
Across the Edge (a poem)


Paid across
edges of space-time the loss
of yesterday gone away
rises with days of holocaust

Weigh the world
mass thermodynamics hurled
sentient lives to the fore
broken doors of being’s way

What would say
if time could heal wounds today
self-inflicted senseless deaths
dying breaths of war have paid.

Why Not a Standard external Metal Connector for Laptops and Cell Phones?

 I used to try to buy connectors for laptops to 12 volt batteries for charging in rural Alaska. I found that it was difficult to buy the right adapter to convert a 12 volt battery to 18 volt recharger; especially since various laptops have various shapes and sizes for power charging. That problem was largely solved with the Westinghouse portable electric power generators that are very easy to use with a solar panel or ac outlet and that have a built in ac/dc inverter.

Even so cell phones often lack a USB port to flow through data. If a contact connector (actually two different contact connectors) were placed as a plate on a laptop and cellphone that didn’t require a USB port to move data it would be a great improvement. If another metal contact port were made to recharge laptop and cell phone batteries the entire menagerie of a zillion varieties of charges and cables could be eliminated. All of the laptops and cell phone charges could be made to be interchangeable.

I am sure that it can be done. Wireless recharging of cars and some phones has already occurred. It isn’t too far to go. With the likely upgrade of cell phone memory to a terabyte even in cheap phones in the not distant future it is even more important to upgrade the input/output and interchangeability of laptops and devices concurrently.

Drones, A.I. and the Stimulus of War

I took a couple of courses on artificial intelligence last winter. They were  informative introducing the basics of how A.I. works and can be applied. About 40 years ago I took several courses on computer programming and one on systems analysis. Recently I’ve read several e-books that were F.B.I. stories with heroines skilled at crime detection even when they needed to use telepathic dreaming in some cases. So the thought occurred to me of using artificial intelligence to solve crimes. So far I haven’t read one of those, even with novels featuring the traditional cowboy detective running roughshod over establishment police.

Since A.I. is proliferating like wildfire and is self-declared by its founders to be an economically disruptive technology it seems that it will also inevitably reach law enforcement. The application of A.I. to find unsubs will be limited only by the imagination of programmers and police.

It is challenging to envision how A.I, applied in modern computing processing units will be used by the N.S.A., or by private agencies examining government agencies and spending outlays, politicians and their financial relations in the United States and abroad. A.I. may be able to process terabytes and petaflops of information per second.

One might wonder about A.I and engineering as well. Perhaps a good tech A.I. combining fields such as geology, engineering, hydrology and physics could determine if it would be feasible to desalinate water from San Francisco bay and send it via solar powered pipeline to Reno to use it to irrigate Northern Nevada and to refill Lake Bonneville to a limited extent as a fully recovered and freshened Great Salt Lake converted to potable water. Even if that was possible though, it is probable that Californians would demure and choose to keep all of the new water supply for themselves.

President Biden has stimulated field testing of drones and other advanced military technology with the Ukraine misadventure. That war is a function of the corrupting influence of lawyers as partisans in the top execute job in government and in the legislature too. Lawyers are great working in their proper fields, as are physicians and physicists, yet lawyers in the Presidency and top leadership of the legislature are conflict oriented professionals normally at war against an opposition team. Instead of inventing or applying new material developments to a nation they seek to redistribute wealth through conflict to their partisans. The consequence is to divide the nation as the wealth divide between rich and poor increases in the U.S.A. Lawyers in leadership roles outside the legal professional still tend to litigate rather than invent or arbitrate.

The top persecutors of President Trump were lawyers. The Democrat party lawyer leadership of Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and Shiff have used law to divide the nation in their effort to disqualify Donald Trump from being in office. President Clinton used his power to lever the very weak last leader of the Soviet Union- Boris Yeltsin, to relinquish the Ukraine to the west- just as did Germany’s leadership compelled Vladimir Lenin to relinquish the Ukraine to it in exchange for placing him in power in Moscow and ending the first world war against Russia.

When President Clinton began the movement of the west to create a greater Europe with an effective analogous new nation of Polkraine from the Urals to Eastern Europe the clock was set ticking on counting the time before Russia grew strong enough to attempt to recover as much of its former Ukrainian lands as it could. Democrat lawyers of course refused ti acknowledge Russian historical interests and instead began building up the Ukrainian military force and coordinating it with N.A.T.O. In time it would have becoming the sharp edge of the saber for Polkrainian expansion east under domination of Germany.

President Biden continues to refuse to acknowledge Russian interests and the great improbability that it would ever give up the Crimea short of nuclear war. And that brings one to awareness that the present administration policy has ed to the field testing of drone aircraft and demonstrated the comparative obsolescence of military vehicles in the presence of advanced targeting and force delivery packages from the ground and air. Without the ongoing Polkrainian war it isn’t likely that Iran for instance, would have had the skill to launch half a thousand drones on Israel Saturday.

Iran has improved its drone technology with the opportunity to manufacture and field test them in Ukraine for Russia. If the war continues the field testing will too and the development of drones with more intelligence able to evade intercepting aircraft and missiles is likely to increase as well. That is another way the Biden policy of dumping vast quantities of weapons to the Polkrainian military undermines U.S. national security. Drone aircraft with A.I. and fair camouflage could launch suitcase nuclear weapons on the United States even from a small pleasure boat arriving from the Caribbean.

I wonder if President Biden as the candidate of Democrats for Armageddon; a supported left of center Barry Goldwater for Democrats, has any awareness of the opportunity costs to the United States of prosecuting an unnecessary war against Russia via Ukraine. Lost are opportunities for economic cooperation and a world in which China does not threaten Taiwan, even Iran launch drones at Iran, or Hamas create a mass terror assault on Israel as it feels escalating the chaos and conflict of the middle east may work to their advantage perhaps even driving the world to the pre-tribulation status they share comparative beliefs with select Christian pre-tribbers.

It is possible that old Mr. Magoo lawyers driven by an urge to conflict will lead the world forward to Armageddon. It is more likely that the environment will continue to decay and economic inequality advance while Democrat lawyer leadership divides the nation making enemies of all that don’t support its political agenda. It is also possible that artificial intelligence will render humanity generally obsolete as it can be placed into robots to use as sock puppets.

Christianity and Reincarnation

This is a brief consideration of select logical criteria of reincarnation. Christians I will note, after death are resurrected (as is everyone else for the purpose of judgment and eternal disposition) and that comprises effectively, reincarnation, though not in an unrecognizably different form. I will consider the Christian element following that of general parameters of reincarnation such as one might find in the Hindu religion.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy is basically what matter is made of, formed into patterns with four universal forces that are manifestations from one unified field. Physicists developed an idea that there is a comparable law concerning information. It is named Shannon Entropy. In that paradigm information is conserved and not lost from the Universe. Does that relate to the information that makes a human individual? Is that information neither created or destroyed comparable to energy? If energy pre-existed the Universe in the singularity does that mean that the information for each human soul pre-existed the Universe too? Those are interesting points to consider.

Following death one is reborn or incarnated again in a form commensurate with one’s moral, psychological and empirical activities on Earth in an immediately preceding incarnation. In order to evaluate the moral attributes of an individual incarnate beings life the judgment must be made by a Ralph Edwards This is Your Life combined with a Judge Judy  legalism. An objective moral standard need exist and be applied impartially with equal treatment of the moral law to all beings. The observations and surveillance required would far exceed that of the N.S.A. and F.I.S.A.

It is remarkable to consider the elements for making moral judgments required for fair application and assignment of accurate roles for reincarnated humans. Each human is an individual whom interacts with others in a society. Each moment of one’s life under surveillance by God, and every thought would be placed into a formula to calculate accurate the next life’sdestiny and role. Each act that occurs and every wave of action and experience an individual has would also drop into the formula. Many of the experiences such as accidents may not occur because of willful determination by an individual.

There would tend to be a need for the Judge to have social networks of collective responsibility and that would exceed parameters of individual accountability. Individuals with similar lives might have coincidental parameters for reincarnation, yet disparate individual lives and experiences could have coinciding fates because of social networking responsibility judged by the moral super-agency to be the paramount factor for determining disposition for reincarnate status.

This is a brief examination of a few selected parameters of reincarnation rather than a comprehensive treatment, so I would like to stress the complexity of calculating the moral values and causal relationships of an individual for-themselves multiplied by the virtually infinite number of social relationship values. Even the values of President Biden, such as exist, affect every other member of the human race, for example.

Am omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God would have the capacity of making an infinite number of calculations on a planet with eight or ten billion people. Reincarnation does imply predestination though, and it also implies a degree of moral responsibility of God for determining the moral standards (perfection?) and in selecting the assigned reincarnate starting point of the individual.

In fact there may be an element of contradiction in predestining the role of an individual while simultaneously providing them free will to determine willful acts within a field of predetermined physical laws and a social environment wherein humans are subject to those physical laws. Adam and Eve were said to exist in a paradise without the physical laws concerning death at least and presumably thermodynamic evolution, yet no one else had that experience and have instead lived within a physical environment with definite laws such as gravity.

There is an additional problem of evaluating individual moral and willful acts and thoughts numerically or quantitatively in order to place them into the formula for reincarnation when the incidents occur in a heterodox interactive ecosphere for will. Fractional values need be calculated in regard to an infinite value calculation of the weight of acts within chains of relationships socially and environmentally with different degrees of force. It is as if a nuclear blast’s pressure wave affects some individuals more than others in regard to their location to ground zero. Because the relationships do not occur exclusively in a linear or even concentric way of expansion the calculations required become even more complex by orders of magnitude. One also encounters a Gordian Knot problem of mass destruction annihilating human life with war, disease, famine or etc. It would be a universal equalizer of individual experience culminating in erasure of the species. How are reincarnation calculations then calculated?

Does that mean that mass human destruction reaching an extinction event cannot occur without appropriate mass human guilt because of willful acts deserving of death? If civilizations acquiessece in political acts disrespecting God’s express will perhaps that could occur. Mass destruction seems possible and even more so since humanity and the Biden administration policies in Ukraine, border insecurity and environmental lassitude raised the odds of an extinction mileau after the Cold War ending reduction.

Does God need to use sum over history techniques to expiate or minimize immediate prospects for mass human self-destruction perhaps intervening with miracles or built-in predetermined social structures or events as constants for some reason…perhaps he wants the human experiment to continue as some might yet be saved or determined to be fit for eternal life with His help. God may stipulate that free humanity is sinful and worthy of death. He may choose to eschew endless infinities of calculations for assigning individual responsibility to place in complex mathematical formulae in order to select the next reincarnation mode for each soul; especially since with omniscience he already knows the solutions to each calculation and the way the complete complex of human events and experiences works out in regard to reincarnation.

That is why the Christian parameter is simpler and more fundamental regarding reincarnation status. Applying the logic of Occam’s razor everyone is condemned and only the saved with faith in Jesus Christ go to heaven rather than hell. The dead are judged once and given special places in hell according to their works and unbelief.

Individuals should find that criteria simpler to navigate the course to eternity rather than inventing their own complex guidebook to help them calculate their own acts, place and times that could be of service for moving on with upward mobility on the ladder rungs of reincarnation.

While the godless have determined using their own temporal faculties that they believe in nothing except death, the elect may have determined that instead of relying on their own judgment and reasoning as they approach the great veil with a mind and thoughts pre-determined to disintegrate and merge with dust, they will trust Jesus Christ to resurrect them unto eternity.


Close Quote (a poem)


Quotations from the living
breaths, apostrophes
resilient brackets
social numbers
segregated within parentheses
spin of
if/then conditions
raindrops on asphalt
smell of cigarette butts

Colors (patriotic death)
World 1/World 1-resources
moons, eclipses
elliptical orbits

N.A.T.O. as a Hybrid, Monster Across the Pond

 In the day when the Soviet Union posed a threat to Europe, following the collapse of Nazi Germany, the paradigm for bringing the separate devastated European countries into a pact with each other and the United States to defend against the Evil Empire was sound policy. N.A.T.O. was like a Breton Woods economic metaphysics for the west. That time has changed with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of the European Union. With most of Europe being in the European Union and with the expansion of N.A.T.O. the United States is locked into a relationship where it is a trans-oceanic minority of one. European power would expect America to follow its wish in regard to foreign policy.

George Washington warned of making permanent foreign alliances in his farewell speech and N.A.T.O. membership is a prime example. It is a defense relationship that fundamentally requires the United States not to differ with the policy of the majority of the members. There is no North or South Atlantic military threat- except perhaps from N.A.T.O. members itself, that the United States can not de frappe itself. Yes there are submarines from various nations outside N.A.T.O. that cruise the pond below the waves; does the United States need help from Turkey to defend against that risk?

Some day in the future the vast unification of Europe and coordination of its military may be a monster attacking from the fog, or with the sun at its back. If Europe experiences a leftist takeover then the United States would be between a socialist China and a socialist N.A.T.O. That would be a hard place to be in case of war. N.A.T.O. is a potential and even likely hybrid monster across the pond.


Recently N.A.T.O. leaders proposed raising 100 billion Euros to battler against Russia in Ukraine for five years. That sort of policy may work for lunatics that simply seek to continue the Clinton push eastward against a weakened Russia that had part of its homeland stolen at the end of the Cold War on paper. Europeans have forever sought to expand eastward by pushing into Russian lands. Plainly the expand the EU crowd want to build up N.A.T.O. forces on the Russian border and force Russia to capitulate politically as if they were the Soviet Union. It is not possible to over-state the imbecility of the return to a Cold War paradigm with a new Berlin Wall built effectively by the west on the far eastern boundary of an expanded Ukraine. Expanding the EU through conquest is a paradigm comparable to that of the third Reich with Adolph Hitler as he looked to the east with Operation Barbarossa.


U.S. interests lie in a peaceful and profitable relationship with Russia. Russia as an ally of the U.S.A. may lower threats from China and Europe and create a solid economic foundation for the world ahead with challenges from A.I. and the loss of ecospheric health. Even the security of the E.U. would be upgraded through peaceful relations with Russia. In that scenario everyone is a winner except war mongers and would be world rulers.


Speaker Johnson Ought to Resign Rather Than Send 34 Billion to Ukraine War

 Speaker of the House Johnson should resign rather than fund the Ukraine war. Thirty four billion dollars should be spent in the U.S.A. rather than in Ukraine to try to get Russia to give up their righteous claims to the Crime and at least the eastern half of the country.


A Christian should stand for something intelligent and consistent with the ten commandments at least; the grossly incompetent treatment o Russia to fund a military industrial complex venture and bring the world to gain the world for his soul? Is he also bitten with a case of the ass?

Tin Men are running the U.S.A. Finding peace should be simple enough, yet those without a brain might not even be aware that it is possible to have a just and lasting peace with the nations ceasing fire in place.

Does Speaker Johnson attend a church with a doctrine in support of sin, of homosexual marriage and murder? With a rectification of names churches with a doctrine of sin could correctly rename their beliefs something other than Christian.

Lifetime Achievement Award for Poetry

 Thank goodness I was spared the challenge of writing an acceptance speech.

Since it was a well-played April Fool's joke.

The People's Fish

 I wondered how the President gets new ideas for old foreign and domestic policy issues. Several of the President’s political ideas long ago passed their expiration dates, though he may have forgotten that. If there was a trustworthy correspondent able to interview one of the President’s primary policy advisers I imagine it would go like this...

The Arctic nation’s conference was set to meet recently so I sought an expert opinion about its prospects and duties. A broadcast-healer; Charles of Gaul, hoop produces a non-partisan parapolitical show at Bering Strait‘s Obiwan River delta studios and is one of President Joe’s primary policy advisers. He said that he could bring back to life peaceful international relations that died years ago. I asked him; Aren’t you the guy that said; “Once dead twice shy”?

He replied; “Yes, but that was before the U.S.A. appointed a new ambassador to the Arctic Nation’s conference. Now we have a true fish of the people leading.”

Will that make a difference Charles?

“Of course”, he said. “Good international relations will solve all of the Arctic issues of the day and restorie world dance.”

I saw a map of the Arctic nations on his video display terminal and there was a big black space where Russia used to be, while in the other Arctic areas colorful little pins were placed about smiling people populating happy, verdant nations.

What happened to Russia I asked?

“They were voted out of the Arctic Nation’s membership and are no longer an Arctic nation. Russians dissented with the Clinton-Yeltsin map divying up the former Soviet Union and are not welcome.”

Charles, won’t that affect the success of Arctic nations working to resolve political obstacles to reversing declining fish stocks, global warming and ocean acidification?

“Not in the least” he said. ‘The militarization of the Arctic will induct the security of fish and especially that of several salmons. Great cryo-fortresses will be constructed at each end of the American portion of the Yukon River to de frappe all potential Russian assaults with aggression against American fish. A constellation of naval bases, artillery, missile and drone sites will be constructed to guard the norther and western coasts of Alaska, while the soft underbelly of the state will be defended by reopening Aleutian military bases. Fort Yukon, Nome, Barter Island and Adak will have Marine outposts and drone bases for air land and sea machines working tirelessly to surveil and secure safety for American fish so Russian predators do not take one dreampt fish from the river. Free Salmon will be free, safe and secure for many generations.

Drone Obama-class tanks will be tireless sentinels patrolling Yukon River frontage with advanced artificial intelligence interdicting and eliminating threat vectors to assure the security of fish.”

Russia might reply in kind I think.

He replied; “Not while they are bogged down in an unwinnable war in Ukraine that costs U.S. taxpayers fewer than 100 billion dollars a year. The Ukraine war is an inexpensive and efficient way to secure peace and safety for Alaska salmon even though they are of dubious political allegiance.”

What do you mean Charles?

“Russia has put up gill nets on its side of the Bering Strait to catch any treasonous salmons that might infiltrate within its territory on the way to the Yukon River. They won’t let any fish escape so far as possible because that could build up the numbers of communists in Alaska, and Russia is a non-communist country these days.”

How are fish communist Charles? asked I.

“They live in communal schools; swimming in the ocean in great Marxist-Leninist dialectical spirals before looping back to mass socialist spawning beds with commonality of females. When they die they pass on their bodies to enrich other communists.”

That seems improbable Charles; what proof do you have?

“It is self-evident mon ami. The Chi-nook salmon are named for Chinese communal nooks at sea with the greatest dialectical spirals of materialism- lasting four years. The Red salmon are hard-core Bolsheviks, and pink salmons are neo-communist sympathizers-fellow travelers of the arch enemy.”

That is bad new for me Charles. Yet at least the silver salmon are free, non?

“Yes, once upon a time silver salmon were free frontier fish, then they discovered the shining path of Maoism and were converted to godless ,atheist ,communism on the open seas where they emulated dialectical materialism of Chinookism.”

What can be done to combat the decline of patriotism Charles?

.“There are honest fish in the sea: yellow stripers, sting rays and groupers that aren’t full of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Renew your faith in good government; there is a way for good government to outflank the ban on making bills of attainder to take the property of those opposed to honest fish management; do you know what it is?”

No; I replied.

“Litigate the varmints. Government can charge the opposition or sue them in criminal and civil court usin partisan judges hoop can set the bail and bond so high the enemy can’t never pay it- then they forfeit their private property on the spot, legally. I think we can redistribute all of the land west of the Pecos to good Democrankists before the end of the decade with a few potty lawyers.”

I looked away from Charles the Gaul toward the sun setting like a lava lamp beyond Little Diomede Island and was reminded of the second movement of the Symphony of Sorrowful Songs.

Comparing the Universe to a Four-Layer Tortilla

I was trying to comprehend how the strong force, and gravity for that matter, as well as the electroweak and Higgs Field act together as separate forces and why the strong and weak forces aren’t just local and specific without being fields that pervade all of space-time like the Higgs. A force, word or other unknown quantum instability made a stable configuration in a singularity change.

The strong force exists just in an atomic nucleus. Yet I wondered why it can exist just in that place or relationship and not everywhere as if it were part of a universal field. One might believe it need be a universal force in order to appear anywhere particles exist to form atoms. Yet it doesn’t appear where atoms aren’t, so an alternate explanation is that the articles themselves carry a force that bonds them together in certain relationships and that seems to have some issues or complications/

I’m not a physicist; it’s just fun philosophically to consider the issues of cosmology occasionally. It is said that gravity split off first from the unified field, then the strong followed by the electro-weak that split up into the weak, electro-magnetism and the Higgs field. The best way I can regard the forces is as if they started with some divine word to move and the one force began separating like four kinds of oil in water yet remained in the water after separating. It is as if they became four layers that still exist equally all over four dimensions yet appear just when waves become tangled up in the Higgs layer and form particle waves with the strong and weak forces, gluons and quarks.

The dispersion or extension of one potential force into four layers from one dimension or virtually none at a singularity bringing into being space and time may have been a factor for the inflationary epoch. The relationship between the forces existing together in four dimensions may always be adjusting- stretching space-time faster and affecting the way gravity acts on the matter of galaxies.

Apparently energy is force, and energy and mass are convertible. In a real way every bit of matter that exists- anything that exists, is force or a tiny chip off the original force that is what the Universe is made of. What the force really is is unknown and perhaps unknowable. Jesus said that no one had seen the Father except himself. The actual reduction of the Universe to a prime mover or first cause of it’s force and substance (contingent form) is equally as mysterious to human beings and perhaps to A.I. one day. The gospel of John relates that in the beginning was the word. In an actual sense the word could be the force in infinite permutations of forms and relationships known as force and energy. The entire Universe could be an expression of the Word of God.

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...