
Restarting the Cold War (poem)

Cold war enigma
a fuel cell power plant
silhouetted shadows deepen
concrete Soviet blocks built to the west
waterfront plots around dark pools
research firms mining dissident ideas
corporatists,communists, advanced telecommunications networks
ad hoc ideas for consolidating absolute power
without stalin or delay

Ants scurry along networks of varicose pipelines
innumerable jobs working underground
exhausting reproductive economic cycles of guns and butter
working jobs of field crafts
attacking rotting fruit producing mountains of molehills
freely in trade
for dusty twits, trime and singularity

Raptor rime of ancient mariner
syncopated with blackened lips
parched through waves of verdant decline
expanses of revenutionary warps of the old school
with new tools of gathering power
where trillions of stealth drones lurk in dark space
like whirlwinds of logic sold as slaves to evolution
a doctrine for combat ops droning on
as corporals of industry deadveloping time

Clouds restoring defeat from victory's jaw
disappear while peaceful ice crystals melt away
quietly tickling down to silent spring''s sanctions
in a non-renewable river flow breaking up empires
where deposits from borderlands build banks
being and becoming fossil's fuels of the new hive.

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