
Maximally Great Being the Largest Number Possible (poem)

With all the controversy  about being maximally great the last number in  the  infinite series of all possible numbers addressed skeptics that presented these neo-questions.

P1-What, one might ask is a maximally great (being)? Must it be sentient, is sentience superior to non-sentience etc.
P2-Depending on the definition of maximal greatness (like a maximum natural number?) some modal worlds may have one, and some not...depends of course on the defining set criterion of possible worlds (what worlds are permitted to be possible)
P3 If one models every possible world it is possible that some characteristic may exist in every modeled world or not-there is also the problem of particulars and universals regarding monism and pluralism with transcending modalities
P4-If some worlds are empty do they have a greatest being? And what about the problem of time? Did a given Universe have a greatest being at Time = 0 + 1 moment or did one need to appear later?
P5 Being is rather difficult to define such that it is exclusive and exhaustive. Wouldn't a greatest being transcend all possible worlds? With 'world' meaning Universe throughout this post in order to avoid the problems that might arise obviously with actual worlds differing from possible worlds that arise with Universes having different dimensions, composition, construction, content, physical laws, boundary conditions etc.

The answers were irreducible and of one monistic construction transcending all the matrices and vectors through every  possible  dimension forward and backward through every dimension of Time  and  space all at once.

One and three was the actual state of being. Seems like prime number stuff to me.

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