
Shaken not Stirred (poem)


Absent war
troubling was peace
prosperity building
no mass fields killing
few weapons sales any more

Ecosystems run down
distracting peace got rich frowns
though better than wars all around.

U.S. Should Recognize Russian Right to Part of Ukraine and Secure Peace before Christmas

Russia has always regarded the Ukraine as part of Russia- at least for several hundred years with a history reaching more than a thousand years. The United States basically has no strategic interest in Ukraine. It makes no difference in Iowa if Russia owns it or if a puppet government of the west owns it. It could be that decades of dope use- even the President's son was a coke head apparently, has taken a toll on upper political class rationality in the west including Europe. Too much dope might make political tunnel vision and paranoia marinated with stupidity

The cost to the United States in harm to the nation’s international trade and military picture is substantial by supporting the Ukraine government militarily and financially. So why choose stupid, counterproductive policy?f the United States wanted to act like a rational actor and divide the counter so the Russians can salvage their pride and sensibility keeping much of the land of the east that it already has recovered in the war it could probably have a peace right away too, saving hundreds of thousands of casualties. That would be a good Christmas present for everyone.

At some point the U.S. government needs to get on good terms and return to doing business with Russia. With Russia friendly with the west the chance of a conflict with China is far less too. Dividing the world in order to have a Hatfield-McCoy hillbilly feud foe decades is simply idiotic; how did morons take over the U.S. government anyway.

End the feud before Christmas and begin rebuild the entire region directly with a mini-Marshall plan to make sure the world economy is restored. And put a green spin on that Marshall plan that should include Russian portions of Ukraine as well.


Chooglin Solar System Tracks (


The F.T.L. train slid into the station
a universe with an infinite amount of energy
concentrated at an infinite speck of time
mass merged with masslessness
journeying inside out
shadows of no doubt

  Subluminal travel was for the poor
solar energy gathered and focused
just a bit to joke us
waiting along the train tracks
electromagnetic shaped power charges
from Mercury to Saturn’d knack

  Shaped charges imparting particles
field strengths casting ever classed things
two and a half months later
hopeful crowd of synchopaters
through the Oort Cloud’s rings
see the genuine articles

  Training striations of onion time
pealed off in layers
from that warped energy shape’s descending rime
particular universals
shear a circular edge forever introverted


The Son was in the Higgs Field (a poem)


  God isn’t embedded in the Higgs Field
like humans
though He sent his Son
caught like a ram in the bush
sacrificed like Isaac would have been
except for the substitute provided by God

  God isn’t imperfect
like humans with temporal minds
constructing thoughts in sequenced
phrases, geometries and numbers
colors phasing in with photons
providence from an eternal designer
the Lord's work

  Each day of eternity
is one for omniscience
with every possible Universe foreknown
and structure designed
forms from the formless
points never pointless
massless acquiring mass
future becomes the past
being forever becoming.

How Different Religions Get On

Religions don't need to accept one another. Most commercial religious leaders probably can socialize together as it is, or at least have some respect for the other. It is politics and society generally that is the line of conflict, with economics and scarce resources being salient conflict starters too.

Politically people need to respect the freedom of individuals to think for even though it is the most basic of human, individual rights. Political authoritarians want to control what other people think and believe spiritually and otherwise. Thought control was the Orwellian oeuvre and that hasn’t changed since politicians made themselves god-kings and divine authorities or head of the church,

Christians find numerous prophecies of the Messiah in the Old Testament, some Jews are Christians and some Jews are just staying with the Old Testament. Others are secular. Real Americans like Israel and don’t mind conservative ethics and behavior regardless of them being Mormons or Jews. Western civilizations does concern itself with Islam though, not simply because its a wrong, semi-heretical syncretism of Christianity and Judaism, since people should be free to think what they want; the problem is that Islam divides the world in two camps; the zone of peace and the zone of war. Basically Islam seeks to conquer the world through any means including lying-tawfiq, battle, economic purchase etc. Islamists are rather like Democrats in that regard.

For Buddhists the 8th heresy is faith in God. So they are antipathetic to Christian and other deists yet harmless socially,or even helpful, so the west doesn’t care about Buddhists as if they were troubling or anything.

There are some religions that could be concerning if they were numerous, and seem silly or idiotic as tiny sects, yet people are free to be primitive or have stupid beliefs so long as they aren’t elected to office.

Hindu believers are polytheists so regarded by many monotheists as little better than pagan. Others wonder how modern, intelligent people can believe in multiple demi-urges and little gods yet about nobody finds Hindus to be implicitly wicked or world conquering. People can get along with them from other faiths except for a few radicals that feel that bashing icons and destroying pagan statues is de rigueur for the faithful. Historians and archaeologists take a dim view of those destroying ancient artifacts even if they are of fertility symbols.

The Hindu elephant god Ganesh made it into an offshoot of ‘Uncharted Lost Legacy’. 

Many non-Muslims like Taoism, or as Allan Watts called it; The Watercourse Way. It is an observation of the natural flow of nature- you know, gravity and crushed rock talus slopes, stars and black holes fusing together. Yet like the original Buddhism- not Pure Land Buddhism or even the Hinayana or Mahayana, Taoism is more of a philosophy that some upgrade to a religious devotion because it was the only good idea locally available and better than paganism, Shinto with it’s spirits that land on spirit gates and other animist religions. People do take the latter quite seriously too. It’s understanding if one is close to nature.

How many stupid Thor movies have entertained the world? Thor is portrayed as an E.T. rather than a god yet it is still paganism for the modern American in a way. Religionists are a little like movie goers in choosing different poisons and metaphors to mix. Its better to keep one’s faith plain an unadulterated with fusions of sundry liquors in the hope that if one has a wrong religion they might at least have a chance of being illuminated by the true faith one day before biting the dust.

No; Liberal Christian Did Not Elect Hitler Chancellor of Germany

 Hitler wasn't voted into office by liberal Christians. Hitler lost the 1932 election. He was appointed to the office of Chancellor by Hindenburg in 1933 because the Nazis had taken a lot of power in the Reichstag.- a brief historical sketch of Hitler's rise. The German Army High Command sent him to infiltrate the National Socialist German Workers Party and he quickly became the leader. His voice vibrating unnaturally. His speaking voice had freqs similar to that of most people yelling. His career was then made. I suppose the deposed German aristocrats wanted to co-opt the socialists from the inside. The NAZI party had the Sturmabteilung or S.A.- a paramilitary organization, assist their violent political intimidation- that is something like Antifa I suppose, except they were far more violent. The S.A. had a lot of homosexuals including its leader Ernst Röhm. THe Army feared the S.A. and eventually Hitler too chose to purge them in The Night of the Long Knives. Yet by then they had already moved Hitler toward the power of Chancellor of Germany from whence he became the Fuhrer. NAZIs co-opted the Christian churches in German after 1933 when Hitler started the Kirchenkampf - an ideological struggle against the confessing church.

A.I. is the best new weapons technology on Earth

A.I. is the best new weapon technology on this planet. It's potential for directing drones and virtually any mobile platform to kill is unlimited. It will be sewn in the field like grains of sand. When quantum computing becomes the basis for A.I. the power will exponentially upgrade beyond sight of human minds at some point. Like computer chip memory size reduction and increasing power A.I. will improve radically. It will also be able to program other A.I. A.I. will eventually replace not only lawyers; it will replace programmers. The recursive progress- scalar field progress or advance in sophistication of thinking, of memory and creative thought forwards and backwards in time will easily make human efforts a pathetic comparison. I am surprised by how extreme underestimations are of the power of A.I. to streamline and upgrade itself are- especially since people view human programming as having a continuing or necessary relationship to building A.I. that will soon enough become a black box in regard to humans understanding the iterations flowing in microcircuits. A.I. is a weapon that will grow beyond anyone's control; human logic isn't to hot at structuring society or avoiding war already.

More than the odds of a Multiverse

 One may consider the infinite power of God in the abstract, and His capacity to create an infinite number of Universes and every possible item, particle and field that might ever exist. Furthermore He might know it all in thought and not actualize the Infinite Universes, foreknowing the alpha and omega of each and everyone if he does or doesn't actualize them.

It is true that extra dimensions are simply mathematical conventions with an exponent sign indicating the number of dimensions being considered, and string theories requiring extra dimensions and a Multiverse still need to parse what a string or even non-dimensional point is/are.

The problem is that each are units of energy, and those units occur within some unknown field- even the Higgs field must be hosted by a greater field at some point. One could concentrate energy within a singularity perhaps, and their may be an infinite number of singularities within some sort of infinite field with all possible dimensions in it, and it could be so complex for humans that only the mind of God would be able to comprehend it, and probably effortlessly at that.

To Be or Not to Be a Vegetarian; That is the Question

 A lot of protein from meat makes cells break down faster I believe the story goes. So vegetarianism or fruititarianism (veggies and fruits) is actually good for one's health. I believe one could practically live on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because of the protein in peanuts (don't try this at home, it could be dangerous). Keep in mind though the lifestyles of hardship of moose for instance. Very cold winters, no nerves to feel cold in the legs, intelligence about equal to that of a cat or less. If killed with an adequate bullet the quality of their lives isn't terminated with cruelty. After all when they get old they become prey to predators and torn apart while alive, or they die of cancer without adequate veterinary care. A swift, merciful end of their lives might actually be regarded as a kindness, and honoring their life by eating their meat could be considered respectful, especially with barbecue sauce.

Domesticated animals raised for food might be a harsh experience for the animals. Perhaps not so much for cattle, since their lifecycle is so formulated and terminated. Eating dogs probably is wrong, except humans might be starving or poor and need the protein. I like wolves and don't feel even distant cousins of wolves should be raised to be eaten...that just seems wrong. If people don't have good morals themselves, they aren't much better than animals anyway and the law of nature is to eat anything that can be digested. That could be something recognized by Jesus Christ who said it was ok to eat all kinds of meat. The criterion of humanity is laden with original sin, probably the physical incarnation in a temporal, thermodynamic context is the correction, and everyone in it is doomed if they aren't personally saved. So go ahead and eat meat...it's kind of a lifetime last supper for the condemned and makes no difference on their eternal fate.


Theodicy and Free Will; Interesting Relationships to Consider

...It is fascinating material to think about; the relationships of free will, the problem of evil and God being responsible for it or not etc. Augustine believed evil is somewhat phenomenal and a result of mankind falling away from a perfectly-in-accord with the goodness of God and his commands lifestyle of human founders Adamas and Eve. So evil is somewhat comparable to a crumbling mountain that resulted from flicking a bic on some short fuse to explosives buried throughout the stone after being warned not to and then philosophically wondering if God is to blame for injuries and deaths resulting from the blasted rock.

A little Augustinian theodicy, some Calvinist predestination; it seems to work out well enough. People do tend to extrapolate about God's relationship logically to responsibility for created elements of the Universe, upon human logic and knowledge that aren't likely to be better than it is on cosmology. The issues of salvation through grace and election or works, or infusion first and then works and then salvation, are related to positions on theodicy. It isn't known of course, if due to predestination and lack of actual free will, if God has a purpose and salutary destiny even for those condemned, or if there is partial free will there can't be some kind of hidden future parole for original and subsequent sin, and hell.

The question of how can God create a Universe with less than what contingent sentient beings in it consider optimal content can be the subject of much thought. Yet is is all theologically interesting and worth considering. Obviously loyalty of 'laity' to church dogma even to the point of violence in the past; persecutions and such are problems in a way separable from the theological investigations in themselves. One must prefer sound theological doctrines drawn from correct hermeneutics to error, so there is a reason for denouncing select, phenomenal false doctrines that arise. Yet schisms and a profusion of varieties of hermeneutics and dogmatics aren't new or too likely to stop. There are important issues such as the problem of homsexual marriage that have occurred that probably stimulate more schism and apostasy than researches into God being responsible for what he creates that humans regard as evil. Especially if evil becomes church doctrine, the question of free will returns.

What is Meant by 'Atheists Have No Morals'

Divine command moral norms following Moses and Deuteronomy were plain and simple. Alternatively modern godless individuals haven’t anything ...