
Empiricism, Rationalism and Mysticism

Sartre said that his philosophy was French rationalism. I believe that comprised continuity from Descartes. One develops that primary, cognitive analytical first-person epistemology concerning what is. It is transcendent subjectivity if possible. That accounts for percepts of sense data. Obviously one is aware of the Higgs Field and the embedded massless quanta acquiring an appearance of having mass because they were slowed and presented a third dimension and was entangled with other quanta; one is aware of the phenomenology of mind (borrowing Hegel’s title) that is live experience.

One could consider the entire affair mystic to a certain degree just because it is so fascinating. Quantum cosmology is very strange to consider and it’s also where one need place of physical empiricism receding in the distance.

Social reality and political power commonly express the will to control others. That is an empire or empirical realm of interest to social philosophers and political philosophers yet not so much so to those interested in metaphysics.

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