
Philosophical and Theological Remarks

Solipsism is the default condition of human experience. That is what Sartre's Being and Nothingness is about really. He did say that only God could have the mind of the other and oneself simultaneously. Descartes' Meditations is French rationalism like Sartre's beginning with an epistemological doubt to prove or verify one's own existence. Throughout life one misunderestimates what it is that other people are thinking or know. How can one explain the apparent stupidity of politicians except to believe that their minds are hollow and only cognitive units perhaps cast by alien movie directors to vex normal people on Earth and make a better movie (just kidding)? I believe one doesn't think about solipsism too much and just goes on as if it weren't a thing because one can't do much with it. The idea isn't that other minds do not exist besides one's own. Instead the idea about solipsism is that one cannot prove they exist even if their is a surfeit of circumstantial evidence that they do. However the mind is just cognition, perception, language and experience. The body may fail and the mind worry about that. If one is a military medic and sees brains splattered one doesn't see a mind laying about. How can one's own thought prove that the words of others that originate actually exist somewhere in the brain of another? One's own mind is as ephemeral as that conjectured to exist within the brain and skull housing units of others. So people just kind of accept or recognize the working reality of the situation and move on to try to get positive things accomplished technically speaking.

The Academy philosophers (e.g. Socrates,Plato) called their activity alethea. It means truth. They told outsiders when asked that they were doing philosophy.

You may know about theodicy and the debates about God being responsible for evil or not. The world and Universe is a containment facility for those condemned with original sin. Humans are embedded in a temporal, thermodynamic field and are judged when their life is concluded. They have a chance to be saved or not. With so much information out there these days it's really up to the individual if they spend eternity in heaven or hell. God is wiling yet mankind is willful.

 I like to think of 'The One' that Plotinus mentioned in The Enneads as God the Father. Monism and pluralism present simultaneous unity and differentiation in all matter. Uncertainty in perceptions, borders and language are a priori categories of being. Free enterprise and private property allow specific progress and prosperity to develop. That requires some exclusivity. One cannot make 2 nanometer chips in a cow pasture, as the saying goes. Clean rooms are requisite and that means the unwashed cannot be too welcome. So one has conflicts- and there certainly are thieves, while some are greedy and maybe some politicians are sociopathic (eg Hitler and Stalin). One can try to makes the edges less sharp and create more comprehensive safety nets yet the task isn't politically simple. Good sentiments and a working healthy economy and world ecosphere need be compatible.

Vision of Ever 2.0


So how is time meaningful
allowance  forever nulled
  Levers lifting each moment now
after presence’ fast plough
  She found what seemed like ever
were nouns that change never
  How one knows each day it will trade
Tao and light for dark shades
  -Full Heaven can’t be Earth and ground
mulling world ocean sounds.

The rhyme scheme is;






Vision of Ever (a poem)


So time is meaningful
while forever culled

  Presenting the moment now
after searching how

  The sky that was ever
would change never

  One knows even so it will trade
sight and light for darkest shades

  Heaven canst not be Earth and ground
nor a greying ocean’s sound.

U.S. Credibility is at Stake as an Enabler of Senseless Wars?

The Associated Press ran an article claiming that "American credibility is on the line" in regard to continuing to throw money down a black hole of war in Ukraine in return for dividing the world economy politically, rebuilding the Cold War, getting hundreds of thousands killed and injured senselessly and driving the world to the brink of nuclear war.


The nation of course has amnesia regarding American credibility in Afghanistan and the precipitous Biden withdrawal disaster that flip flopping leadership of that nation overnight in another Vietnamization instant failure.

The world wants to believe the U.S.A. has consistently stupid leadership engaging in senseless and avoidable wars in order to promote weapons sales and if an administration doesn't continue that policy that Eisenhower warned about the U.S. will loses credibility. How troubling. Who could want peace in Ukraine and good relations with Russia after a settlement giving the Eastern part in now occupies to Russia? The argument is that it would reinforce dictators so war must continue even until the cows return to the barns, except Ukraine was part of Russia hundreds of years and they just don't want the Clinton-Yeltsin theft for the west to go unchallenged.

[Quantum Spin Fills the Oblivion] a poem


Quantum spin fills the oblivion
Cantor’s infinite criteria numbering more or less
sets of Universes God blessed.

The President Advances toward Impeachment

 President Biden has moved closer toward being impeached in the House of Representatives. The President has probable ignominious ties to Ukraine via his son Hunter, financially and legally.


Accomplishing impeachment could only be surpassed by the President formulating an insurrection by Antifah and fellow travellers should he lose the 2024 Presidential contest to Donald Trump. Being bomb-proof in regard to conviction because his party controls the U.S. Senate, the President will need to be satisfied with being politically martyred with the blemish of impeachment by Republicans should they happen to work that to the full.


Israel Will Continue to Remove Werewolves from the Gaza

 Despite President Biden's remonstrations against Israel completely pacifying the Gaza, and in disregard of the U.N. General Assembly's irresponsible demand for an immediate halt to the conflict in order to give the Hamas a good chance to survive and rebuild its military preparedness, Israel will continue its political reorganization of the Gaza strip until that region is secure and no more a base for war- dishonorable war by the Hamas upon Israel. It isn't very difficult to understand.

In the aftermath of the conflict entirely precipitated by the Hamas (violence) without question the terrorists will go international as once did Yasser Arafat's P.L.O. to wage a terror campaign on Israel. The United States will lack Russian help this round in tracking down potential attackers as it had to combat Al Qa'eda. It is questionable if China will be of much use either since they have other concerns involving the frenemy status with the U.S. government and business community. Israel need look after its own interests. Palestinians will have a chance to rebuild once Hamas is gone.

Israel may need to appoint a MacArthur to oversee the Gaza as the United States had a military caretaker for awhile in Japan following the conclusion of the Second World War. Unfortunately the Palestinians probably won't seek an honorable and sincere peaceful relationship and even alliance with Israel like Japan once did with the United States. Even Germany required de-Nazification to eliminate werewolves. Palestine will be loaded with werewolves as virulently militant as actual Nazis in their hatred of Jews. The U.N. believes Israel should be limp wristed and allow terror to rebuild.


Judeo-Christian Theist and Scientific Approaches to Origin from Nothing-

 Each posits the eternal existence of something or someone, and each has the Universe appearing at some point from nothing. God issues light into the darkness- and I have no difficulty imagining God creating or hosting a void an issuing matter into it in some way, while science has a void with a singularity that expands into it.

Science has an infinite chain of Universe spawning more Universes-like an infinite fractal branching, and it has a singular Universe arising from a singularity that was perhaps a universe collapsed into a black hole that became a reversed white hole and inflaton. Alternatively a field may fill all of the void so it's only an apparent void, and it has energy that emerges as virtual particles, and those virtual particles may entangle and become mass that in enough quantity can become a black hole that in turn becomes unstable and explodes as a big bang.

There are of course more scientific cosmology theories; like the one about membranes that collide and make a big bang like two symbols clashing and making sound waves. There is a good one about this Universe being located on the event horizon of a five-dimension black hole. There is one I like about every possible Universe already existing and human minds switch t the appropriate Universe that fits each though they have, so a human without being aware of it switches to as man Universes in his or her life as they have individual thoughts.

I like that idea because it fits so well with free will, determinism and everyone controlling their own fate and not trusting Jesus Christ choosing their own way to go to hell, All paths may lead to hell without the Lord guiding them.

God is omnipotent and omniscient and foreknows every possible Universe-an infinite number-in his own thought. The intriguing question that Plotinus asked is why The One (aka God) would trouble to create anything since his power is absolute. Well, He did for some reason and sentient human life is the result or fact. Science and Christian faith have many points in common though each side is generally unaware for numerous reasons.

Uncertain Anchorage (a poem)


The distant call a reminder of light
this sailing omniety
is a pernoctation in quest of sleep
revealing stars and a cold summer night
an island wall without a place to anchor.

The Bay's Island in Darkness (a poem)


I had enisled vespertine reluctantly
there was no choice in the darkness
a boat slowly moving
over still water
silent depth beneath
sand and stone
if the wind would moan
the vessel would be free again

  Daylight was cast off like exuvia
revealing stars and a cold summer night
an island wall without a place to anchor
nearer shoals lost from sight

The farthest calls a reminder of light
this sailing omniety
is a pernoctation  in quest of sleep
tillar’d eggshell full of seaward piety
bowline echoes of hydrox mirrors deep

Through these facet images of time
a whale appeared with first light
moed while approaching engines whine
another sign the morning’s run true
sunlight burns away overnight dew.

Progress in Voice to Skull Technology

 There have been voice to skull technologies with military applications around for some time. I copied the url to a popular mechanics articl...