
Merry Christmas on the Son's Birthday Commemoration

 Merry Christmas; I tend to agree with a theory of an infinite, omnipotent God having infinite Universes in His pocket. What He does with them and who is allowed access to them is the question. Thank God for His infinite wisdom and for sending the Son to save at least some of the lost.

It's sort of an implicit assumption about God that He is omniscient. If God created everything then he knows everything as well. Imagine that one could create an AI that was self-learning and infinitely so compounding it's knowledge at a scalar pace until it had learned everything that could exist, God comparatively always existed and was not created. Everything that does exist He knows before it exists. I don't think it easy to surprise God on the Son's birthday with a special present if one had one to give.


Shepard's Crook (the poem)


If I were to talk in my sleep
more eloquently than in life
conversation would flow like playing a fife
not like dull day when thoughts must needs leap
to reach phrase ends first and last
each night to start I could talk with the sheep
I count flying skyword to jump mountains steep
we could talk of politics or futures past
IVs, quarks and dark helicopters of night.

Dems Political Crock-Pottery Begins Removing Trump from 2024 Ballots

 Following Colorado’s lead in removing Donald Trump from 2024 election ballots the obvious next step further down the road of political madness is for all blue states to remove the winner of the 2016 election from 2024 ballots. Maybe Red states can emulate the Democrats and remove candidate Joe Biden from Red state ballots so only contested purple states elections would be required to select the next target of litigation and criminal charges to lead the nation to bad politics and legislation that creates vast public debt, lasting poverty for some senior citizens, youth stuck in a work/unemployment cycle that makes it impractical to always have housing or long-term investments, foreign wars and an expensive moon settlement program that just doesn’t seem to get anything built there.

Neither party cares enough about fixing the ecosphere and atmospheric heating to get it done and the re-entry of wolves to Colorado is probably just a PR show that will result in the pack being crushed one at a time on freeways by diesel trucks and shot by ranchers after being spotted by drones.

The brilliance of the Democrat method of upgrading conflicts was proven during Trump’s first term when specious Russian collusion charges eventually evolved to impeachment and a legendary insurrection that was something less than a Guy Fawkes try and more like a ‘Trump is the marionette in chief who pulled the strings for a mob conquest of congress show that was supposed to overturn election results’. Now the mythical insurrection is the cause for Democrat state supreme court judges to ban Trump from being re-elected; truly a triumph of political crock-pottery of the first order.


Should Colorado Ballots Be Banned for Banning Trump from 2024 Ballot?

 Colorado recently banned candidate for President Donald Trump from being on the ballot. Donald Trump isn't a convicted felon nyet, so should Colorado be banned from participating in the 2024 election itself since it's getting jiggy with it.



One doesn't want courts subverting democracy.

Concerning Evidence for the Soul and Shannon Entropy

 The soul may be simply information- the coordinate patterns of all of the quantum comprising an individual, he body, mind and history over the course of a lifetime. Information is conserved. With the data it would be possible to reconstruct any or all of a being for ever if an eternal being wanted it to be so. God may have better or more subtle ways of keeping track of sentient beings though.

Evidence is things and relationships evident. I wonder why it is that people leap towards ‘nothing evident’ these days…for political purposes I would guess. One shouldn’t overlook the evident. People exist, they have a structure made of quanta and it has a form. People know about Shannon Entropy and Deictic references I suppose, about patents, designs that outlast individual products because there is a record kept somewhere; of Plato’s realm of forms. I am presently taking a course on the Archaeology of Africa, one learns various techniques for interpreting the material present and its theoretical use in the culture long gone. One has evident matters like rocks, lithic artifacts and micromorphology, one uses reason to attempt to interpret the unknown, and what tools one has available, such as to interpret marks on ancient bones. One may ask oneself; how would scriptural references to something like a soul be understood or said today in modern terms. What part of human existence does according to modern physics last forever? That which does is information. Hawking theorized that information even escapes black holes. The criterion of Shannon entropy that information is conserved is the obvious association for what a soul is.


New EMG Generator Said to Use No Fuel

 A no-fuel new device causes one to wonder how it works.

One might be able to use magnets like batteries? Instead of moving a coil through a magnetic field (or vice versa to push electrons down a wire could one use AI switching on and off magnets in some way, like a form of wheel motor can, or a linear electromagnetic accelerator/rail gun, push electrons down a wire? If the amount of electric needed to switch the ‘gates’ on/off were less than the energy that flows because of the field strength it might generate positive electricity surplus. The magnets have stored energy. I wonder why magnets can store energy, how much and for how much time before they wear down. The magnet would be the power source for the system. Maybe one would need to kick start it in a manner of speaking.


Magnets can be used to ‘induce electric currents’. The electromagnetic force is one of the four basic forces of nature as you know. Hence a standing magnetic field is a kind of battery in that it can induce the flow of electrons comprising a current. It is like a standing wave of force that need be discharged by moving through a conducting medium like copper wire to induce electron flow through a medium, rather than storing electrons in a box. I wonder if a magnetic field will run down at a particular rate when used as a force field to push electrons/charged particles. If the inventors have found a way to simulate motion of a medium through a magnetic field with gate switching then they are clever. Magnetism converts one form of energy to another very effectively. It is a force yet has no energy. However a force field is a power- a kind of battery. Photons exist in an electromagnetic field and can be converted to energy with voltaics for example. 



Moving that force field is a tool that may be underutilized though it is used for 99% of nuclear, fossil fuel power plant conversion of mass to energy. One might put powerful magnets on some tidal float/barge per example to push electrons as it rises and falls with the tide past some kind of coil. I like the idea a lot of using emg field for something comparable to a battery for storing force to make energy. Kind of like a lighter that isn’t a fire but can be used to ignite a fire if the conditions are right (such as oxygen being present). Exploiting electro-magnetic fields is something I have been interested in for some time in order to deploy vast fields in micro-gravity to accelerate charged modules toward the outer solar system much faster than chemical rockets. It is interesting to consider using a star to power an electromagnetic field of a few million miles in size to push charged modules to perhaps 3/4 the speed of light to Proxima Centauri.

A Comment on Photons and Time

 Time involves mass and change; photons have zero mass for time to grab on to. It is interesting to consider gravitons as zero mass particles; maybe they acquire mass and that is the gravitational effect. Google says that “The vacuum speed of light is not a valid rest frame, because it’s a frame that can never be at rest.”

Gravity also travels at the speed of light. Light speed seems to be the standard speed of zero mass particles, that all at any rate seem to be elements of a field when measured at a particular location. It’s funny that the wavefunction collapse doesn’t apply to massless particles unless they interact with matter.

The Higgs Field; Aristotle and Primary Substances

 Trying to associate primary substances with massless particles given the appearance of mass and a third dimension in the Higgs field is difficult; mass is contingent being so my answer is no. Everything that is mass is emergent and apparent being and half of a phenomenal event of massless particles appearing to have substance because of the effects of travelling through the Higgs field.

Night's Spunk Darkness with Axial Tilt (a poem)


The cold, dark, longest night
follows weeks of frost and frozen wood
soaked from warm weathered rains, rotting
like time crystallizing blood in white fingers

The poverty of the deer
wandering snow trails in darkness
hunted by wolfie
sole survivor of the culled pack

World nauseated by the heat of summer sun
tilts its pole toward the galactic center
yet there lies a heart of darkness and crush of death
a super-massive black hole reels in matter for breadth

Senseless cold passes slow, interminable
ten degrees below Fahrenheit's frost freedom
liberating moment of meltwater
joke of a theory for deep snow lies ahead

Wind harassing thin walls
shuddering at 70 m.p.h.
challenging Venus to try to remain in place
when the spinning Earth has won the race.

Bloody sinners boiled the political poverty
melting the fat, passing svelte rats
to those that don’t know cold months
like the tracks of small mammals over the snow

After months of semi-dead torpor
with rotten snow
life will flow through plants again
and the longest night stop making sense.

Rectifying S.S.I. and Basic Income Policies for US.Gov

 S.S.I. has a program for poor seniors citizens over 65 that includes a monthly payment. yet the policies for the program were not designed by poor people with actual experience at living a life in poverty so there are implicit unfair structures in it. There are some criteria that need be rectified. Some native Americans have for thousands of years maintained a winter and a summer residence instead of living year-around in one dwelling. S.S.I. eligibility criteria disqualify people that own two residences- even if it is simply a warm winter place and a cool summer place and the total value of each property is fewer than $10,000. S.S.I. would allow those better off and able to afford a $150,000 condo where they can live annually with electricity, running water, toilets and a road eligibility if their other resources were less than $2000. S.S.I.'s eligibility criteria drive Americans to be poor and to not help themselves. Because some poor Americans have two lots instead of one nice house the very practical low-cost living solution of camping on private property year-around in two places where the weather is tolerable is a disqualifier for the S.S.I. cash supplement program.

S.S.I. eligibility criteria should not penalize Americans for trying to help themselves. If they are on S.S.I. for being old or being disabled they should feel free to look for employment or try self-employment without worry they will lose S.S.I. if the job doesn't last and they won't be able to return to the program quickly. S.S.I. might better be regarded as the core of a national basic income that kicks in for the old and disabled first if they have fewer annual earnings than something like $20,000 and makes up the difference. Especially in this era of environmental and A.I. challenges and changes to employment prospects and stability it is important to create a national basic income infrastructure that is effective. It would enable Americans some lifetime security against losing all of their possessions and investments the next time there is a high unemployment rate and inflation.

Actually there are many poor Americans that would buy land in different climate zones to survive each year if they would not lose S.S.I. eligibility. The policy is implicitly unfair and a remedy would be just to allow one eligibility if they have less than $30,000 in multiple real estate possessions or a single residence worth fewer than $100,000. There is no reason to compel Americans to become poorer- seasonally homeless in order to receive S.S.I. and have a livable annual income. Neither is there a good reason to penalize ingenuity at finding practical solutions to where one can live in retirement affordably.People do discriminate actively against age for employment, and there is also race and gender discrimination from some quarters that everyone experience regardless of race or gender. Therefore making objective programs from the government that work for the poor should be a goal for rectifying implicit federal iniquities.

Sometimes Intolerance Is Necessary

 Tolerance of cruelty, tolerance of injustice, tolerance of crime, tolerance of corruption, tolerance of bad foreign policy, tolerance of co...