
Shanghai had Troubles Prior to the Revolution

Etymologically instinct means an impulse toward something. People tend toward acceptance  of select word paradigms as nouns and facts in-themselves a bit too readily. Such descriptions are nominal.

Learned behaviors are sometimes described as instinct or second nature. An SAS operator may shoot a thousand head shots a day on the range (maybe) at proper targets until the right response to stimuli is instinctive, yet self-defense is itself somewhat ‘instinctive’ in a more natural example of the common understanding.

On compassion vs degradation in social history. Is there a cause for optimism philosophically?

Hobbes’ main idea in The Leviathan was the absolute power of the king. He was the brain and the people the body of the state. Life was nasty, brutish and short in his day. Camus’ The Plague has a lot of nastiness in it. The Stranger has the protagonist vomiting on a beach. Camus died in a car accident at a fairly young age. Frankl’s logo therapy was a response to the complete degradation and loss of humanity experienced by inmates of Nazi concentration camps. The only mass philosophy that easily comes to mind that killed millions is communism. Capitalism is more an economic system than philosophy, though basic greed and the will for political power plus minions are the main causes of war.

People can invent their own opponents in politics these days, ignore existential challenges and destroy social well being in the blundered quest for power. Philosophical works sometimes should be understood in their historical context. Would one for instance use The Prince as a role model for poly sci students today?

Communism worked as a revolutionary philosophy because millions of poor people were oppressed by royalty with most of the wealth. China today is better off than they would be if the Imperials had persisted.

If Democrat Presidents hadn’t taken all of Ukraine from Russia and expanded NATO Eastward Russia would be an ally and China more democratic in the political philosophy sense. The poor suffer more than the rich and around the world haven’t got free universal health care  That’s a political rather than a philosophical problem

Instincts and Nominalism

Etymologically instinct means an impulse toward something. People tend toward acceptance  of select word paradigms as nouns and facts in-themselves a bit too readily. Such descriptions are nominal.

Learned behaviors are sometimes described as instinct or second nature. An SAS operator may shoot a thousand head shots a day on the range (maybe) at proper targets until the right response to stimuli is instinctive, yet self-defense is itself somewhat ‘instinctive’ in a more natural example of the common understanding.

On compassion vs degradation in social history. Is there a cause for optimism philosophically?

Hobbes’ main idea in The Leviathan was the absolute power of the king. He was the brain and the people the body of the state. Life was nasty, brutish and short in his day. Camus’ The Plague has a lot of nastiness in it. The Stranger has the protagonist vomiting on a beach. Camus died in a car accident at a fairly young age. Frankl’s logo therapy was a response to the complete degradation and loss of humanity experienced by inmates of Nazi concentration camps. The only mass philosophy that easily comes to mind that killed millions is communism. Capitalism is more an economic system than philosophy, though basic greed and the will for political power plus minions are the main causes of war.

People can invent their own opponents in politics these days, ignore existential challenges and destroy social well being in the blundered quest for power. Philosophical works sometimes should be understood in their historical context. Would one for instance use The Prince as a role model for poly sci students today?

Communism worked as a revolutionary philosophy because millions of poor people were oppressed by royalty with most of the wealth. China today is better off than they would be if the Imperials had persisted.

If Democrat Presidents hadn’t taken all of Ukraine from Russia and expanded NATO Eastward Russia would be an ally and China more democratic in the political philosophy sense. The poor suffer more than the rich and around the world haven’t got free universal health care  That’s a political rather than a philosophical problem

I suppose NDE means near death experiences. I wondered if sometimes God edits reality a little to keep some people alive where they would have died, and they aren't much aware of the edit though they may be thankful for remaining alive.

Don't know about theoretical sentient beings. They may have different views on death.

Conditioning like learning languages is a social context...filtering that out would leave one imbecilic I would think. Behavior is partly learned from experience and that too conditions. Filter out that placing your hand on a hot stove burns.

Evidence and Beliefs

One may believe facts and/or things evident. Power is however a relationship to things other than itself. One perceives relationships about things, not about noumenon. That need be an inference.

Then of course one may want to consult Socrates’ ideas in The Meno.

Is God in and without the Universe?He is non- contingent Being. Consider the relationship of a programmer to a program running. The programmer is outside the program because it is his ossified praxis, so his thought values are in it. If programs were live and written by thought interfaced with code the relation would be more challenging to delineate. Maybe a creative AI will model that paradigm eventually, if not presently.

Exist etymologically means to come into being, such as a Universe or Multiverse Alternatively God is eternal and always is.

Exist etymologically means to come into being. Alternatively God is eternal and always is.


Goldfish Cosmology

A goldfish in a tank universe hasn't awareness of physics beyond the horizons of the tank. It hasn't faith in a creator and doesn't believe in metaphysic's speculation about aether beyond the observable horizon or that extra dimensions exist. It's water medium is made of entangled loopy strings that synthesize the material it breathes.

 It reflects sometimes late at night on the origin of the universe tank. It's best guess is that loopy strings oozed as virtual particles from nothingness ( a controversial concept) and were drawn together by gravity, becoming entangled, infinitely concentrated and made into mash at a singularity that broke apart faster than light evolving a universal medium of water and little delicious seahorses to eat. Then the fish has a shot of bourbon before floating off to sleep.


Democracy, Corporatocracy and Republics

Corporatocracy does develop hybrid forms in different circumstances. There is also plutocracy

There are real issues that voters care about Mass illegal immigration was one this time. Voters cast ballots for candidates agreeing with their will. Of course one might like better candidates however the people might get what they deserve. The rare, smart, well balanced candidate with great ideas never makes it through the filters of common averageness that dominate American style democracy.

I should mention the R word (republic). The demos is represented by elected individuals. Direct, live voting on all political issues of a nation doesn't exist anywhere. Some few people would be needed to make issues for people to vote on and they would probably need to be elected. Pure democracy might work in small groups, yet for nations it would need to be reactionary rather than creative, because advancing in new directions would not arise spontaneously as referenda on election ballots.


Philosophical Miscellane

  I wondered why people aren't more civil. Atheists post a lot with occasional abuse on the web and that is interminable. A lot of superficial verbiage pro and con various religious opinions.

  Are people more civil now than during the 30 years war and respectful of the opinions of others about religion? The thirty years war was between the Habsburgs and other European powers that sought political and religious independence in some cases. German princes had sought to be free of the Hapsburgs since Luther and the Smalcaldian war. 8 million died during the 30 years war. Toleration of different ideas is valuable for a free society.

  I enjoyed reading much philosophy and history and understood what philosophy is eventually. It is a learning tool. Questions about cosmology and being are perennial though. Even those with faith may wonder about the nature of things and how that relates to God. An example would be the relationship of omniscience and omnipotentence to a Multiverse; is it a necessity for God to create every possible universe, and do those exist from eternity with God, or are they known yet not actualized until some function occurs.

When Aristotle wrote "The Politics", he was describing the way societies change, and the behavior of the polis. Political philosophy is part of social philosophy. In order to understand human society and politics a philosopher requires actual information, such as the willingness of people with different ideas concerning religion or many other topics to tolerate the expression of those concepts. Societies may have challenges and responses such as Toynbee described in his 'A Study of History' that prompt transitions in political cycles of society, and Toynbee's paradigm in a way is a broad expansion of paradigmata of Aristotle's Politics, yet one must understand real contemporary human behavior if one is to comprehend why people including leaders make the decisions they do, such as the Biden administration's fanaticism for war with Russia over Ukraine via proxies, One would like to know if such characteristics are common and will continue and combine with other Toynbean 'tells' such as vast public debt toward a cyclical progression toward general collapse of civilization (perhaps through W.W. III or if rationality still exists in sufficient measure to delay that. These are philosophical concerns.


Reason and the Quest for God

 Most everyone uses reason-it isn’t a rare skill. Reason can lead one to God for a number of reasons, though the spirit must draw one to Christ. A good old classical and symbolic logic text named The Art of Reasoning set out methods for distilling arguments…even so content of knowledge, learning and experience may take people to different destinations. It’s not like an arithmetic problem with one correct answer that can be found with a particular skill set.

Adam and Eve...

They had eternal life (in one direction) before the sin of disobedience. Elsewhere in Genesis it says to be fruitful and multiply. Maybe it's where and when they had sex, although it doesn't say that they had sex. Instead they became aware they were naked. Animals have no sense of that. Might have been an IQ test to determine if A and E were fully sentient. Consider the dog...does it knows it's naked (unless it has a cute little sweater)?

Sin means 'to miss the mark'. Since mankind has original sin having missed the mark of what they were supposed to do, and are hence in a fallen state replete with thermodynamics, there are sundry ways to continue erring not following the righteous course with the grace of God and the salvific work of Jesus. To follow the will of God and to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit with the Lord Jesus as one's personal savior is the way

The U.S.A. as an Empirical Threat to Russia and the Trump Peace Plan for Ukraine

Apparently there are Americans and some in political positions of leadership that never were willing to accept the existence of a peaceful and prosperous Russia after the end of the Soviet Union. They felt that Russia would continue forward the communist problems and legacy of so many regional communist revolutions around the world. That inability to have trust in peace doomed Europe to the largest war since the Second World War when the Soviet Union was an ally of the United States against Nazi Germany.

Stealing defeat from the jaws of victory is something Americans have done before. One of the more notable political faux pas was the Eisenhower administration’s unwillingness to trust the Iranian parliament to select a Prime Minister who would support principles of democracy instead of communist and therefore choosing to sponsor a coup to remove the prime minister and install an Emperor over Iran. Muslim nations do not favor communism anywhere and the decision was a consequence of misunderstanding of history in the U.S. administration. The United States, given President Putin’s willingness to restart relations with the U.S.A. should not fail to give peace and prosperity a chance one more time.

Those political individuals that choose to expand N..N.A.T.O. eastward toward Russia created a very real empirical threat to Russian existence. The Ukraine was supposed to remain neutral along with several other formerly Warsaw Pact nations. Instead N.A.T.O. grew larger and larger becoming an obvious future adversary of Russia and perhaps attempting to coerce it into submission to Western hegemony. A belligerent relationship is not a neutral one. Russia needed to be accepted as a normal state with friendly trade relations growing rather than as a problem to be defeated in detail over the decades.

Bad relations with Russia promotes all of America’s semi-adversaries. It endangers America’s world position in trade, environment and security. It creates possible nuclear, chemical, biological and A.I. wars when the only alternative is peace and prosperity. It is important to consider real politic and the demographic and environmental challenges of nations in the world that American leadership feels enmity toward. China is a good example of a nation that has had to implement strict birth control for several decades in order to keep its population from going from 1.5 billion to three or four billion. A democracy as chaotic as America’s has been the past eight years could be devastating if replicated in China. Many nations don’t have the luxury of printing up 36 trillion dollars of public debt to cover expenses when there is a cash shortage to fund government.

President Trump should act soon to be the adult supervisor in the D.C. day care center full of Democrats and renormalize relations with Russia. I suggest the Dnepr River as the new border with a five mile wide tax free trade zone on either side with a Marshall Plan for the entirety of Ukraine getting underway to rebuild the shattered land with ecological economic paradigmata.

Elon Musk explained the Trump team plan would freeze in place borders set by where Russian military forces in Ukraine are, have a British peacekeepers on a DMZ and stop Ukraine from joining N.A.T.O. for 20 years. Russia won't accept that plan because they want West Ukraine to be neutral forever rather than having a belligerent N.A.T.O. on its border in 20 years with a weapons build up before then (with western military supplies stockpiling).

The plan says nothing about ending sanctions on Russia and would probably destabilize the effort to normalize relations with Russia as soon as possible. British 'peacekeepers' is something of a joke. Britain was a primary driver of aggression against Russia and having the British military on Russia's border would be like having Nancy Pelosi provide security for G.O.P. headquarters. Who thought of that bizarre idea? Do they want Hezbollah to provide security for Israel's Gaza border too?

The Problem with A.I.

Programmers can become intoxicated with codes and algorithms and develop occupational tunnel vision. The problem with AI is it's success and power. Humanity has irrational leaders in politics making bad land use and economic decisions and with the need to specialize and focus on narrow self interests ignorance of critical social issues and relationship is pervasive. AI applied just to weapons development is not something to be irrationally exuberant about. Managing AI related issues will soon become beyond political competence.


Paradox of Motion

Subtracting the Eleatic paradox
from the distance times time equation
stipulating warped space-time’s infinite curvature
a transparent ball of yarn
journeys to forever in practice running.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...