
Black Democrats Riot Across Nation Opening Prime Biden Campaign

Of note this month as Summer Solstice draws near is the rise of seasonal rioting in many American cities by mostly black Democratic voters. A white policeman apparently murdered a black man by kneeling on his throat for seven minutes that stopped the victim from breathing. Someone filmed the incident and riots immediately began with looting and burning in lieu of equal protection of the law. In this era of ubiquitous cameras and social media uploads the need for riots to serve instead of regular legal procedures isn’t too credible. In the U.S.A. each year about 250 black men are killed by policemen and about 50 policemen are killed- almost all of them are white. In a nation of 320 million citizens and a zillion gangs those numbers are not so high.

 A little more than 2.5 million Americans own more than 35% of the U.S.A.’s wealth so go ahead and blame policemen and white people generally for keeping ‘Black America down’; it was President Obama that twisted Congress’s arm to make the vast Bush tax cuts permanent accelerating the concentration of wealth.  Policemen aren’t economists- they are just people trying to keep the peace amidst tens of millions of poor Americans living collectively with less than 1% of the nation’s wealth many of whom are white people, fighting for scraps from the tables of the rich. Only Senator Bernie Sanders voted against the tax cuts- about every Democrat Primary Presidential candidate ganged up against Sanders and endorsed Joe Biden to prevent any chance of anyone being elected that would work to make America more financially egalitarian.  Ninety five percent of blacks voted for Obama; who is more racist than that?

Criminal events such as murders are not soon going to be entirely stopped, thus a mad rush to riot when a single crime occurs without any particular change in the law as an object for protesting or looting, burning and rioting is not easily justifiable. Unfortunately social media can generate emotions that can cause mass social irrational choices such as rioting to be made. Crimes occur in every occupation of society including law. If a policeman commits a crime that is recorded for social media that cannot be a justification for retribution with several million crimes through rioting.

The riots caused many to be arrested and harmed their employment prospects needlessly in the future after the economy starts to recover from Covid 19 recession. Also noteworthy is the fact that the failure of social distancing by rioters will perhaps cause hundreds of blacks to lose their lives to Covid 19. Former rioters aren’t likely to cooperate with contact-tracing work either.

There is an American tradition of public demonstrations and protest marches with deep roots i.e. the Army Vet Bonus demonstrations in D.C., those led by Dr. King and anti Vietnam War rallies. Demonstrations that are effective have actual legal or political measures they want specifically changed. Politicians in the U.S.A. aren’t inevitably the brightest bulbs and have a need to know what legislation protestors actually want done if they are to work to that end; it is not enough to say that ‘the system’ is at fault and trust that some ethereal insights will appear to politicians whom will then fix it. If the protests are about economics then particular economic remedies need be advanced if change or reform is to occur.

The United States isn’t a dictatorship that can have a single individual change everything the way he wants- or if she is a benevolent dictator (an oxymoron usually) adapt the economy to conform to the wishes of protestors. With 50 states governments and a federal government that made permanent tax cuts to low levels during the Obama era with a Democrat-controlled congress the ability to reshape the national economy is very difficult. Protestors that want to change the economy should have an idea of what and how they want economics or political economy to change and let the public know instead of breaking out unintelligent tantrum-rioting.

Many Americans besides black Democrat rioter-voters would like the economy to change too. Realistically they don’t even know what they want to change in the economic structure or if the change would get them what they want. Bringing private business to riot prone, poor black urban communities might not be simple; it isn’t like getting the government to open new free bread and fruit smoothie storefronts or provide free rent in new free public housing projects.

It is possible that business likes peaceful stable neighborhoods more than those with rampant crime, dope, whoring and poverty and homeless people living in tents defecating on sidewalks. Police too may shy away from abusing prosperous citizens able to afford personal witness on-line storage body cams and good lawyers for lawsuits, especially if the prosperous don’t have illegal guns, don’t work human smuggling, smuggle drugs or coordinate community organized crime ventures. Police also have more trouble arresting white color criminals or broadcasters violating human rights-they aren’t legal theorists- than simple, plain vanilla or chocolate burglars, muggers and other simple material felons easy to spot.

A move toward ecological economics would be good, and that could have a guaranteed minimum income, free tuition through graduate school and a free walk-in national health service for the poor. Capitalism could be reformed so no-one could invest in more than three corporations at a time or have more than 300 times the income of an average worker. If human life productivity efficiency is to be maximized everyone needs adequate capital and good health to not fall into deep, dark whirlpools and undertows of social economic evils the comfortable and aloof are often unaware of (including well-off technicians that fawn over the ideals of the rich).

Rioters of average or below average intellect with little to do with their lives that could be regarded hopefully or productively encounter average policemen that interact all day with criminals that are controlled by politicians of average intellect without a lot of good ideas for reforming capitalism or to ecological economics. Expecting miracles in economics from uncomprehending average people without the ability to reform global corporate power and the concentration of wealth in 1% of national citizens is daft. Electing neo-liberals would produce more rich neo-liberal politicians that would probably not do much for poor Democrat rioters to make meaningful economic reform inclusive of ecological sustainability and a healthy wilderness portions of flora and fauna. Wealth is built up slowly, annually; rioting is the antinomy of that. One of the greatest economic injuries the poor can experience is simply termination of work and discontinuity in the process of slowly building up their own capital. With the recent covid 19 problems perhaps millions of people may experience home mortgage problems as they did a little more than a decade ago during the housing crisis. It seems that every decade or so some crisis appears that trims home buyers to subvert their slow acquisition of capital. It is the one percenters that profit from national crisis well as Wall Street in regard to political power- racism misses the point entirely when so many white people live paycheck to paycheck themselves.

The economy in the U.S.A. today is quite complex, and millions of people of all races experience a log-rolling contest of trying to stay meaningfully employed. Balzac’s published a book in 1835 named Pere’ Goriot concerning the issue of inherited capital versus labor as a better way of building wealth. Balzac found that the advantages of inherited wealth were so great that the work of labor was comparatively inefficient. The U.S.A. today concentrates wealth because of the shape of the economy that accentuated consumerism rather than saving, and illegal immigration laborers to help expand the economy and increase of capital. I wonder if black rioters have a clue about the way economics work or of the relationships between capital, labor, national income and ecological health.

Black culture in the United States has a much higher birth rate than that of the white population that is about zero population growth. There usually is a higher savings rate when demographic growth is stable. Disparities between different cultures and the sort of economic activity they pursue are interwoven with demographic and cultural facts, labor supply and demand and the kind of quality growth versus quantity growth economics that benefit from intellectual versus physical labor. Stable societies have better situations for educating fewer children than rapidly growing and poorer cultures. It is ironic that black democrats support illegal alien immigration that directly soaks up wages and work opportunities for physical labor such as were more common for American men in the 1950s.

I think there is no simple remedy for the challenges facing American black societies yet I am fairly sure that rioting exacerbates the problems as does racism. If blacks have good scientific education and support good scholarship values then they likely would find more work opportunities with the global corporations that employ so much of the work force today. If there were 10 million Americans of the 320 million citizens who actually make or invent new materials for qualitative improvements to the economy isn’t it better to be one of the ten million rather than one of the rest that fabricate or distributes product, finance or serve the people using new material product? A culture that reinforces qualitative materials science and quiet scholarship, even at home or independently, is of greater social merit concerning economics than those experiencing social instability and chaos socially.


U.S. Lacks Enough Good Ideas for Safe Return to Work

Not enough is being invented or innovated to return Americans safely to work. Making full face masks with replacable filters and eye protections for very low cost or free would seem to be necessary, and the government appears daft about that insofar as it isn't converting any Halloween mask production lines into clear, safety mask production for Americans. In fact Central America and China could use the masks too; don't they still produce cheap stuff in China?

Americans seem sometimes to prefer to be good foes as a way of conducting themselves-for-others; they often prefer to be critics and pains-for-others these days with a generally easier life than in former decades and with a lot of surplus credit they are burning through quickly. It is as if some people prefer to have a depression and something to wine about as a glamour thing for a while if they are well off and can easily afford to survive stay-at-home orders and social distancing means spending more time on the yacht.

jobless claims exceed 40 million during Covid 19 challenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccgckHUQdzQ

At the least the nation could use politicians with good ideas although that does seem like expecting unicorns to power Santa's sleigh next winter. This could be a time to transition the nation to ecological economics, if there were politicians that actually know what that field is an as academic discipline. Democrats have a candidate for President that actually woke up from a two-month nap at home during the covid crisis recently and there may be hope that he had an inspiration or two. President Trump doesn't know what the word ecosphere means yet he may find a way to sell it on Wall Street if it becomes rare and valuable enough.

President Trump can at least be said to put a brave, unmasked face on the covid incident though it may not be a good idea, and that is something. Inventing and innovating with Yankee ingenuity to swiftly transition to a positive sum, non-depression, ecologically beneficial new foundation for national infrastructure would be a good change and way to extricate the nation from the conundrum it finds itself developing presently because leaders and media are too daft.

Maybe war with China looks more enticing to the homo clan in the elites dinking things about. I saw a good video on how fusion bombs are made, I can see why people like that stuff.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYuVzbIu_8o how fusion bombs work

I believe that if the United States actually became the world leader at ecological economic transition it could show too that stable and secure national boundaries to keep democracy meaningful are good and work. Even the communist nations could live with a healthy ecosphere in recovery and a solid safety net for all that is effective at delivering free universal education through graduate school in order to maximize human potential. The way economics works should evolve and adapt to a more intelligent foundation.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d05jEprJxtE crash course on ecological economics

Three Piece Philosophy (video)

Sometimes people wonder about philosophy and regard it as a confusing jumble of vague ideas. I view philosophy differently than that. Actually I have a very simple view of philosophy.

Academically speaking philosophy has many divisions and areas of formal inquiry i.e. ethics, politics, metaphysics, social, cosmology, ontology, logic etc. For myself, concerning cosmology and the phenomenon of being, I have distilled a three-piece philosophical outlook.


Like the historical accumulation of science, philosophy as a body of academic material has accumulated over millennia. Reading primary philosophical texts developed over the past 2500 years or so and is therefore something of a venture in reading history. Explaining to others what Plato’s ideas were or how Plotinus used Plato’s ideas concerning a realm of forms in his Enneads (54 treatises) can be quite challenging outside the context of a course in ancient philosophy.

The ideas of ancient philosophers quite often built upon the work of their predecessors and that process continued to the present. Modern symbolic logic has its origins in the classical logic formalized by Aristotle. Learning the history of philosophy is something of an historical reading program that has a lot of abstract ideas in it rather than descriptions of battles, dynasties and social events one finds in general histories of civilization.

Philosophy as an historical body of work has a certain inert status to it. There is more to philosophy than that, for one may sort through the ideas and evaluate them as one learns and eventually classify some ideas as remaining useful and others as being more of archival value. Modern philosophy tends to be live and valid moreso than the old, yet that is just a general paradigm rather than a comprehensive one. Some of the ancient ideas remain valid and may be infused with new ideas arising from philosophers and even physicists. Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason continues to be a valid thesis regarding the ties between perception, cognition and reason although contemporary quantum field theory and neurology explain matters somewhat better.

At the end of much reading of philosophy over the years one tends to develop their own outlook on things that could be regarded as a philosophical viewpoint. Though learning the history of philosophy may be time consuming and complex especially when comparing the ideas of one philosopher with others, the result of the personal evaluation of systems and addition of additional concepts from other sources can result in a very simple view. My point of view on matters of philosophy is quite simple these days.

I have two live philosophical interests in addition to one besides the history of philosophy and its content that may be viewed as a kind of large scale scaffolding that allows one to assemble their own Mt. Rushmore of most valuable thought. My two ideas are Christian faith and the convertibility of matter and energy. Those two ideas are easy to say. Each of course has great depth conceptually if one is interested in pursuing them farther.

Recently I read a book named ‘Mass’ published I believe, in 2017. It is a great book describing what mass is. The world and universe of solid objects is regarded as being made of ‘mass’, yet it is actually energy in a different form, and mass is a secondary quality of energy. The author pointed out that in Einstein’s 1905 paper on relativity he actually used the formula M=E/c2 rather than E=M/c2. The Universe as pure energy is quite a mysterious topic. Mass is actually an appearance of energy, yet isn’t energy also a secondary quality of something else unknown? The Higgs field is thought to slow subatomic particle from light speed enough to allow them to have a third dimension instead of two dimensions flattened at relativistic velocity at c. Even two dimensional particles are energy; quantum field theory advances may have much more to learn about energy for-itself and its relationship to time and space.

The enigmatic and mysterious nature of pure energy in regard to matter, space-time and being is an example of how old philosophies can be tied in to new. The neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus was considered by the early church to be pagan because he believed he could directly experience God in a mystical transcendence of matter that was named heyschasm. It is as if he could experience pure energy rather than matter and form as a kind of stream of pure good or God. Plotinus had other ideas. He wrote of his idea of Plato’s realm of forms in relation to God, whom he called ‘The One’.

To make a long story short I will skip to the realm of forms idea of Plato’s. He thought that some kind of abstract realm of forms existed from which everything that is in the material world is a copy. I would guess it is comparable to the Swiss patent office when Einstein worked there as a patent clerk having a copy of everything that was manufactured under patent in Europe in his day, except the realm of forms is more metaphysical and may exist in the mind of God. Plotinus thought the One emanated all that is from his perfect, omniscient, omnipotent being and the Intelligence presided over the realm of forms and selected what things would be made in the material world of mass and solid objects in which humans exist too.

The realm of forms could be compared to the quantum world in which all energy appears to become mass in certain forms from gluons to quarks, protons and neutrons to antiparticles and so on. If something exists it will need to be in a pre-fab form and built up from some of the 100+ elements of the periodic table according to certain physical behavioral forms. That is somewhat remarkable.

My other idea of philosophical merit is Christian faith. Christian faith occurs subjectively, phenomenally and existentially. Søren Kierkegaard is regarded as the first existentialist philosopher for good reason; he viewed Christian faith and practice as personal and apart from social structures and values; phenomenally rather than socially. Kierkegaard was himself something of a social iconoclast. Like so many German 19th century romantic philosophers that considered society somewhat mundane and inferior with people following conventions as if they were drone ants following meat trails, Kierkegaard also viewed too much of society as following spiritually dead roles through life acting in what Socrates considered to be unexamined lives; that is they were philosophically dead and for Kierkegaard perhaps, spiritually dead.

Christian faith and being occur in a world that is phenomenal. Solid objects seem solid because people are made of atomic elements that are bound in physical laws to experience particle compositions in pre-formed ways. Evolution occurs in forms that are constant though from certain perspectives and levels, changing.

There is no evidence against the existence of God anyplace in nature; ask an evolutionary biologist to show a particular physical form or material that does so and one will see vacuity of intelligent response. The best an atheist scientist could do would be to leave science altogether and act as an incompetent anti-theologian bungling some malfeasant hermeneutics or misinterpretation of Bible scripture. Even theologians are in disagreement about interpreting the beginning and end of the Universe in Biblical hermeneutics (interpretations) as some as pre-millennialist, some post-millenialists and others amillennialists, for example.

Christian phenomenology and Christianity existentially are nothing more than descriptions of a posture of Christians to the experience of life, matter and energy for those that care to consider it. Reconciling scripture with science is something that some try to do- even I have published a couple of books with my thoughts on the subject, in the Bible itself though God is recorded by history as having mentioned that what is wisdom to man is foolishness to God. Such wisdom and foolishness may include the idea of constructing cosmology about mass when energy is generic and incomprehensible for-others, as a kind of mystery that mass and human thought cannot really comprehend as secondary characteristic of energy. Time and history including natural history may occur though one knows that relativity and time, being and nothingness are phenomenal themselves with a relative duration perhaps of 13.5 billion years seems vast in one sense, from certain perspectives and might be as nothing at all from other viewpoints, or even from God’s if one could understand that.

Pro and con hermeneutics from theologians and anti-theologian scientists are interesting yet really not so much from a philosophical point of view, in the context of the history of philosophy as the third element of my own regard for the main stuff of philosophy. Simple material with M=E/c2 and Christian faith occurring phenomenally amidst much temporal and unknown physics. Augustine was himself a student of Plotinus and neo-Platonism before he became Christian. He was always looking in the right direction. What is, is. Whatever the primary quality of energy in-itself is, it seems capricious to differentiate it into categories called Universes (U1…U) when there is a continuum of the primary quality albeit with ample nothingness thrown in.


Pre-War Jewish Goads on Adolph Hitler

In the United States the history of the second world war is reasonably plain. Germany attacked Europe and then the United States so the U.S.A. joined the war and with the other allies beat Germany. The NAZIs were evil incarnate (like NPR) and liquidated millions of Jews, Gypsies and Homos beyond the rules of war. There is more to history than that however, so I will sketch a brief piece clarifying some of the goads that drove Hitler to such ferocity and hatred of those he regarded as corrupting the world.

Since the Jews had been kicked out of Israel by Romans they had looked for a place to call their own. They migrated to many nations fleeing their former homeland where they had crucified God and experienced disaster forever after. Most of the nations they emigrated to tolerated them for a while and then kicked them out to, sometimes at great cost to themselves as well. Leading up to the First World War Jews of Europe had sought to create their own nation even in Europe. They were the first zionists seeking respite from homelessness.

Meanwhile, in the non-Jewish sector, democracy was rising against aristocracy. Europeans also had the communist problem, and many of the leaders of the left were Jews. Leon Trotsky for example, was actually named Lev Davidovich Bronshtein- a Ukrainian Jew. Germany went to war in 1914. With American reinforcements of the allies Germany was defeated, or rather brought to an armistice that made an uneasy peace ensue with issues not being fully settled.

A Jew from Munich became a national leader in supporting the end of the German aristocracy. He spoke in the beer hall in Munich that Hitler would later lead his putch from. The left-wing revolt forced the Kaiser from office. Hitler, a veteran of the First World War whom had experienced mustard gas injury, hated the Jews for bring the armistice into being and forcing the Kaiser from office; he believed Jews were leading communism and the end of Germany so he was too happy to accept help from on high; probably deposed aristocrats via the German High Army Command. Hitler was sent to take over leadership of the Germany national democratic socialist party- the NAZI party.

Hitler's rise to power and political attitudes are marginally at least, understandable. Loud Jews in public roles were agitating against native citizen leadership and appeared in favor of communism that was a very real and growing threat of proletarian dictatorship in the east and within Germany too. When the Second War started; the concluding act of the FIrst, unfinished war, Hitler's final solution was brought into effect.

Certainly Hitler had understandable grievances against the Jews who he perceived to be attacking German national existence; and Germany had comparatively recently won its full independence from Catholic Habsburgs (though Hitler laughably was himself from Habsburg Austria). It is no wonder that Hitler fancied himself a new Caesar for the Habsburg Empire was also part of the Holy Roman Empire. 

One might ask what Jews of Thessalonica for instance, had to do with Germany. The answer preponderantly is nothing. Because a few loud, prominent Jews agitated in Germany and against the Tsar Hitler conflated or associated all Jews with the political voices of a few. That is a danger of racism; it conveys select attitudes and behaviors to all of the people of a given race.

Hitler as a modern user of technology was able to selectively kill millions of innocent civilians. As an individual damaged by war and goaded to action by elites that recognized his charismatic voice Hitler was able to lead the mostly former socialist cadred of the storm troopers into a large expansion able to take over Germany by forcing political opponents into silence. After the conquest and assumption of Chancellor socialists too became downgraded and the homosexual leaders of the storm troopers purged. 

Modern broadcast media remains a powerful tool for propaganda and repression of free speech forming bad opinion against writers and others seeking to express objective, factual history and political analysis without the bias of fake-truth endemic to organized media periodically in its history.

Because of the atrocity of the holocaust Europeans tended to support the return of Jews to their own homeland where their desires for political expression and power would not require the subversion or blame for subversion of national political and social development. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.


Chicoms and Wall Street Corporatism Share Repressive Concentration of Wealth and Power

Human organizations have a trait of concentrating wealth and power so far as they can; Corporatism and Chinese Communism share similar objectives of concentrating wealth and power in the hands of elites. It should be no surprise that the CHicom leadership feels free to repress democracy and independence in Hong Kong since the United States works to repress free enterprise and free speech independent of corporate will to power- even NPR is something like a Soviet era propaganda and state terror on dissidents organ.

Corporations repress free speech of employees and even the internet has corporate power burying sites they don't like in search engine listings. There isn't a meritocracy in the United States so much as a do the rich like your business system of government. The covid contact tracing is a convenient way to learn more about what all of those independent people are doing and who they know isn't it.

One might wonder why practical anti-covid measures (no I don't mean taking down old Kobe Bryant highlight videos) did not include practical remedies like make complete face mask coverings with eye protection and small replaceable filters at Halloween mask factories so people could go about life more or less normally, or why an ounce or two of bleach in a gallon of water wasn't recommended for disinfecting hands; one would think certain people have some will to keep the economy closed and people more repressed; perhaps another wave of post-covid distressed home and real estate buying will follow as after the 2008-9 financial crash.

It is alright for democracies to limit capital concentration to keep free enterprise independent. There is sometimes permissible dynamic tension between democrats and oligarchs (or communists) that is requisite for keeping a society healthy and able to adapt to external challenges; environmental or social. When the United States is such a bad example to the communists and when the media becomes repressive or even a tool of partly state funded disinformation and networking racketeering terrorism why would one expect the Chicoms to not follow the American lead to their own advantage? Networks are another opportunity for ad hoc communes with exclusive membership. One shouldn't expect them to be some Karl Marx sort of thing with rural farms, hog pens and orgies.

Marx apparently believed that capitalists would concentrate wealth infinitely stimulating revolution. Modern economists point out that he was basically wrong about that for technical reasons. While dictatorships may concentrate wealth absolutely in certain respects, free economies these days tend toward increasing wealth with intellectual labor and free labor. Physical labor produces a diminishing share of national income and capital has its limits too at increasing national income. It is better to have intelligent leadership well versed in ecological economic transformative goals that is able to moderate economics and utilize 100% of human abilities with good polices rather than to force gross failures to develop human potential and let circumstances dictate economic policies through blind force of evolution/crash.


Three-Piece Philosophy

Sometimes people wonder about philosophy and regard it as a confusing jumble of vague ideas. I view philosophy differently than that. Actually I have a very simple view of philosophy.

Academically speaking philosophy has many divisions and areas of formal inquiry i.e. ethics, politics, metaphysics, social, cosmology, ontology, logic etc. For myself, concerning cosmology and the phenomenon of being, I have distilled a three-piece philosophical outlook.


Like the historical accumulation of science, philosophy as a body of academic material has accumulated over millennia. Reading primary philosophical texts developed over the past 2500 years or so and is therefore something of a venture in reading history. Explaining to others what Plato’s ideas were or how Plotinus used Plato’s ideas concerning a realm of forms in his Enneads (54 treatises) can be quite challenging outside the context of a course in ancient philosophy.

The ideas of ancient philosophers quite often built upon the work of their predecessors and that process continued to the present. Modern symbolic logic has its origins in the classical logic formalized by Aristotle. Learning the history of philosophy is something of an historical reading program that has a lot of abstract ideas in it rather than descriptions of battles, dynasties and social events one finds in general histories of civilization.

Philosophy as an historical body of work has a certain inert status to it. There is more to philosophy than that, for one may sort through the ideas and evaluate them as one learns and eventually classify some ideas as remaining useful and others as being more of archival value. Modern philosophy tends to be live and valid moreso than the old, yet that is just a general paradigm rather than a comprehensive one. Some of the ancient ideas remain valid and may be infused with new ideas arising from philosophers and even physicists. Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason continues to be a valid thesis regarding the ties between perception, cognition and reason although contemporary quantum field theory and neurology explain matters somewhat better.

At the end of much reading of philosophy over the years one tends to develop their own outlook on things that could be regarded as a philosophical viewpoint. Though learning the history of philosophy may be time consuming and complex especially when comparing the ideas of one philosopher with others, the result of the personal evaluation of systems and addition of additional concepts from other sources can result in a very simple view. My point of view on matters of philosophy is quite simple these days.

I have two live philosophical interests in addition to one besides the history of philosophy and its content that may be viewed as a kind of large scale scaffolding that allows one to assemble their own Mt. Rushmore of most valuable thought. My two ideas are Christian faith and the convertibility of matter and energy. Those two ideas are easy to say. Each of course has great depth conceptually if one is interested in pursuing them farther.

Recently I read a book named ‘Mass’ published I believe, in 2017. It is a great book describing what mass is. The world and universe of solid objects is regarded as being made of ‘mass’, yet it is actually energy in a different form, and mass is a secondary quality of energy. The author pointed out that in Einstein’s 1905 paper on relativity he actually used the formula M=E/c2 rather than E=M/c2. The Universe as pure energy is quite a mysterious topic. Mass is actually an appearance of energy, yet isn’t energy also a secondary quality of something else unknown? The Higgs field is thought to slow subatomic particle from light speed enough to allow them to have a third dimension instead of two dimensions flattened at relativistic velocity at c. Even two dimensional particles are energy; quantum field theory advances may have much more to learn about energy for-itself and its relationship to time and space.

The enigmatic and mysterious nature of pure energy in regard to matter, space-time and being is an example of how old philosophies can be tied in to new. The neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus was considered by the early church to be pagan because he believed he could directly experience God in a mystical transcendence of matter that was named heyschasm. It is as if he could experience pure energy rather than matter and form as a kind of stream of pure good or God. Plotinus had other ideas. He wrote of his idea of Plato’s realm of forms in relation to God, whom he called ‘The One’.

To make a long story short I will skip to the realm of forms idea of Plato’s. He thought that some kind of abstract realm of forms existed from which everything that is in the material world is a copy. I would guess it is comparable to the Swiss patent office when Einstein worked there as a patent clerk having a copy of everything that was manufactured under patent in Europe in his day, except the realm of forms is more metaphysical and may exist in the mind of God. Plotinus thought the One emanated all that is from his perfect, omniscient, omnipotent being and the Intelligence presided over the realm of forms and selected what things would be made in the material world of mass and solid objects in which humans exist too.

The realm of forms could be compared to the quantum world in which all energy appears to become mass in certain forms from gluons to quarks, protons and neutrons to antiparticles and so on. If something exists it will need to be in a pre-fab form and built up from some of the 100+ elements of the periodic table according to certain physical behavioral forms. That is somewhat remarkable.

My other idea of philosophical merit is Christian faith. Christian faith occurs subjectively, phenomenally and existentially. Søren Kierkegaard is regarded as the first existentialist philosopher for good reason; he viewed Christian faith and practice as personal and apart from social structures and values; phenomenally rather than socially. Kierkegaard was himself something of a social iconoclast. Like so many German 19th century romantic philosophers that considered society somewhat mundane and inferior with people following conventions as if they were drone ants following meat trails, Kierkegaard also viewed too much of society as following spiritually dead roles through life acting in what Socrates considered to be unexamined lives; that is they were philosophically dead and for Kierkegaard perhaps, spiritually dead.

Christian faith and being occur in a world that is phenomenal. Solid objects seem solid because people are made of atomic elements that are bound in physical laws to experience particle compositions in pre-formed ways. Evolution occurs in forms that are constant though from certain perspectives and levels, changing.

There is no evidence against the existence of God anyplace in nature; ask an evolutionary biologist to show a particular physical form or material that does so and one will see vacuity of intelligent response. The best an atheist scientist could do would be to leave science altogether and act as an incompetent anti-theologian bungling some malfeasant hermeneutics or misinterpretation of Bible scripture. Even theologians are in disagreement about interpreting the beginning and end of the Universe in Biblical hermeneutics (interpretations) as some as pre-millennialist, some post-millenialists and others amillennialists, for example.

Christian phenomenology and Christianity existentially are nothing more than descriptions of a posture of Christians to the experience of life, matter and energy for those that care to consider it. Reconciling scripture with science is something that some try to do- even I have published a couple of books with my thoughts on the subject, in the Bible itself though God is recorded by history as having mentioned that what is wisdom to man is foolishness to God. Such wisdom and foolishness may include the idea of constructing cosmology about mass when energy is generic and incomprehensible for-others, as a kind of mystery that mass and human thought cannot really comprehend as secondary characteristic of energy. Time and history including natural history may occur though one knows that relativity and time, being and nothingness are phenomenal themselves with a relative duration perhaps of 13.5 billion years seems vast in one sense, from certain perspectives and might be as nothing at all from other viewpoints, or even from God’s if one could understand that.

Pro and con hermeneutics from theologians and anti-theologian scientists are interesting yet really not so much from a philosophical point of view, in the context of the history of philosophy as the third element of my own regard for the main stuff of philosophy. Simple material with M=E/c2 and Christian faith occurring phenomenally amidst much temporal and unknown physics. Augustine was himself a student of Plotinus and neo-Platonism before he became Christian. He was always looking in the right direction. What is, is. Whatever the primary quality of energy in-itself is, it seems capricious to differentiate it into categories called Universes (U1…U) when there is a continuum of the primary quality albeit with ample nothingness thrown in.

Social Inventing and Consuming Faster Than Nature's Supply etc.

The human race has quite a few clever and inventive members. They can invent new technologies and machines to convert raw natural resources into consumer product readily. If the entire solar system were a vast Dyson Sphere with more natural resources than 10,000 Earths, new technology could be invented to consume those vast natural resources much faster than anyone could protect those natural resources and ecology. Economic practices need be adapted to the planetary resource paradigm instead of driving with Mr. McGoo on meth intensity chasing after marginal productivity of capital increase.

If the Earth’s natural resources were limitless and the space to live without end the present economic system called capitalism that seeks after increase of the marginal productivity of capital might not be too harmful. At least if the economic system that seeks profit as an end in-itself without concern for vague philosophical issues like the global ecosphere limit had no capability of exhausting the ecosphere it would be understandable. Unfortunately the ecosphere has very definite limits and the economic activity commonly called capitalism is exhausting the ecosphere; keeping the ecosphere intact and healthy simply is not a concern of capitalism. Capitalism is just a license to go about business largely without regulation. Some have gamed the system and indexed funds and investments to make purely abstract profit without actually creating real business; that practice is rather devastating to the ecosphere. In a better version of free enterprise public capital would be available to finance start up businesses of ecological benefit or of compelling scientific or social interest.

One example might be a Department of Defense perception of the need to defend the citizens against Covid 19 casualties so they put out to bid modified clear plastic Halloween masks with replaceable filters and eye protection that will stop people in congested social areas from being infected with that virus. D.O.D. also might adapt Star Wars storm trooper helmets to survive biological war and stockpile a half a million. D.O.D. seems pathetically ill-equipped for practical survival of pathogens from terrorists or nation-states.

If capitalism is blind to ecosphere health of planet Earth it has got the loyalty- blind loyalty as it were- of most of the people of the united States and perhaps the world. The antipathetic Orwellian foe reinforcing the urge to capitalize is the smitten Communist system aka ‘Marxism’. That greatest ism specter is of pure bureaucracy for itself. 

Pure bureaucracy administering equal portions of capital for all citizens except communist party members that get quite a bit more than an equal share has a mirrored anti-political partner, like so many particles of the quantum world, in corporatism. Corporatism concentrates wealth for the one percent; whom may be considered the communist elites of the west. In communism and corporatism elites had a higher standard of living (I refer to the former Soviet version of communism 1.0) than the proles or masses. Concentrated wealth coincides with concentrated power in both systems. In the west ordinary citizens have an illusion of democratic power, yet the facts of concentrating wealth and tax cuts to increase the marginal productivity of capital for the most rich speaks for itself.

As more machines, science and technology are added to the inventory of things owned by the most rich and millions of investors in the capitalism market it is the ecosphere that is the primary victim of ‘development’. Mass extinction of species occur while sophisticated ant-like in coordination societies process the natural resources sometimes converting it into heat-absorbing cities and skyscrapers that collapse with the first few aircraft stolen by uneducated sand people. Wars occur over resources, water, and more reasons that comprise of anthropology of regional wrong human ventures. If a protracted war in S.E. Asia or Central Asia occurred, that was a blind desert storm and fire in a portion of a planetary ecosphere itself being cut down in a variety of ways that follow seeking a  marginal productivity increase of capital return on investment as an abstract good. Sometimes it can be better to seek particular material constructions beneficial to the ecosphere or society rather than abstract profit even if the marginal productivity of capital is less.

Free enterprise is different than networked capitalism. Free enterprises can be regulated to work in particular ecological niches beneficial to restoration of a health ecosphere while vast corporations and the networked capitalist market is a bull in a china shop that everyone wants to ride. I once met a fellow that had started riding bulls for pay when he was a teenager, and frankly, he was a physical wreck as a middle aged adult; humanity should not expect its future on Earth with a degraded ecosphere to be better off.

Some day science may learn to produce mass from virtual energy and create new  planets, stars and ecospheres nearly instantly where nothing existed before. I suspect that day is quite a way off and that it will not arrive before human society has destroyed most free wildlife on the planet and endangered its own social survival because of ecospheric insults  perpetrated by a blind ecosphere victimizing economic predator named capitalism. 

Capitalism at its core isn’t really a system of economics. Capital in the most pure sense is anything of value; those things that support life, that cohere in the integral ecosphere of the Earth are the most vital capital of all (I don’t believe it reasonable to consider Christian merit as spiritual capital since no one deserves to be saved and all salvation is a result of the grace of God). Free enterprise can continue to build technical and scientific capital as well as to advance the quality of life for all of the people of the world if it is put to work within an actual reformed democracy that has maybe 50% public capital and 50% privately held capital, and several other reforms.

People should not be allowed to own shares of more than three corporations to prevent deleterious networking and pursuit of marginal productivity of capital increases anywhere simply for-itself without concern for the harm to ecosphere in the means of production. 

Corporations should have no more than 30,000 employees. If larger projects need be done then several corporations would need to work together. It would be good to prevent formation of too large to fail corporate and financial structures that corrupt the political system.

No citizen should be able to earn more than 300 times the average annual income. If a fellow cannot live on 300 times the average man’s income he is a really pathetic creature, wasteful and pitiable.

Society should set criteria and objects for new enterprises of value to the ecosphere and society. New enterprises would need to cohere within those criteria.

Disconnecting the Higgs Field (poem)

Here and there

pointillist continua build

rowing the skiff

clambering over the road

staying in shadows until spring

insouciant compact snow

mirthfully compiled

just to melt

like thick shadows standing tall


 Recall those human ventures

in sunshine and heat waving

structures squat and vast

sheltering every manner of idea

swilling the environment

pig-hooves hogging one ecosphere

blanket covering the Earth


 It was simply one answer

to numerous questions

working well and input loopily

with the Higgs field disconnected


  Locally service shut down

three-dimensional particles dropped

down into two dimensions

their flatness a consequence

of speed of light atomic components

shorn of Higgs field syrupy slowdown


  Two dimensional particles-

formerly three,

no longer cohered within quarks

neutrons and protons

waferish thin diet

infinitely thin poker chips

without strong force attraction

without electro-weak conventions

they were columns and stacks

of potentially being something


  A good measure of the Universe

left free to its own devices

two-dimensionally speaking

gave its energy up to nothingness

what vast black holes remained

when gravity was gone

where information was stored

why the energy need be someplace

with change and form together

engines of actualization

in three dimensions

was a solitary questions


  Two dimensional quantum maps

direct quantum chips

through Higgs fields

being and becoming soap bubbles

rightly in place as surface tension

structures in motion

trillions of cells like one


Shaping the Higgs field

like electro-magnetic lines

with apportioned signs

meaning lessness than nothings

mechanics of quantum creators

nano-machines’ centrifugal

color forces


Partially disconnecting Higgs field (s)

micro-designers in the fog

would modify galaxies as if they were

emulating the Creator to modify space and time

from the beginning

alpha and omega

fields that ever were/are

mind plans of the One.

Obamacare Flunked the Covid 19 Stress-Test

Obamacare has flunked the Covid 19 crisis. Maybe half of former American workers will be without health insurance as stressed employers cut employees and costs. Obama-Care was a neo-liberal corporate ream-job designed to enslave younger, healthy workers in order to pay rents to the richest corporate shareholders. When the first pandemic in a few decades blew into town Obamacare collapsed like a 9-11 house of cards.

There were better alternatives to neo-liberal corporate health insurance for all Americans. I have about a U.S. government direct provisioning of health services for the poor and veterans since the Obama administration. Expanding the V.A. and networking it with poor peoples and community clinics and hospitals was the right way to go.  Speaker Pelosi said to pass Obamacare to find out what’s in it; now we know that it was preponderantly a scheme to enrich the rich and earn post-employment gratitude for the dishonest servant.

A better system was possible; free, walk-in public health service could have been designed to provide care to all of the nation’s poor and for those with pre-existing conditions unable to be insured. The nation public health service should have been designed to treat as many as 30 million Americans at one time, as it would also serve as a national crisis health care service in addition to V.A. network.

Most of the beds would have been mothballed and brought into active public health duty only as needed. Bringing the poor into the V.A. network would help to fill the mothballed service to a high enough capacity to keep it working realistically and ready for a future national health care crisis.

American politicians are daftly infatuated with capitalism and Wall Street and without any kind of solid base in comprehending political philosophy. Capital is nothing more than things of value, and communism is not the only alternative to unlimited unregulated capitalism. It is on the contrary quite reasonable for a democracy to regulate and direct free enterprise ventures to serve vital public interests such as ecosphere defense and restoration, public health and so forth.  There are innumerable ways to reform capitalism such that it is well adapted to the demographics and physical limits of growth on Earth.

Some regard capital as liquid, relocatable funds for investment. The marginal productivity of such capital cannot be regarded as capable of being a rational or desirable management system for the conservation and restoration of the planetary ecosphere.

Compare capitalism to automobiles; should automobiles be free to travel as fast as they can be made to because to regulate highway speed would be communistic? Government regulation is an important public function necessary for the continuity of life on Earth. The problem with the U.S. government today is that it hasn’t got enough enterprising individuals in it able to reform, innovate or lead in a practical way. Communism is a kind of evil, bureaucratic domination of the stupid over everyone. That bureaucratic evil spirit can be found in about any form of government as it becomes ossified, stupid and has concentrated wealth and power with bureaucrats becoming neo-liberal loyalists of whatever furher or fearless leader promises them more wealth and authority. Good government cannot be led by Mister McGoo political philosophy that interprets capitalism as a system of government possible just with concentrated wealth and power. As I noted above capital is nothing more than things of value. It should be noted that things that are valuable to human survival and health like natural resources may be grossly undervalued. Value systems arise from intelligence, and a paucity of intelligence one might observe, seems too common for most politicians. Why not create covid 19 defense masks that cover the entire face with protection for the eyes? Plastic Halloween mask manufacturers could make clear adapted Covid 19 defense masks to enable vulnerable people to safely venture in public without playing Russian roulette with the virus and live breathing virus vectors on subways and buses.

Communists of the former Soviet Union also had values; they did not redistribute commodities willy nilly. Values for capital can be of two kinds primarily; things of value economically that are recognized and those that are not. The economic philosophy argument today should be about management style rather than about capitalism since capitalism means nothing more than things of value that compile. Communists also wanted to increase capital, just like western ‘capitalists’, yet with a different method.

Communists converted all private capital into public capital. In the west today’s public capital is about zero in light of public debt, and private capital is most all and mostly concentrated by a very few.  A better balance between public and private capital is desirable if competent political management style is made to exist- perhaps a 50-50 balance would be good, yet with all the work being done through free enterprise that is regulated and selected for ecospheric quality and for increasing the quality of life for the majority.


In Some Respects Americans are Lost

In some respects Americans are mildly lost. Without the Lord Jesus Christ guiding their thought and lives people go astray in pursuit of a zillion temporal things. Many of those temporal, material things don't work well with other material things they pursue. The entire society might be regarded as uncoordinated materially and prone to conflicts. Short term profits are a reason for being in-themselves as the woods for the trees can't be seen as they are clear cut and replaced with subdivisions and asphalt.

Homosexual marriage was just one, wrong belligerent political move more satisfying to Satan one would think, than to God. Not that anything humans do might be satisfying to God of course; He is perfection and humanity is mired in original sin and the hog farm of bad politics as a millennial activity. Instead of working things in a positive and optimal direction the leadership chooses wrong options. Homosexual marriage for example might have not been selected to offend most of the planet's sensibilities and instead some kind of contractual, new homo institution for that behavior seeking legal encumbrances to reduce individual civil liberties might have been made; Americans would have tolerated that and not brought some wrath of God style corrections upon themselves. Perhaps there is more of that in store down the road since Americans seem so far lost as to forget the gospel has conditions and expectations of Biblically correct spirit and behavior with it.

People are often drifting in and out of life. They strut and fret their hour on the stage with ample worries as Shakespeare noted (in Hamlet) without considering the phenomenality of it all. Neither do they have adequate concern for the ecosphere's health to keep it alive and thriving apparently as a long slow drain of its health is perpetrated by the human economic style of exploiting resources until they don't work any more.

Certainly taxes need be increased upon the rich yet Democrats are far too weak for that in their pursuit of all looseness possible from border security to material increase. God has indicated that he has displeasure when the rich exploit the poor; maybe the concentration of over-wealth in the U.S.A. is another part of the problem theologically speaking. The loose border allowing human vectors of infection quite liberally to cross illegally also assures that Mexico's health system and politics are over-exploited or underdeveloped as the case may be and Mexicans die trying to keep U.S. auto plants producing during the pandemic. Illegal immigration means that economics are loose on both sides of the border with the poor paying the cost of such political vaguery.

Matthew 19: 23 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

First Cause Argument and Evolution

If you believe that everything has a cause, such as the universe emerging from a singularity that exploded because of a quantum instability ...