
Press Quality May Be Declining Globally

The quality of the free press may be declining globally. Globalism has transformed the broadcast media too. It seems more to have conformed into being a tool of the rich that hoodwink the poor and middle class.

The persecution of President Donald Trump confirmed in the no-meat Mueller Report was a dog and pony show to give Democrat Party greyhounds something to chase after. The Congress seems unable to reason well, and Democrats in particular seem treasonous in their preferences for foreign illegal aliens over secure American borders quite in keeping with globalist corporate CEO's that might enjoy downgrading uppity American individualists. The 1% owns the broadcast media.

Throughout history ruling classes have employed the press and broadcast media more recently to socialize, brainwash and control the public. The press in a plurality of instances is an opiate for the masses. Americans have opioids, The Washington Post, CNN etc.

Academias in their rush to embrace godless atheist politics have sought after a grip on the wealthiest as well. The Democrat President Obama signed off on vast Bush II tax cuts to make the rich richer than their wildest dreams. He had only to allow the cuts to expire for a semblance of fairness to return. The Congress does nothing to reform free enterprise or bring about a more egalitarian national income allocation. They avoid legislating anything that would reduce patent exclusivity and allow anyone to manufacture a patented item after three years with 10% royalties due the inventor by users that manufacture the product. Democrats won't secure borders and instead seek divisive political times for years and years that distract from any questions concerning national income and the concentration of wealth. They have trained Americans to think that race, perversion and gender are more important than finance and income distribution for Americans based solely on economic class. 

The media has aided and abetted federal foisting of the corruption of onerous supply-side economic policy going on beyond the Reagan years with their distracting cult-of-personalities approach to governance. The press has become co-opted by the powers that own them. Ruling by cash or coercion the ruling powers have their way.

The media faces tough challenges these days with corporate repression of free speech by individual, independent writers apparently encouraged by the card-carrying journalist clan. They additional have tough questions regarding how to publish hostile content while seeming to be objective. In the case of ethics, media theological questions arise, for example, concerning the Mueller Report, such as the relation between active and passive collusion compared to the parameters of sin by omission and commission. They must spend time wondering if passive collusion by omission is as serious as active collusion by commission, from the point of view of third parties, morally speaking.

Universal Public Health Care and Universal Food Stamps are Wrong Ideas

Universal public health care is as wrong as would be food stamps for everyone. The poor and starving need food stamps, not the rich and middle class. Public health care is similar.

A V.A.-poor people's clinics network for veterans, the poor and uninsurable with direct public health care is reasonable and useful. Such a system for everyone would be superfluous, inefficient and would expand government far more than needed. Government works best if it performs necessary and cost-efficient services rather than becoming bloated.

A Universal food stamp program where food in the United States could only be purchased with food stamps and every citizen was required to have them is such a silly thought I had to bring it to this essay. Food production and sales might be rather gruelish, and the rich might need to forego caviar for lunch. Food probably would be smuggled in from Mexico.

The middle class and rich can afford health care or health insurance. The poor and uninsurable generally can't. Those are the people the government should provide medical service to, as well as veterans.

Public health care systems (government run) can hire educated medical professionals readily enough, and they can buy medical equipment from the private sector; if the private sector still exists. The problem with universal public health care is that it probably would greatly slow the rate of technical advance that exists compared with that of a nation with a robust private sector. 

A good point for a government run public health care system for the poor and veterans is that if poverty is eliminated as well as wars the system would require fewer tax dollars to exist.

Designing government services at the largest scale is a technical art. Intellectual work is largely technical knowledge. Ordinary tech skills are a closed set and simpler than more abstract technical work. Intellectual tech skills recombine synthetic knowledge. Tech intellectual skills in history of government and philosophy of government function in relation to citizens are requisite for redesigners of government function. Even so innumerable politicians seek to change government without competence in appropriate technical skill. The consequence is 21 trillion of public debt with numerous politicians seeking to add trillions and trillions more.

Virtue and wisdom are requisite for good government reform. Many simple ideas implemented have counter-cyclical effects. The desire to have a product in math of 10 for example, does not mean that 5 added to X=10.


General Thomas Was the Real Winner for the Army of the Cumberland (after Grant)

General Thomas was the deciding edge for the Army of the Cumberland. Thomas was a brilliant and modern field tactician who invented the mobile field command car (wagon). He had people survey the terrain of battle in detail, and out-prepped the opponents. Thomas held the line at Chicamagua when the rebel Army broke through a gap in Sherman's line. The union forces were thrown into panic and retreat, yet Thomas’ command held the line against vastly superior forces long enough to enable Sherman to retreat without a slaughter.
Grant had ordered Sherman to replace General Thomas because he was impatient with Thomas’ strategy of letting the confederates come to him for the battle of Chattanooga. Thomas had good intel and knew the terrain very well and designed a kill zone. Grant arrived and ordered Thomas to hit the rebels in the center. That resulted in a Union victory. Sherman was busy fighting at Tunnel hill where the rebels stopped him. The confederate army engaged in battle wasn’t slaughtered and retreated toward Atlanta.
Thomas knew that the Rebel army could be cut off at a critical spot on the way Sheridan dithered and let General Hood’s forces escape to Atlanta. Sherman surrounded Atlanta and had Thomas guard a sector of the northern front, and waited. The confederates choose to break out while Sherman was on the wrong side of Atlanta- the S.W. He had no notion when the battle started.
The rebels broke through in the N.E. where just General Thomas’s forces held yet could not contain. Rebel fugitives did manage to escape toward Savannah, and though out of touch during the initial fighting, General Sherman arrived to chase after the survivors. His cavalry rode all the way from Atlanta to Savannah where they encountered stiff resistance from 200 revel soldiers. I rode a bicycle along a country highway where Sheridan’s forces had gone, and found a small vestigial swamp with cypress trees- very scenic, the remainder was farmland.
There are experts on the war crimes of the civil war. Sheridan didn’t perp anything like Union soldiers experienced at Andersonville. Sheridan was probably in a hurry to get back for medals and ceremony in D.C. as the war was quickly over.

I am skeptical that General Sherman could have engaged in much looting and pillaging on his ride in hot pursuit of escaping, concluding Rebels soldiers on the road to Savannah. Again, between Chattanooga and Atlanta there wasn’t so much time that passed to seriously exploit the civilians.
General Thomas, a son of North Carolina, died of a heart attack a few years after the war in San Francisco. If had chosen to fight for the South, the Union might have had a worse time of it.

America's Biggest Historical Monopolies

Without too much research I would say, Standard Oil (there was a book named The Seven Sisters published maybe thirty years ago that described the oligopoly of seven major oil companies), Bell Telephone, Labor Unions, maybe U.S. Steel and what?

Some say Intel is monopolistic because it leads in creativity and production of computer chips. It does have rivals like AMD, Ryzan and Nvidia etc. The cost of getting started is so high that there are few small business competitors producing chips at home in the U.S.A. It is possible that another way of storing data besides miniaturized transistors will be invented such that it works (why aren’t cpu’s made on solar panels so they can act like home super-computers nailed to the walls of homes) better than tiny transistors? There must be some way to get faster internet speed and an edge on all those foreigners that beat one at blitz chess because of faster internet service providers. 

Some regard the New England Patriots as semi-monopolistic… equal to the 20th century Yankees in baseball. I wouldn’t agree with that. In my opinion the Saints should win after having the NFC Championship stolen from them by prejudiced referees from Los Angeles.

Oh yes, there is Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more to consider (Amazon). It isn’t a monopoly. It simply has a hyper-efficient, state-of-the-biz ness model below the surface. It and e-bay just push the mom and pop malls out of business. The retail apocalypse has claimed 6,000 US stores in 2019 so far, more than the number that shut down in all of 2018

El Salvador; Needs U.S. Troops to Secure and Develop Society?

Does El Salvador need U.S. military to establish martial law, eliminate MS-13 and build a just and verdant society? El Salvador's criminal enterprises and drug distribution infrastructure have established sufficient civil terror to drive civilians north to the United States creating more problems here. The U.S. provided military aid to El Salvador in the battle against communist guerrillas; it should help fill the civil vacuum of power and development that followed the civil war and return of gang members from Los Angeles.

A Marshall Plan for Europe helped rebuild that devastated sub-continent. Political leaders were wise enough to know that politics abhors a vacuum. Americans should not feel they can just ignore Central American problems and pursue their own prosperity without any consequences. Communist evil an authoritarian killers may envelop the Western Hemisphere trying to defeat the U.S.A. in detail.

Sending money to El Salvador that would filter out to the gangs eventually isn't a good idea. Some in California might wish to send money to beef up right-wing death squads whom could attack MS-13 as a rival organization to power. That doesn't seem like a good idea.

If the United States allows disorder and poverty to continue in El Salvador with a non-interventionist policy it is likely that droves of illegal aliens will continue to migrate to the U.S. along with gang members and illegal drug traffickers. China is investing in Venezuela and Panama seeking opportunities to build of communist and socialist infrastructure. Chinese agents may support or encourage criminal gangs in Central America eventually as a way to establish more power for-themselves as they seek to make South America the Chinese back yard.

After the end of the Cold War a policy of ignoring Central American politics to let chaos and crime flourish is backsliding, as were the importunate policies that helped develop enmity with Russia. While the Democrats are a party that seems anti-American and pro-socialist/communist irrationally these days, the Bonobo morality clan political drift will not encourage peaceful civil development in Central America. Non-intervention except for cash payments is irresponsible. Of course the President of El Salvador and the rest of the government should need to request U.S. troop presence; perhaps 20,000, with Army engineers and top economic advisers to attempt to build a sustainably green economic infrastructure for El Salvador.


On Innate Moral Psychology

Prof Bloom's lecture on finding about babies was amusing enough. Searching for some sort of innate morality in babies that could be taken as a cognitive characteristic such that people are hard-wired to certain behaviors that he can regard as moral seems sketchy.
Morality is an ability to differentiate between abstract values rather than natural behavior for-itself. The difference between defecating in public or in a toilet stall is a moral and legal question perhaps, yet a dog or a baby defecating on the floor isn't taken to be a moral question they have flunked.
Moral philosophy isn't about unavoidable deterministic behavior. Animals pursue with personal egoism perhaps, things that are good for them, or that they believe to be good. An example would be youthful alcoholism. maybe a child discovers that drinking gin and orange juice or whatever is good, or tastes good, so they continue even though it is bad for their health. If creme puffs were actually poisonous and bad, people would eat them anyway of they didn't know better. The pursuit of what is thought to be the immediate good is not a moral question.
Socrates wanted to show that human children may have innate knowledge in one part of The Meno in a famous passage of 1900 words where he interviews a slave boy. Cicero wrote a discourse On Natural Law. The babies interpreting fair distribution or unequal distribution were not perhaps showing a moral sense. They have have transferred their own worldview into the two characters and preferred a balanced rather than an unfair or unequal distribution for-themselves. The babies may have liked or disliked a triangle shape more than a square, or alternatively have required more time to understand a complex image in regard to a triangle and sphere vs a square and sphere in motion. A triangle has slope and a square has only angles.
While morality may be what people actual do. It is a culturally based social dialect and an evolutionary praxis of change. Its realm may be stretched and broken as a society expands or is broken, so chaos and moral breakdown occurs.
One should not overuse moral reductionism to posit that like a Universe expanding from a singularity, the moral state of mankind is a kernel within babies that grows into adulthood. While some adults are simplistic regarding moral behavior and world view, and some societies are simplistic in behavior and world view in some historical periods, in the modern world, given the possible ranges of freedom of motion and action of human beings as a physical being, moral values are chosen, accepted as true dogma, and so forth, intentionally rather than automatically.
Anyone can understand that putting a hand on a stove burns. Babies vicariously understand that about others. Adults often lack that capacity and willfully persecute others at a distance with modern tools of they can on the basis of rumor. The gang morality of organizations and collectives for pursuing people to victimize is an exaggeration of the profit motive or pursuit of the good narrowly that is expanded into mass organizational moral values.
Organizational morality can have good or bad values, and designate those values like algebraic literals wherein one drops in the meaning such that it supports organizational goals.

On Catholic (and other) Priestly Child Abuse Crimes- What Can Be Done?

Homosexual pedophiles may infiltrate churches intentionally. I believe that school instructors of kids have a percent that perpetrate pedophilia too with countless examples of statutory rape crimes globally. It is a human problem that Christians too should work to eliminate. 

Homosexuals have taken over some denominational doctrine. There are academics that teach morality these days with very loose ideas about sexuality. Some want to model morality on values that Bonobo-chimps have of less violence in comparison to chimpanzees. Broad is the road to destruction and many there are that take it while narrow is the gate to salvation. 

Christians are individuals and saved individually. The world is corrupt and there are corrupt people within any organization including ordained ministries. That is plain. Many are lost and confused by the advanced evolutionary doctrine that is pervasive in public schools. I learned evolution science and Christianity at the same time and so look at the Bible differently than either fundamentalists or scientific atheists. Entertainment media is basically anti-Christian and provides unChristian values.

I have felt that getting the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ to the people has had various forms that harmonized with the technology and social reality of the era. While one might wish for Christian leadership to have better than normal behavioral characteristics, sometimes they don’t regarding moral behavior. In prior eras the sacerdotal priesthood (celibacy) was easier than today with pervasive temptation as common secular fact.

Human society has not always been developed along rational, orderly, egalitarian lines. Christian values tend to be counter-cyclical to worldly values, so Christians want their leaders to be good moral examples. Yet the teachings of Christ aren’t simple to follow.

Today there are many corrupt versions of Christianity. Homosexual clergy are permitted in some denominations. One may become an ordained minister from a Washington State order on-line shop free to perform marriage. American Marriage Ministries Marriage License Completion

Genuine Christianity, in short, is increasingly difficult to differentiate from that which is not.

I think it would help if a priesthood of believers order were formed where all Christians literally are priests and participate as confessing Christians in personal church services Sunday. Good theological and doctrinal dogma could still be produced by scholastic Christians that follow the Bible so ordinary Christians could share an orthodoxy in performing church offices Sunday liturgy. If Christianity is voluntary and non-profit, and if people participate freely as confessing members, then there should be little reason to lie in public every Sunday, and one should develop better Christian spiritual awareness during the week.

I believe that present church structures with upper class pro Christians and lower class ‘laity’ is out of step with the times of Universal literacy. Christians no longer require special clergy to read from the Bible in Latin as they sit in pews.

When churches seem oriented toward assuring support for career Christians and the ‘laity’ walk or drive away in cars to resume their secular lives. When they don’t share small groups speaking roles and know they are primary Christians, a lot of stuff can go on within and without a church. I have written about that elsewhere.

Christianity certainly is experiencing several contemporary crisis. I can’t fix it, nor can I fix several other secular problems. That leaves one dissatisfied. One hopes some time things can get better.

Reconstructing Notre Dame; Design Options Aplenty

The bright spot in the darkness of the Notre Dame cathedral fire is the opportunity to redesign the Paris skyline. Yes much of the remaining old stone structure should remain as a depositional layer of history. The remainder should be new, soaring into the sky like an Antonio Gaudi-Salvador Dali steel and glass sort of practical construct that captures solar and wind power.

 Should the New Notre Dame have green lasers in the spire, or make the spire a very modern radio or solar telescope? What about the camera obscura within a dome showing the sky outside? Should fiber optics bring natural light within? Instead of bell chimes maybe a vast Aeolian wind harp that can be dampened and played to not disturb Parisians too much would work. It is good when opportunity presents. 

Perhaps the Bible could run live through exterior l.e.d. and solar building panels in some areas of the new construction for people to see.

AOC Acknowledges That White House Bid Is No Country for OIld Joe

Maybe former V.P. Joe Biden is a tired old guy in a No Country for Old Men scenario regarding his desire to be President. There is something to be said for young, clueless leadership that F's it all up yet makes voters feel good about it.

Medicare for everyone including Warren Buffet and Bill gates could through a lot of cash for future generations to deal with. It would expand the base and amount of money going into the program to provide rich quality treatment for the aged. Turbo-Obamacare instead of rational direct provision of medical services directly to the poor and uninsurable through an expanded V.A. and homeless clinics network. There is no cheaper way, and if the public is paying for it, the best and most efficient coverage is what should be selected. Bernie and Biden have not got the public's best interests in mind- they want to through more business to Wall Street and the 1% with Obamacare continuing. Taxing the poor and middle class for Medicare forced on everyone-even those that are young, healthy and sometimes clueless when they are in political office might be necessary to pay for it. Lots of room for fraudulent Medicare charge scams.


One would like a well-educated politicians from the Democrat side to at least provide intellectual competition. That won't happen though. The young and the restless democrats are mostly an identity party of women, homos and non-whites these days. Charisma matters more than good ideas. maybe Joe and Bernie don't have it. I could at least emulate Bernie cover-the-baldness hairstyle if he was elected. Comb it forward and have lots of Hollywood stars over to admire that.

U.S. Dental Labs Have Worse Chinese Competition Than the Steel Industry

 President Trump hasn't done much to keep the American dental lab industry in existence. Today most U.S. dental laboratories have moved to China, or been put out of work by capitalists moving business to China to take advantage of cheap Chinese labor that is sometimes socialized. In the United States there are only about 6000 dental labs most of which are small, remaining to produce crowns, bridges, implants, dentures and so forth for Americans.

What happened is that FedEx and other fast shippers enabled U.S. dentists to send impressions to China and get them back in nearly the same time frame as local American producers. With on-line digitalized data of digital implants the dentists can have the information in China the same day as he took the data from the patient, then have the Chinese make a crown or bridge and send it back with seven days. That dumped Chinese advantage is purely a consequence of cheap labor abroad and technology that makes American skilled craftsmen increasing obsolete, and that isn't right.

It's quite expensive to start a small dental lab business; the technology is costly and there is new equipment every year that speeds up production. Young people lack the skill and the capital to start their own business. Dentists themselves with lots of capital may band together and create dental labs in China to profit from the cheap Chinese labor. They don't pass on the savings to American crown consumers. The cheap Chinese labor and ease of foreign investment means the dental lab business is moving to China and will do so for a decade or so while some U.S.survivors keep modernizing to keep up. The advantage is Chinese though.

large Corporations like Dentsply have offices in more than 120 countries and manufacturing in 21. They were a leading player in starting the trend of outsourcing U.S. business for the advantage of the 1%. They make teeth for dentures that are just set-in pre-fabbed as it were. Customs crowns made individually still occurs in select U.S. dental labs, yet that too has largely moved abroad.

President Trump should at least put 50% tariffs on imported Chinese products from dental labs to create an American placeholder in the dental lab business until technological advance makes purely local production through automation viable. Without enough skilled technicians to work with the new technology, the new automation for tooth production will go to those with already existing dental technology. One day the Chinese communist party may own automated dental lab franchises across America to print on demand zircon crowns for U.S. dentists while American workers can compete through labor ready with illegal Mexican and Central American migrants for shovel ready jobs.

E8 Crystal Theory and Physicalism

 Physical is a term for things that exist based on naive realism. People don’t yet really understand what basic quanta irreducibly are yet, ...