
French Support for Terrorism on Assad Drafted Fundamental Terror Home

French support for development of civil war & terrorism against the Syrian government of President Assad was the proximal cause of the recent shootings of writers and cartoonists in Paris as well as the attack on a Jewish grocery. Frustrated by being blocked from traveling to Syria to fight against Assad in a rebel movement supported by French and Obama administration policy for several years resulting in more than 200,000 casualties the terrorist simply stayed at home and shot people regarded as foes of Islam. Of course there have been substantial broadcast media reports that Muslims are swell people and most don't mean any harm, yet that misses the point entirely that French government support for Muslim rebels and training for Muslim fighters destabilizes the middle east producing a surfeit of trained terrorists, terrorist finance and global terrorist infrastructure.

Dividing Europe and Russia is another poorly thought out U.S. policy. For one think a weak Russia probably would remain neutral in any future potential conflict between China and the U.S.A. over anything in Asia. With the decade ahead of supply-side terrorism in the middle east looking north to expand ops in Europe and Russia the wedge between Russia and the U.S.A. over the Ukraine is also a problem.

French Muslims seeking to censor free speech may have an ally in British P.M. Cameron who is still seeking to find ways to ban free speech himself (on the Internet). http://rt.com/uk/221879-surveillance-whatsapp-facebook-snowden/

Plainly a stable Assad led Syria was less of a problem for Europe as was a Khaddafi led Libya. Neutrality might have been a better policy when one considers that replacing those governments with Sunni forces inclined toward fundamentalism is a long term problem that will probably spin off terrorism ad nauseum.

The French have fought against Muslim expansion for more than a half-millennia and so have some experience. Charles Martel and the French-Algerian war were far apart in time, yet it twas the same topic people twit about today-fighting against Muslim. Today the French have new tactic though of building up terror forces in the Middle East to attack non-Sunni governments cooperating with the Obama administration in trying to get intermediaries to overthrow Assad in Syria. Theoretically I suppose ISIS doesn't have the historical antipathy toward France as some Algerian Muslim perhaps yet with so many French Muslim there will be those that regard payback as kosher, halal or whatever.

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