
Something more than materialism

 A thread prompt suggested that Anton Zellinger, the physicist remarked that matter may not explain everything.

Zellinger has written informatively about quantum superposition, photons and quantum entanglement. Materialism or matter is just one aspect of what exists. Mass for instance is energy (vis. Einstein's convertability formula E=mc2) yet it can be understood as something more or less than that. Apparently two-dimensional massless particles experience no time...one requires mass to experience time. 

Those two dimensional particles are slowed down in the Higgs Field and pick up a third dimension. So particles are entangled in the Higgs Field and and become something that for human perceptions and experience resemble mass. Humans and other solid bodies with a steady state are emergent and perhaps contingent phenomena. Zellinger may mean that one cannot reason from the contingent state of matter as if matter is all there is or is even the primary phenomenality of existence. He might not be alluding to spirit (or he might); what can be reasonably inferred is that non-matter two-dimensional particles aren’t the be all and end all of existence. The Math Universe Hypothesis of Tegmark posits that math for-itself is the ‘substance’ of what exists.

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