
Evolving Evolution as a Political Phlosophy

Evolution theory has become used as an all-purpose excuse for the deletion of social morality as meaningful in recent times. As a pragmatic way to overstep existing social boundaries a political leader need only say that his position is evolving. Evolution is a scientific theory rather than a political philosophy however, so one must wonder what effect upon existing political philosophy that evolution applied as political philosophy has; is it consistent, logic or simply a first-order method of obfuscating political philosophy?

Does evolution imply progress? Is evolution a synonym for social progressivism? Isn't it just as possible for natural selection to evolve species extirpation when it over-consumes planetary resources as it is to produce an ecological economic genius for leader? There are numerous questions about the validity of evolution as a political philosophy too easy to raise.

Evolution is often used to negate human social judgments and even meaning as having any sort of value. It is of course often a way of expressing disbelief in anything spiritual though the philosopher G.W.F. Hegel developed the philosophical paradigm of dialectical evolution that Karl Marx and others of a material inclination later used to negate the existence of spirit. Evolution as a kind of progressive natural selection of mass to produce sentient beings is taken for granted by some evolution as political philosophy theorists perhaps, while Hegel originally intended the entire steady state Universe mass-energy field to be a development of Absolute Spirit realizing itself through historical evolution (in modern terms).

Natural selection sometimes is understood as meaning the selection of the  best as in  producing a champion.  In evolutionary contexts it may just indicate species and/or individuals naturally selected to survive disaster and  mass  species extinction. The  natural selection of market forces to create  solutions to environmental challenges is therefor a disaster itself  creating  a solid prospect  for  social  failure to  intentionally determine  and implement  remedies to ecospheric challenge and decay.

A small mammal species named purgatorius  hypothetically was the best  natural selection to survive the global cooling and mass extinctions of 65 million years ago. Social reliance on market forces and natural selection to get world human population through the tight spot in the environmental  Hourglass ahead is not likely to produce  a better  result than  for the dinosaurs of that  day. Spiritual freedom rather  than decadent  evolution  as political philosophy is the best and perhaps the only way to get through this  anthropocene era.

The Realms of Absolute Spirit that Hegel regarded as evolving material reality could be taken as something akin to the process that the neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus took to be an emanation of substance in forms by the Intelligence authorized by the One (Spirit). Contemporary brane theory like the atomic theory of monadology that the philosopher and mathematician Leibniz invented along with calculus (simultaneously with Newton) could be readily regarded along Hegelian lines of spirit actualizing through forms of energy that entangle as matter to create stars, molecules, elements and so forth. In short evolution has numerous paradigms in which it might be regarded, yet that of political philosophy is one of the most challenging to take seriously.

As a political philosophy evolution is something of a negation of political philosophy as meaningful. When hard-won political systems like democracy and civil rights of mankind theories are largely set aside as secondary or even ancillary fabrications of phenomenal history within evolution it is very easy to lose those rights for the masses. 

One too easily can discover the concentration of wealth and power as well as that of elites returning to positions of social dominance with the help of evolution as a political philosophy. The natural selection of the best or the rich almost requires no support when power for its own sake become its own political and philosophical justification. Laws may evolve to subjugate the law abiding to rule by elites of supermen above the law. Anti-democratic, sardonic yipcasters may condition citizens to provide voluntary extra tax payments to support quasi-governmental agencies until the proles have nothing left. Evolution as political philosophy may readily be exploited as a tool of social corruption.

If-world population increase stops at ten billion for-the standard of living for all to be equal to that of the U.S.A. today would need to increase 25 times. The elites may evolve a mass population reduction to deal with that and let themselves survive as the most fit. In a way it is the natural evolution of evolution as political philosophy. Similar ways of thought prevailed in some elite circles in the1920s.

The world would be a better place socially if the majority of humanity evolved a belief in God and sought to reflect his glory.

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