
Maximally Great Being the Largest Number Possible (poem)

With all the controversy  about being maximally great the last number in  the  infinite series of all possible numbers addressed skeptics that presented these neo-questions.

P1-What, one might ask is a maximally great (being)? Must it be sentient, is sentience superior to non-sentience etc.
P2-Depending on the definition of maximal greatness (like a maximum natural number?) some modal worlds may have one, and some not...depends of course on the defining set criterion of possible worlds (what worlds are permitted to be possible)
P3 If one models every possible world it is possible that some characteristic may exist in every modeled world or not-there is also the problem of particulars and universals regarding monism and pluralism with transcending modalities
P4-If some worlds are empty do they have a greatest being? And what about the problem of time? Did a given Universe have a greatest being at Time = 0 + 1 moment or did one need to appear later?
P5 Being is rather difficult to define such that it is exclusive and exhaustive. Wouldn't a greatest being transcend all possible worlds? With 'world' meaning Universe throughout this post in order to avoid the problems that might arise obviously with actual worlds differing from possible worlds that arise with Universes having different dimensions, composition, construction, content, physical laws, boundary conditions etc.

The answers were irreducible and of one monistic construction transcending all the matrices and vectors through every  possible  dimension forward and backward through every dimension of Time  and  space all at once.

One and three was the actual state of being. Seems like prime number stuff to me.

State of Union; Another Air Guitar Speech on Taxing the RIch?

President Obama's state of the Union speech is widely expected to be an air guitar exercise asking for increased taxes on the rich. Democrats have cut taxes on the rich for years and since 9-11 perhaps trembled at the thought of doing anything else. When Democrats had control of both houses of congress they made Bush II tax cuts permanent with the President leading the way. As a party of by and for the rich the talk of fair tax policy is just an air guitar exercise.

The President has lots else to boast about though. So many Americans have left the work force that unemployment has dropped with help of reconfiguring the way unemployment statistics are reported. Wealth has increasing concentrated and zero interest loans given to banks have let the rich mint their own money to buy stock with. Real wages for Americans (note that the President never talks about the poor-just middle class families- whatever that endangered species is comprised of now) other than the rich have probably decreased during the Obama years and at best were stagnant continuing a 30 year trend.

The President could say that the U.S.A. is queer and getting queerer and at least regarding federal judicial decisions forcing homosexual marriages on the states that would be true. I think it is a fact that if marriage never existed no one would ever have though to create a marriage institution with special benefits for homosexuals alone. The expropriation of marriage for homosexuals is little more than gangsterism plundering a fare institution in a decadent social era. It would have been far better to reform marriage in order to create social justice. Marriages and divorces had increased before the corruption of homosexual marriage and plainly with so many divorces it might have been a wise social action to rectify marriage creating two classes of marriage; those for procreating and raising children and general marriages. It is reasonable to say that Elizabeth Taylor's 7th marriage probably was not needful of the tax and financial helps of a young couple's first marriage. It is plain enough that children born in a first marriage deserve to have a plain and honest heterosexual marriage establishment exist so that they may receive the social, financial and historical protection they ought to have without hogs of homosexuality trampling the institution out of existence.


The Trouble With 'Radical' Islam

One might argue about the validity of the term 'radical Islam'. The Islam of the founder was a war religion of expansion seeking to conquer the realm of the Byzantine Empire that was decadent. North Africa had experienced the Gothic and Vandal invasions of the 6th century and the Western Roman Empire was no more. Obviously an enterprising son of the keeper of the Kaaba (spirit house) with 23 varieties of pagan religions who had been kicked out of insider society after his father died saw an opportunity to organize a new and improved religion for the world and a vacuum of power to fill. Muhammad was a brilliant entrepreneur of religious war and 'radicals' today are just following his lead.

The decadent, leftist and corporatist west with a bureaucratic, affirmative action redistribution of social structure ideal also has a first world standard of living that the largely non-white Muslim world to a certain extent resents. One finds racial, economic and religious reasons why war upon a blind opposition force draws radicals to attack it.  It is a shame that while the west is rather corrupt with flimsy financial economics including the derivatives scandal, quantitative easing, zero interest loans to large banks and a fossil fuel economic infrastructure contributing global greenhouse gases and the acidification of the oceans it is pursuing globalization to attract the second and third world toward a non—sustainable economic policy that the leadership believes will find optimal solutions to through the religion of capitalism and creative destruction.

I think the situation is  messed up and not likely to improve soon. Few have good sense and sufficient knowledge to correct the political-economy and social structures plus axiology and monetary policies diverting progress from ecospheric economic and social reform toward creature comforts of capitalism within a neo-Darwian criterion.

It is rather unimaginable that Boko Haram would slaughter innocent women and children-yet they do. Plainly Nigerian Christians could use more support-and a reform to a priesthood of believers ecclesiastical order.

Wesley So (U.S. Chess Federation) in 2nd Place at Tata Steel 2015

Wesley So of Bacoor (Philipines) who joined the U.S. Chess Federation in 2014 is a half-point behind World Champion Magnus Carlsen after eight rounds at the 2015 Tata Steel Chess Tournament. Fabiano Caruana is a point and a half back. SO and Nakamura, along with Caruana who was born in the U.S.A. like Nakamura, give the United States something of a triple threat in world chess tournaments today. Since the late Bobby Fischer went the way of the buffalo long ago the United States has not had such an array of talent-and there are others near the super-GM level of play.


In other news Seattle beat Green Bay in overtime 28 to 22.


Hottest Years in Human History Trend Continued in 2014

2014 was the hottest year across the globe in recorded history. Some day when ocean and land species are about half extinct and the sea level rises politicians may consider moving toward a new ecospheric economic policy of sustainability...maybe.


Google Glass-Good Idea, Wrong Platform

Google glasses continue to have some difficulty becoming popular. It was a good concept yet wrong platform; people don't really like to wear glasses. Google glass as a safety glasses with industrial data heads-up displays would be terrific. For ordinary people however a universal intelligent attachment that could be clipped on to a hat bill, bike handle bar or virtually anything including articles of clothes would have been more helpful.

Creating cheaper and more adaptive computer optic surfaces should always a way to engineer sales I would think. There still isn't a good cheap heads up display to wear on a hat while walking in the rain or after dark. Google has a lot of ways it could develop or evolve the computer glass. I hope they get busy and produce something affordable.



Priesthood of Believers Paradigmata

 Man's sanctification (moral restoration) is definitive, progressive, and final. One God, one covenant law: through time and across borders. The successive covenants of Scripture really record for us a gradual historical unfolding of one overarching covenant, rather than the successive, compartmental establishing of distinctively different capsule covenants” –Kenneth Gentry in He Shall Have Dominion

Luther on Priesthood of the Laity
Schaff Vol 7 page 23, quote-Ҥ 8. The Priesthood of the Laity.
The social or ecclesiastical principle of Protestantism is the general priesthood of believers, in distinction from the special priesthood which stands mediating between Christ and the laity.

The Roman church is an exclusive hierarchy, and assigns to the laity the position of passive obedience. The bishops are the teaching and ruling church; they alone constitute a council or synod, and have the exclusive power of legislation and administration. Laymen have no voice in spiritual matters, they can not even read the Bible without the permission of the priest, who holds the keys of heaven and hell.

In the New Testament every believer is called a saint, a priest, and a king. "All Christians," says Luther, "are truly of the spiritual estate, and there is no difference among them, save of office alone. As St. Paul says, we are all one body, though each member does its own work, to serve the others. This is because we have one baptism, alike; one gospel, one faith, and are all Christians for baptism, gospel and faith, these alone make spiritual and Christian people." And again: "It is faith that makes men priests, faith that unites them to Christ, and gives them the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, whereby they become filled with all holy grace and heavenly power. The inward anointing—this oil, better than any that ever came from the horn of bishop or pope—gives them not the name only, but the nature, the purity, the power of priests; and this anointing have all they received who are believers in Christ."

This principle, consistently carried out, raises the laity to active co-operation in the government and administration of the church; it gives them a voice and vote in the election of the pastor; it makes every member of the congregation useful, according to his peculiar gift, for the general good. This principle is the source of religious and civil liberty which flourishes most in Protestant countries. Religious liberty is the mother of civil liberty. The universal priesthood of Christians leads legitimately to the universal kingship of free, self-governing citizens, whether under a monarchy or under a republic.”-endquote

A priesthood of believers is a correct form rather than a partitioned dichotomy of priests and laity mirroring that of traditional aristocracy-subjects paradigms. Developing an active priesthood of believers church structure with just three ranks of beginner, intermediate and elder will be a challenge and a renewal of reformation.

In the world today the political drift is toward ad hoc neo-imperlialism of class of wealth through global networks. Considering the role of the Christian Church in bringing civilization to the pagan tribes of Western Europe over the course of several hundred years it is not surprising that the Church gained influence among the princely leaders of the various nations. Churchmen were also the transnationalists of the era after the fall of Rome to the Goths with an army of priests. Corruption in human social organizations including the church was of course the rule rather than the exception.

When the Muslim forces of the Abbassid Caliphate attacked Spain, Sicily and Byzantium the church had a role that naturally developed as the faith of the invaded resisting the theocratic war machine of Mohammedan votaries.

With a millennium of defense military operations against the Muslim forces European nations increased their military skill. When the Byzantine Empire decreased in power due to the attacks by Muslims and Huns the church at Rome naturally increased in power and influence. Yet of course sacerdotal corruptions with concubinage and the huge problem of Papal sales of indulgences-papers-granting forgiveness of sins-that brought gold to the Vatican from all over Europe grew as uncorrected problems of the Roman Church leadership. Because some Popes asserted unlimited power over all church and state affairs a reformation was sought by the laity. Martin Luther in Germany and Zwingli in Switzerland led a rectification of the Christian Church to return to Bible basics that the word of God is primary and that the correct ideal ecclesiastical expression is an egalitarian priesthood of believers with one High Priest-The Lord Jesus Christ.


French Support for Terrorism on Assad Drafted Fundamental Terror Home

French support for development of civil war & terrorism against the Syrian government of President Assad was the proximal cause of the recent shootings of writers and cartoonists in Paris as well as the attack on a Jewish grocery. Frustrated by being blocked from traveling to Syria to fight against Assad in a rebel movement supported by French and Obama administration policy for several years resulting in more than 200,000 casualties the terrorist simply stayed at home and shot people regarded as foes of Islam. Of course there have been substantial broadcast media reports that Muslims are swell people and most don't mean any harm, yet that misses the point entirely that French government support for Muslim rebels and training for Muslim fighters destabilizes the middle east producing a surfeit of trained terrorists, terrorist finance and global terrorist infrastructure.

Dividing Europe and Russia is another poorly thought out U.S. policy. For one think a weak Russia probably would remain neutral in any future potential conflict between China and the U.S.A. over anything in Asia. With the decade ahead of supply-side terrorism in the middle east looking north to expand ops in Europe and Russia the wedge between Russia and the U.S.A. over the Ukraine is also a problem.

French Muslims seeking to censor free speech may have an ally in British P.M. Cameron who is still seeking to find ways to ban free speech himself (on the Internet). http://rt.com/uk/221879-surveillance-whatsapp-facebook-snowden/

Plainly a stable Assad led Syria was less of a problem for Europe as was a Khaddafi led Libya. Neutrality might have been a better policy when one considers that replacing those governments with Sunni forces inclined toward fundamentalism is a long term problem that will probably spin off terrorism ad nauseum.

The French have fought against Muslim expansion for more than a half-millennia and so have some experience. Charles Martel and the French-Algerian war were far apart in time, yet it twas the same topic people twit about today-fighting against Muslim. Today the French have new tactic though of building up terror forces in the Middle East to attack non-Sunni governments cooperating with the Obama administration in trying to get intermediaries to overthrow Assad in Syria. Theoretically I suppose ISIS doesn't have the historical antipathy toward France as some Algerian Muslim perhaps yet with so many French Muslim there will be those that regard payback as kosher, halal or whatever.


Keystone Pipeline Cancer Reaches U.S. Senate (with video)

A key bill for increasing global atmospheric warming to help doom the prospects for sustainability of human life on Earth has reached the Senate for debate with the prospect of almost certain passage. President Obama in spite of his corrupting fagot-preference policies stands as the sole individual able to veto the legislation designed to kill economic health and promote greenhouse gas emissions increase. Keeping the world atmosphere cool enough to retard sprawling desertification advance coincides with the need to slow sea-level rise as well as the acidification of the world ocean from too much carbon dioxide.

Federal legislative vague and amorphous accounting is common for Wall Street derivatives legislation, quantitative easing, public debt, powers of the Federal Reserve, zero-interest loans of trillions and trillions to the most rich so they can mint 5 times more cash in electronic loans and the environment too. Bunk and ecospheric management incompetence are the standard operating procedures of American government policy designers-anything with more intelligent design wouldn't make large campaign contributions. Besides, two-coated broadcast broadcast media lap-dogs are a paralyzing venom of the rich for reducing democracy to a puppet show. Political defense against ecosphere decay is necessary though. U.S. nationalists can try to take back their environment from globalist doom though the money is in the deep pockets of the rich, well-oiled machine.

In the Senate bum's rush to pass a high-sulfur content crude pipeline where is the accurate environmental analysis of the total carbon emissions increase to the world's single atmosphere that would exist over the lifetime of the Tar Sands Keystone pipe product?

In S.E. Alaska this winter there was just one snowstorm with significant snowfall. This January the temperature is expected to be mostly in the 40 degree range. It is a warm year and as most thoughtful people know the Arctic ice cap is shrinking in size year by year over time. Fall storm surges push on frozen sea surface water farther over the low coastal plain. If the sea level rises much and increased storms occur to push water over an Arctic coastal plain subsiding like low-lying areas of Louisiana after the oil was removed Alaska may lose vast areas of land and much wildlife to global warming and oil drilling floods-yet that would comparatively be a most insignificant impact to the general social interest.

In 'The Final Warning' by the inventor of the Gaia Hypothesis James Lovelock wrote that if current policies continue unchanged human population from a number of  global warming causalities may shrink to 200 million (within 200 years). Personally I think he is overly optimistic about how much time remains before environmental doom caused by too slow to adapt generations of meat bearing skeletons in the U.S. government legislative branch arrives. The Keystone pipeline is regarded by some as the Five-Finger death punch to the heart of the atmosphere from a wild grim-reaping joker.

When Henry Ford invented mass production of automobiles and highways proliferated over the nation about a century ago humanity was economically speaking just moving out of the trees where it had gathered fruits and nuts. It lusted after the red meat of the land and automobiles were the carnivorous predator able to consume the ecosphere, so they evolved quickly to merge themselves as cyborgs into machine cockpits. That creature drinks oil and eats life on Earth tearing it apart like a mechanical T-Rex. The U.S. Senate is the pagan priesthood serving a machine Moloch offering babies of future human sacrifice in order to line their political bank accounts with Federal Reserve issued slim flam money. Global oil and auto producers and parts suppliers are amoeba working to devour life on Earth. Reason for Senate servo-units of the machine is a waste-product excreted in planetary development of the hive.


Some Questions About Mass-Energy Field Universes

I have had some questions about the existential facts of energy and being for all possible Universes in a neo-scientific paradigm. One must use one's imagination of course, yet people like Gasperini have written about paradigms before a big bang or membrane collisions such as Turok and Stein or A Wheeler-Hawking sort of recursion or recurrence. Its all fine stuff-a good way to go about describing a steady-state Universe phase of being. I like the idea of Leibniz that one-dimensional spiritual monads (sort of like strings or branes) get everything started. With Spirit I think its useful to realize that everything material may exist from nothing materiaist- just spirit cutting out a portion for the sentients to exist in as field phenomena.

Ninety-nine percent of the energy of the first field in the void was drawn from virtually nowhere until nowhere became energy exhausted. Complying with the initial field over-all strength as total quanta it collapsed unto itself as charged particles attracted to the missing spin-matrix in particle pairs. The second law of thermodynamics with its nature of increasing disorder in a finite field over time was conserved. From infinite Spirit with impossibility of disorder it was elemental to issue field content morphing into particle pairs with evolution through cycles of beingness structures leading to general sentience.”

What do you think kept the infinite quantity of Universes you can see in the mystery bird's eye view of things from collapsing under some kind of attracting neo-gravitational field themselves into what-the mother of all singularities?”

What about dimensional status of the Universes? Do all have the same number and kind of dimensions regarding micro and macro? If they have differing quantities and quality of dimensions can they collapse or change if they can collide with dimensions from intersecting Universes? Are dimensions all local to a particular Universe or do they extend from any given Universe throughout all possible Universes to infinity?

Across each Universe the shape given to it by neighboring Universes embedded in a sack energy field draws mass along the space-time down-slope to terminus energy pole. Photons with no mass just drift around the circumference of a Universe and the mass falling down-slope even as disorganization increases over all along principles of the second law of thermodynamics.

Alternatively, mass could Universally be settling toward another dimension though remaining within four dimensions of normal space-time.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...