. A Christian concerned about the state of society may have quite different objectives than more Machiavellian secularists pursuing personal egoist goals.  There are innumerable ways to work for a better social state of affairs and to help those living find the Lord.

There is no question that millions and millions of unsaved people will work for the benefit of others intentionally. Yet they may offset a substantal part of that effort with other goals- worldly goals- that are inimical to human well-being.

I think that Christians should not look for perfect forms and perfect examples wholistically of works in any human. People all have original sin and are imperfect. They lack omniscience and omnipotence and cannot work their own will to change the world into a utopia within the kingdom of God. They have the opportunity to work this or that if grace provides the cicumstance and if they are willing and able to act. Jesus said that it is better to give than receive.

People often regard economic giving as the most important meaning for works, yet without spiritual regeneration, confering benefits upon the spiritually dead provides nothing more than temporal relief.

Works without faith leave one spiritually dead.

Why Christmas is Celebrated on 25 December

Picking a day to commemorate and celebrate the birth of the Lord is a good thing. In some ways the particular day might be compared to President's Day near George Washington's birthday. The day has no particular relevance to the Presidents- it was set by politicians in Congress, yet it is important to some. Why Constantine choose to set Christ mass on the 25th of December isn't certain for me, yet there are likely several reasons, and it did unify the day of celebration. Such days have had important historical, social value for ordinary people. Perhaps it's is like the tomb of the unknown soldier if he can't be identified. Some important dates in history aren't known because they happened before good historical writing method was common. Maybe some day science will find a way to actually know exactly when the birth of the Lord happened and the celebration day will change.

Democrat Party Pedants Say Walls Aren't Security Devices

Democrats seem to prefer self-delusion on security issues and more. Sartre called that false-consciousness. Maybe because it sells as their brand of existential cornucopia such as the USA has too few people with just 330 million people and infinite wilderness. They are like the Russian appanage princes of a thousand years ago that kept subdividing their inheritance. Dostoyevski wrote a good book about a landless prince named 'The Idiot'. Walls remain a very ordinary security measure used in innumerable applications. Of course they cannot stop all cross border illegal traffic. The wall is a mereological element- a part of the security equation.

No Change to the Stall on Faster Than Light Communications

Quantum telecommunications including the Internet may be on the horizon. Quantum communications seemingly could theoretically travel faster than light if one tangles particles and eliminate communication delays between Earth and missions in space.


Physicists apparently believe that causality of the usual universe would be disturbed with faster than light communications. Entangled particles have a net change in spin state of zero so if one is made to be a left particle with waveform collapse through observation the entangled particle partner would need to have a right spin.

Many articles explains why the FTL nature of entangled particles for communication don't allow FTL communications. Here is one useful one... https://www.azoquantum.com/Article.aspx?ArticleID=74

I wouldn't think it means the FTL system is forever stalled. Conservation of a complete system might be possible. A moon base will have another topic for research.


Jesus Mentioned Mountains, And Overcoming Them

The late J.Vernon McGee said that evil is natural events like tidal waves, earthquakes and illness that harm, and wickedness is harm that humans intentionally do. The world has the physical problem of entropy as a natural fact. Adam and Eve were thrown into a world of entropy beyond the garden of Eden. Until the elect go to heaven they will remain in the world of entropy, harm and death. The kingdom of God is within, and that spiritual faith and confirmation with the visitation of the Holy Spirit is what renews and gives new life to the soul or experience of being. The spiritually dead have no faith or abstract belief in things metaphysically beyond the material realm of sorrows (and joys).

The Universe is a so far unfathomable place of what is named to be space-time with dimensions that seem to be different directions. The Bible has many scriptures that may be cited as commentary relevant to the material Universe though they were written so long ago. Yet people often refer to Democritus and Aristarchus for there work on physics and planetology thousands of years before main stream science arrived at similar points.

The prophet Isaiah wrote something that could be taken to actually mirror the paradigm for entropy and the exaustion of the energy of the Universe although it is very unlikely that he had any notion of that sort of thing. God may place future value ideas in things written in the past.

Isaiah 40:4 King James Version (KJV)
4 "Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain:"
The Lord Jesus spoke of overcoming mountains or large obsticles with faith.

Matthew 17:20 King James Version (KJV)
20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you..”

Faith allows abstract reasoning, for it regards things unseen, and abstract reeasoning finds solutions to material problems sometimes in ways that cannot be directly inducted without it.
There is another sense in which one may consider objects and even mountains as subjective constructions of thought. A mountain may be viewed in many ways including crustal deformation and a place differing positions in relations to the center of the Earth. The general theory of relativity and subjective thought about objects inform us of the motility of things-in-themselves and for-others. ; the Lord was true about that. How one interprets real things in part determines reaction to them.

Philosophers and logicians may classify real objects, attributes and ideas with referent denotations and even connotations that have evident relation to how one relates to them.  Are real things denotatum in-themselves or merely designatum? Water may seem like a solid surface to a waterskipper bug, yet wet and fluid to a human. A physicist or chemist may view certain objects differently than a farmer. One's thought about things can change one's relationship to them.

Go Fund Me Campaign to Fund Syrian Troop Contractors?

 Since President Trump chose to slowly withdraw 2000 U.S. troops from Syria there has been some disgruntlement, politically speaking, about the decision. Yet someone could step into the void militarily- even the Kurds with enough U.S. equipment and air support. Turkey is a bad option because it isn't a good idea to encourage even partial return of empire; the Ottoman was one of the more brutal empires to exist especially in Serbia and Iran. They buried people upside down with legs sticking out above ground to make a special garden in at least one spot in Iran.

So what can be done besides creating an international Go Fund Me campaign to hire 2000 mercenaries to help out the Kurds in peacekeeping. Many national governments including France could contribute to pay the trivial cost of several million or maybe a billion a year for the privilege of firing weapons at persons of interest x, y and z. and everyone could be happy.

The U.N. could help with the effort.  

On the Church Before Reformation

The Church is supposed to be a priesthood of believers according to Luther. Hence those of faith in the Lord are saved in a self-standing way apart from ecclesiastical organization that is of-the-world. Augustine for example wrote of the City of Man and the City of God. And a Christian may be thought of as in the world though not of it. The kingdom of God is within yet isn't temporal and of the world though the Christian is. 

There were many true Christians affiliated with the Catholic Church as well as the Celtic Church that continued until the reformation. Luther for example was saved before he and Melanchton began their works of correcting the elements of the Church that had gone off course. Luther envisioned one true Church of believers though it is transcendent. Christian legalism and rituals can be not enough concerned with living faith in the same way that Jesus was critical of the Jewish establishment that was formal and not of the heart. I think some people forget the difficulties of generally pre-literate society and the church in continuing true doctrine.


Shouldn't the Fed Increase the Prime Rate?

 When the Fed issue loans for very low interest rates to  banks, the banks can loan 5x as much if they want in effect minting their own new dollars. They should at least have to pay a little back to the Fed for the service. The rich just concentrate wealth with all that nearly free money. President Trump should not even think about firing the Fed Chief who probably should make the prime lending rate 25%.

Saved by Faith, Not Works

Calvinists believe one is saved through faith alone (sola fide). Yet believe that if one is saved they shall do good works. Some say that if...