
More than the odds of a Multiverse

 One may consider the infinite power of God in the abstract, and His capacity to create an infinite number of Universes and every possible item, particle and field that might ever exist. Furthermore He might know it all in thought and not actualize the Infinite Universes, foreknowing the alpha and omega of each and everyone if he does or doesn't actualize them.

It is true that extra dimensions are simply mathematical conventions with an exponent sign indicating the number of dimensions being considered, and string theories requiring extra dimensions and a Multiverse still need to parse what a string or even non-dimensional point is/are.

The problem is that each are units of energy, and those units occur within some unknown field- even the Higgs field must be hosted by a greater field at some point. One could concentrate energy within a singularity perhaps, and their may be an infinite number of singularities within some sort of infinite field with all possible dimensions in it, and it could be so complex for humans that only the mind of God would be able to comprehend it, and probably effortlessly at that.

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