
U.S. Foreign Policy in 2015

U.S. foreign policy to isolate Russia and reinforce development of the Syrian civil conflict is likely to continue during 2015. The Obama administration has determined evidently that adding the Ukraine to the incipient European Super-State is desirable, and that requires weakening Russia politically and economically. It is not certain that a European Super-State will regard a N.A.T.O. policy dominated by U.S. policy planners as desirable nor that the European Super-State will find it useful to be followers rather than leaders of any trans-Atlantic alliance that may continue to exist after a decade or two of consolidating power.

A Russia economically and politically situated between the billion three hundred million pound Chinese gorilla and the billion class gorilla to it's west while bordered on the south by the youthful Muslim world has obvious security issues especially with a population of fewer than 150 million souls. It is challenging to anticipate how that circumstance benefits U.S. foreign policy unless perhaps one views it through anachronistic cold war glasses with Russia as a legacy threat of the U.S.S.R. while disregarding the political gestalt of reality.

Building a Sunni belt across the Middle East that is in perennial civil conflict with Shi'a may be regarded as politically pragmatic though engineering higher education may provide a counter-cyclical opportunity for future terrorists to discover new methods of attacking cracker-box palace first-world urban infrastructure while liberals seek to educate the poor out of social conditions that cause poverty while concomitantly poverty is believed to cause terrorism rather than Muslim ideology. The policy seems muddled.

President Obama's early socialization in a Sunni Muslim nation-the largest Muslim nation in the world-Indonesia-is telling. He is likely to continue to pursue policies that benefit China, Asia, atheists and homosexuals while seeking to flood the United States with southern immigrants legally and illegally in order to weaken American nationalism and-sustainable policies for economic independence. Federal policy to degrade Christianity and spirituality subtly might proceed in order to take the rough edges off interaction with Chinese communist leadership fearful of spiritual and civil free expression domestically.

U.S. foreign policy today is largely based upon creating wealth for the upper class and especially a global neo-plutocracy invested heavily in globalism. Three years of quantitative easing policy by the U.S. Federal Reserve buying federal paper liabilities and issuing zero-interest loans to banks has in effect given those banks free dollars they can electronically mint and loan to purchasers of Wall Street stocks or to invest in abroad. One free dollar lets a bank loan five equally fictitious dollars that become real when the borrower repays the principle and interest. So long as there isn't run on the banks it seems to work well enough. The rich get richer.

The receivers of that fiction-issued capital will pay back some real tax dollars to the U.S. Government eventually. In spite of permanent tax cuts to the rich led by the President the rich too will pay some taxes in the years ahead. Building up the wealth of the most rich in order to allow investment in China is in effect a synthetic U.S. Government foreign and domestic policy procedure taking priority over all else.

The administration may encourage the Eurozone to make zero-interest loans to the plutocracy and implement quantitative easing in order to reconstruct the good old days of royalty and kick down ordinary people better.

Another variable is what the Chinese Communist party leadership thinks of all the investment largess to Wall Street. It experiences a U.S. Government weakening its Russian neighbor across the Amur River who has vast land and natural resource holdings. Perhaps U.S. foreign policy planners intend to strengthen China, weaken Russia, build a European Super-State and reduce Americans domestically to rent collectors in global corporations or to live on fiction-financed federal relief. Reducing national and global population in order to allow elites to run the Earth non-democratically may be regarded as a scientific necessity to conserve life on Earth-yet obviously that is not the only or even the better course human political development might take.


With the election of an ecological economic, nationalist political genius to the Presidency in the Nov. 2016 election U.S. foreign policy is likely to continue in an age of fracture with fundamental reinforcement of Wall Street and plutocratic globalization working closely with Chinese Communist Party elites to render world policy into a corporatist-collectivist status with sham democracy for patronized masses.
Africa will continue to be exploited as a resource colony by the five major world political blocks with the ameliorating factor of local independent African exploitation of natural resources occasionally. Continuing cheaper fossil fuel prices will permit accelerating global warming and following acidification of the world oceans. Wild species decline and extermination will accelerate with counter-cyclical apologetics or denial of value by prop-broadcasting media sycophants of the econ-power will-to-power.

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