
Joe Biden's World Conquest Battle Royal Plan for N.A.T.O.

 Evidently N.A.T.O. expansion seeks to become the dominant military force on this planet. Besides Turkey trying to lever the Sweden issue to become an EU member, N.A.T.O. plans to let Ukraine join after the war with Russia is concluded in order not to be obliged to start World War Three right away. N.A..T. O. has expanded military ties with Japan whom is supporting Ukraine militarily too and has opened a liasson office with N.A.T.O. Japan may one day be a member of N.A.T.O. too in order to get a better defensive posture against China and North Korea.

The Biden administration sent cluster bombs with cluster fs politically toward rational U.S. foreign policy that should have sought peace with a settlement in Easstern Ukraine with Russia omnstead of a divide the world into N.A.T.O. with Japan vs Russia and China with Bric nations and Africa somewhat neutral (excluding of course Russia and China. The policy is harmful to the USA's real economic and environmental interests with a heavy retro focus on Cold War relations with modern weapons updates. It's a bad fit for world politics and unspeakably stupid.



Something more than materialism

 A thread prompt suggested that Anton Zellinger, the physicist remarked that matter may not explain everything.

Zellinger has written informatively about quantum superposition, photons and quantum entanglement. Materialism or matter is just one aspect of what exists. Mass for instance is energy (vis. Einstein's convertability formula E=mc2) yet it can be understood as something more or less than that. Apparently two-dimensional massless particles experience no time...one requires mass to experience time. 

Those two dimensional particles are slowed down in the Higgs Field and pick up a third dimension. So particles are entangled in the Higgs Field and and become something that for human perceptions and experience resemble mass. Humans and other solid bodies with a steady state are emergent and perhaps contingent phenomena. Zellinger may mean that one cannot reason from the contingent state of matter as if matter is all there is or is even the primary phenomenality of existence. He might not be alluding to spirit (or he might); what can be reasonably inferred is that non-matter two-dimensional particles aren’t the be all and end all of existence. The Math Universe Hypothesis of Tegmark posits that math for-itself is the ‘substance’ of what exists.


The First Human Civilization- Where It's At

I always think of the Middle East or Fertile Crescent as where human civilizations began...you know-Sumer and Akad. Egypt is about equally old. Jericho is said to have had human occupancy from 9000 B.C. and that's pretty old. Maybe it wasn't actually a civilzation though. I think the actual first human civilization- the one mentioned in the Bible, was washed away by a flood and also by sea level rise when the Wisconsin Ice age started ending about 30,000 years ago. That might have ocurred ten or fifteen thousand years ago-who can say. Perhaps there are relics of the first civilization remaining below the Persian Gulf deeply covered by mud. The Bible says that Noah's descendents went on to join or found civilizations. Perhaps they stopped in Jericho to get a drink of water on a hot day.

Being De-platformed is the Primary Challenge for a Writer

 Being deplatformed is the primary challenge besides not having a electrical connection in rural Alaska. SInce the Obama administration the places where I can write were either shut down or I was banned. Even Google bought Geocities and made it Blogger. I used to get a thousand or two views most days before I criticized the NSA's evesdropping on Americans and today years later my new posts have zero views for several weeks. I cannot even give away my books on-line today whereas years ago two or three hundred went out for free each month and a few copies sold ( I have forty books more or less. Here is a link to a free brief science fiction novel; just testing... https://www.lulu.com/.../ind.../ebook/product-mjyrgv.html...


Empiricism, Rationalism and Mysticism

Sartre said that his philosophy was French rationalism. I believe that comprised continuity from Descartes. One develops that primary, cognitive analytical first-person epistemology concerning what is. It is transcendent subjectivity if possible. That accounts for percepts of sense data. Obviously one is aware of the Higgs Field and the embedded massless quanta acquiring an appearance of having mass because they were slowed and presented a third dimension and was entangled with other quanta; one is aware of the phenomenology of mind (borrowing Hegel’s title) that is live experience.

One could consider the entire affair mystic to a certain degree just because it is so fascinating. Quantum cosmology is very strange to consider and it’s also where one need place of physical empiricism receding in the distance.

Social reality and political power commonly express the will to control others. That is an empire or empirical realm of interest to social philosophers and political philosophers yet not so much so to those interested in metaphysics.


Mankind being ahead for-himself; Heidegger and Inertia

 In politics mankind often gets ahead of himself. Europeans built a political weltanshauung around the Soviet Union and associated that with Russia. They happily tossed that out, with Bill Clinton's mentoring, to sever Russia from the Crimea and Donbas to form a post Cold War political distribution real estate favorable to themselves. Russia could be regarded as the aggressor of the former Soviet Union and historical Russian- land rather than Soviet, could be forgotten in a case of false consciusness.


While Russia was completely disorganized it was tempting to reduce it in size. The result was the rise of conflict as the schism grew between Russia and the west. The west grew more fearful of Russia viewing it as a big bear threatening former Warsaw Pact nations. When Russia captured the Crimea and invaded Ukraine that European fear was imagined to be confirmed and Russia was seen as trying to capture everything from Warsaw even to Paris I would think. Everyone in Europe sent weapons to Ukraine. The past from the present perspective contained the seeds or forms for the future. It was historical determinism at its most plain. I was disappointed that mankind was so deterministic as if they were stupid machines with bad programming.

I am not sure that the continuity of form that goes forward in time with the inertia of being is a great insight; useful perhaps since one may plan better for harvesting fruit from orchards and field crops as the principle of futures emerging from the continuity of the present exists for everything that exists at some point in their existence. The difference between people and annual vegetables is significant however. One should be aware the humans can change quite a bit in time being and becoming more overweight or learning new tricks while on the other hand trees in a forest simple get a little larger or smaller annually as rainfall and other factors such as logging bring life changing impact.

I took a course in Kierkegaard and Socratic Irony a few years ago that was quite good. The dynamic tension between society and the individual and that of German 19th century idealists and romantics appeared as exemplifying a perennial theme even Nietzsche reflected in his philosopher as detached from the ordinary point of view of the man on the street or their rulers in politics. Morals and ethics tended to flow in those systems with sycophantic waves of emulations without reflective deliberation. One other thing that emerged in the course of the course was the confusion of European philosophy as it merged to consensus among different heterodox cultures with mass subjective epistemological relativism, empathetic emulation of silly viewpoints and so forth. Common sense may be lacking in contemporary European political philosophy. Being well informed in history too can be helpful.

Biden Administration Dumps Saturday Night Fentanyl Specials

 The Biden administration won’t build an eco-friendly wall on the Mexican border to stop illegal entry bring human and drug trafficking to the U.S.A. While law enforcement discovered cocaine in the West Wing perhaps prompting the President to send cluster bombs to Ukraine, the administration has done nothing effective to secure the nation’s borders against fentanyl and cheap labor imports. Instead the President seeks to disarm Americans of some of their second amendment rights to keep weapons because its a good distraction from issues he would like to ignore. He won’t secure the southern border because he has a lot of Mexican-American voters in the Democrat Party as well as fellow travellers of the human and drug trafficking set. Fentanyl is the real Saturday Night Special.



The nation lost about 9500 Americans each month to fentanyl in 2022. Like automobile accidents the deaths were preventable if the Democrat Party had the will to make the nation safer and they don’t. UNPR would instead prefer to make a stop market report every ten minutes and focus on the Ukraine war as if no one needed to pay down U.S public debt. When will the carnage stop?

A Turkey vs Sweden match for WInner Is in N.A.T.O.?

Is Turkey a democracy or Sweden with their respective histories? Is either suitable for N.A.T.O. membership? Shouldn’t N.A.T.O. membership be restricted to nations with a foot in the Atlantic?

One may have religious freedom of expression in some places, and freedom to eat meatballs and lutefisk in others yet one must ask; shouldn’t Sweden be a N.A.T.O. member instead of Turkey since Turkey is on the Black Sea and marginally the Mediterranean while Sweden is on the Baltic Sea and hosted the first Christian Church in Scandinavia at Uppsala?

Let Mediterranean and Black Sea nations form there own defense block perhaps with several North African nations in them so delegates to meetings needn’t spend so much on making global warming gases to attend barbecues. Switzerland should be part of a mountain defense organization with peer nations like Nepal, Tajikstan and Georgia.

Truth, Beauty and Goodness- a criterion of definition

 I like Quine’s disquotation theory of truth. Basically words are what they are and saying that something is true is like putting quotes around a phrase and saying that said within the quotes is true. It is a way of abbreviating a list of things that are true instead of saying that each individual thing is true. One knows that words are simply true or false representations or meanings of something implicitly. One may say something is true yet be lying about that. Truth is a language tool reinforcing the existence of things said to exist (as a positive or negative condition).

Beauty and goodness are subjective concepts. Liberation from oppression may be beautiful and good to one while to another the events are ugly and oppressive. Experience is subjectively, individually made. Some things are good for all humans I suppose, in limited quantity- like clean water, and the list of things that people would agree are true, beautiful and good would tend to be select material objects and relationships.

I believe Jesus Christ-God, is the sole inherent truth as he is The Word, from the beginning from whom all things were issued or made and the rest is contingent being caught in the Higgs field.

Surging Oscillates of Gravity (the poem)


Fusion surges
drawing humans to the star
gravitation's fluids
less viscous than tar
rise in chaotic motion
greens blues and reds
violent dreams
express  moments
dictator's dramatic censors were dead.

Veganism Experienced Inflated Food Prices Too

Apparently there are two major branches of veganism; dietary and ethical. The first is for health and the latter to stop cruelty to animals....